
Saturday, January 28, 2017

Updated - Corey Goode In Emergency Room with Severe Chest Pains

Thanks to your immediate support, his condition is stabilizing. Corey just told me the following via text:

"I started doing much better very soon after you posted the request for prayers. Ka' Aree told me (telepathy) to be calm, She was observing the situation and I would be okay."

That being said, this does NOT appear to be a 'normal' event. We had a major aerospace conference that "just so happened" to be at our hotel at the same time that we were taping.

Check out the video Corey shot of what he could see while walking around the common lobby area of the hotel. It was an SAS Aerospace Conference. Some "very big names" were there.

We also have a photo of the two of us in front of the sign at the entrance, which I added here as a "custom thumbnail".

Then add to this that my close friend had a dream where Corey was being attacked by an 8-foot-tall agent-type being -- with a heart attack weapon.

He was warned in the strongest terms to stay away from what in the dream was a very dark and foreboding area that Corey had willingly walked into, oblivious to the danger.

Corey heard this dream, which occurred the day before his ER visit, but did not know what to make of it at the time.

Then add to it that I had announced major breakthroughs in our work, and that I was going to a funeral, the day before this happened. The episode occurred just two hours after the funeral.

We appear to have avoided disaster this time, but your prayers and loving thoughts are still urgently needed. Thank you.
Sphere Being Alliance
Doing a bit better... dr's didn't mention altitude sickness... my own diagnosis. CG


David Wilcock

Please send your prayers and good thoughts to Corey Goode. At 7:14 PM, seven minutes ago, he sent me a short video of himself on a hospital bed in the emergency room, surrounded by machines and family. He is experiencing severe chest pains. The raw footage 3GP file is included here, very short, and I hope it works.

This is just one day after we finished taping Cosmic Disclosure, right in the midst of while all sorts of massive breakthroughs are going on, some of which cannot be discussed. Corey's ER visit also occurred immediately after I just attended a funeral where everyone was crying over a tragic death. Coincidence?

Last night on stage for the Gaia event in Boulder, with 250 people, I mentioned serious breakthroughs I could not talk about and that I was going to a funeral. Then this on the same day?

While writing this he texted again and the doctors have told him it may be "severe reverse altitude sickness." He was fine while we were taping, although he was exhausted as usual from a whole week, which led to 11 new episodes.

In the talk I was describing the power we all have of healing. Please take a moment to send your love and support to Corey right now. We cannot afford to lose him at this point, particularly in light of how much things are about to shift in our favor.

We also had a dream yesterday morning indicating he was in severe danger. This included an eight-foot-tall human in a creepy "agent" costume who bumped into the dreamer and then left the area in strange gymnastic movements. The "bump" appeared to be a heart attack weapon and the dream indicated severe danger. Now this.

Please pray for Corey now. Thank you so much.

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