Since fetishes and perversions always travel with their sexual addicts, what if Trump's Russian prostitutes weren't adults?
Boy, think if such a thing were proven true, that might overnight end the Donald's Presidency, real estate and media brand plus the Zionistic aspirations of the entire Israeli neocon coalition in the Knesset?
Maybe, do you think that US intelligence agencies might have known a fact like this--if true--before Mr. Trump ever ran for President in case he won--and do you think they might be willing to go to extreme measures in order to protect the nation from future global embarrassment?
It's just incredible to think 63 million Americans voted for a potential child rapist... and Hillary the voracious and open lesbian was no better... 65 million plus voted for her.
Please awaken to the truth, America... our country is really messed up and you are needed to fix it.