Monday, June 27, 2016

Ancient Mars Was Even More Earth-Like Than We Imagined

Artist’s impression of what Mars looked like billions of years ago. (Image: Ittiz)

New findings from NASA’s Curiosity Rover provide evidence that significant amounts of oxygen once permeated the atmosphere of ancient Mars. The Red Planet, it would seem, was more Earth-like than we thought.

Using the ChemCam instrument atop Curiosity, scientists at the Los Alamos National Laboratory have discovered high levels of manganese oxides in Martian rocks. The rover made the discovery in mineral-filled cracks in sandstones in the Kimberley region of Gale crater. The presence of this chemical element suggests that high levels of free-floating oxygen once existed on Mars, and that in addition to having a warmer climate and lakes of liquid water, this planet was once quite Earth-like in terms of its chemical composition.

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Globalist Agenda Watch 2016 - June 27, 2016

Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Update 13 – Why the Globalists are Demolishing the EU (& What its Replacement Will Look Like)

Have you noticed how hard the controlled alternative press are working to convince you that the globalists / NWO / banksters are frightened by the BREXIT result?…


…From the Drudge Report, Breitbart, and Infowars

Well nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the collapse of the European Union is a necessary step in building the New World Order the Rockefellers and Kissinger outlined back in their late 1950’s NWO implementation plan…


…From Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Panel Reports

Take special note of the first passage: “The hoped-for result is peace in a world divided into smaller units…” So is the EU a “smaller unit”? No, an EU superstate with its own army is a larger unit than its constituent nation-states, so it clearly wasn’t built to be part of the real New World Order. Rather, it was built as an expendable tool to help the globalists get to the New World Order.

Benjamin Fulford Update - June 27, 2016

The EU is bankrupt and that is why its governing structure will fundamentally change

Posted by benjamin
June 27, 2016

The real reason for the ongoing trouble in the European Union, including the recent vote by the British people to leave the bloc, is that the EU is bankrupt. We know in retrospect that the bankruptcy of the Soviet Union was the real reason the Warsaw pact fell apart, with Poland acting as the first domino. For the same reason, we can predict England was the first domino in the collapse of the European Union.

The emerging consensus view is, as Pentagon analysts put it, “Brexit may lead to Frexit (French exit), the collapse of banks, populism, nationalism and anti-globalism.” This is also likely lead to an end to Khazarian mafia sponsored Mulsim immigration.

The situation in France has already become so chaotic that French police say they are becoming too exhausted to deal with the daily, violent demonstrations taking place throughout the country. French President Francois Hollande, who has only 11% public support, is trying to ban demonstrations but it is hard to see who will enforce his “ban.” In other words, France is headed for revolution.

“This is the worst period I recall, there is nothing like it,” is how former Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan described the general situation and the market chaos that followed the Brexit vote.

COBRA Interview - June 20, 2016


Cobra is a Pleiadian contactee and has been in contact with the underground for over 35 years. He has been told to remain anonymous by The Resistance and has ongoing communications with beings from Planet X that assist The Resistance Movement. As an earthly representative of the Agarthan network and the light forces, he strives to prepare humanity for the up and coming event horizon.
Our intention is to dissipate fear, clear up any misunderstandings, and add insights into what is really happening behind the daily headlines. For more background you are invited to read his blog archive totaling 729 entries to this date.  See:

Transcript of the June 20, interview posted on June 26, 2016


Prepare for Change and Cobra Interview June 20, 2016

Lynn – Welcome ladies & gentlemen to our monthly Cobra interview. Your hosts today are Lynn and Richard. Our goal with these Cobra interviews as with our website is to inform, educate and prepare for coming events. Please remember that no one has all the answers all the time. Remember that your own internal guidance is the key and always go with what resonates with that guidance.

Continue to Listen and Read at .....

Michael Salla Update - June 27, 2016

Britain Challenges Covert Fourth Reich

From June 17, 1940 to June 22, 1941, Great Britain stood alone against the Nazi Third Reich which had blitzed mainland Europe and forged an alliance of convenience with the Soviet Union in splitting Poland asunder. Now, 75 years later, with the June 23 decision to leave the European Union, Great Britain has issued a clear challenge to a secret ‘Fourth Reich”, covertly established by breakaway Nazi groups in South America and Antarctica, who during WWII had established an advanced space program, and later exerted an increasingly powerful hidden influence over the European Union.

The roots of the infiltration of the European Union and its predecessors by breakaway Nazi groups after WWII can be traced to a decision taken by Deputy Fuhrer Martin Bormann on August 10, 1944 soon after the Allied armies landed on the beaches of Normandy. Bormann had secretly brought together leading German industrialists and told them the war was lost.

We Just Witnessed The Greatest One Day Global Stock Market Loss In World History

euro burningBy Michael Snyder

More stock market wealth was lost on Friday than on any other day in world history.  As you will see below, global investors lost two trillion dollars on the day following the Brexit vote.  And remember, this is on top of the trillions that global investors have already lost over the past 12 months.  It is important to understand that the Brexit vote was not the beginning of a new crisis – it has simply accelerated a global financial crisis that started last year and that was already in the process of unfolding.  As I noted on Friday, we have been waiting for “the next Lehman Brothers moment” that would really unleash fear and panic globally, and now we have it.  The next six months should be absolutely fascinating to watch.

According to CNBC, the total amount of money lost on global stock markets on Friday surpassed anything that we had ever seen before, and that includes the darkest days of the financial crisis of 2008…

Wisdom Teachings with David Wilcock: Out with the Old and In with the Floating Cities - Further Disclosures

The topics discussed in this episode of Wisdom Teachings were revealing, and quite a bit refreshing. When we think of anything relative to partial disclosure, thoughts of UFO's, the Secret Space Program, or the Ancient Builder Race may come to mind.The Wisdom Teachings series has covered so many exciting and other-worldly events, but I find the contrast of the more personal, Earthly subject-matters covered to be of great value as well.

This episode included two major disclosures which, as David Wilcock observed, seemed to be more overlooked than other revelations mentioned in the narrative of partial disclosure.

Comedic Propaganda
The discussion begins with one key disclosure which came from Wikileaks. Many of us will remember the 2014 movie, The Interview with Seth Rogen and James Franco. We may also remember the controversy and suspected collusion behind the scenes which revealed this movie to be a form of war propaganda. However, instead of speculating, lets get a more defined answer. We turn to USA Today for an article published on April 16, 2015 regarding the revelations of the Sony hack which took place in early 2015.

RV/GCR Update Events Since Friday June 24, 2016

Dinar Chronicles

Federal Reserve to New US Republic via a GCR

Events since Fri. June 24, 2016

Compiled on 27 June 2016 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, Author, "Twenty Two Faces," CEO, Child Abuse Recovery.

1. On June 24 2016 Paul Ryan exposed a tax reform agenda that appeared to carry lines of the NESARA Law (the law that served as a basis for forming of the new US Republic). Republicans unveiled the sixth and final plank of A Better Way - a pro-growth blueprint for a simpler, fairer tax code. Americans would be able to do their taxes on a form as simple as a postcard. The plan reorganized the IRS so that it focused on serving taxpayers, not the government.

2. Also on June 24 2016 Britain withdrew from the Euro Zone, plunging global markets into a free fall.

3. Right after results of Britain's June 24 2016 vote were made public, Germany's Deutche Bank, with 65 Trillion in derivatives intertwined in several other western banks, let go of 3000 employees.

4. The market experienced a modest rebound on that same June 24 2016 when first the Bank of England, along with all other central banks, promised to pump unlimited liquidity into the financial system - all of which was promised only a day after the Fed’s stress tests showed all 33 banks exceeded minimum requirements. Did they plan to save world markets with a Global Currency Reset?

9/11 Truth Goes Mainstream With Barbara Honegger

Listen to the broadcast at the bottom of the page located at this link here......

9/11 Truth Goes MAINSTREAM !! With Barbara Honegger 


After the Unanimous Senate Vote on JASTA, TWO ’60 Minutes’ Broadcasts, and The Expected Imminent Release of the 28 Pages, former White House Policy Analyst, Iran-gate whistleblower, 15-year Senior Military Affairs Journalist for the Dept. of Defense and 9/11 Pentagon attack expert Barbara Honegger reports on all these developments and much more! Honegger also brings us up to date on the historic 9/11 Conference and Legal Panels event that will be held in New York City on Sat. Sept. 10th and Sun. Sept.11th, commemorating the 15th Anniversary of the attacks, including internationally renowned attorneys and the former Chief Justice and current President of the Supreme Court of Italy who investigated and successfully prosecuted the Cold War Gladio attacks in Europe! 


The 28 Pages are nearing a very possible declassification and the Senate recently unanimously passed a bill, J.A.S.T.A., that would remove ‘sovereign immunity’ from foreign governments and individuals that currently protect them from lawsuits for sponsoring terrorist acts against U.S. citizens on U.S. soil. From what we know of the Pages from members of Congress who have read them and gone public, they point to the involvement of members of the Saudi government and Saudi royal family including Prince Bandar bin Sultan who is so close to the Bush Crime Family that they call him “Bandar Bush”. Prince Bandar was the Saudi Ambassador to the U.S. during the planning, execution and cover up of the most horrendous crimes in American history, the crimes of 9/11. According to those who have read the Pages, Bandar’s wife supported the San Diego living arrangements of two of the alleged ‘hijackers’ who both, according to the official story, were on the Pentagon plane; and after the attacks planeloads of Saudi royal family members and bin Ladens were allowed to fly out of the U.S. before any American civilian airliner was allowed in the air. Imagine that! and with 15 of the 19 alleged hijackers being Saudis! As a leading expert on the Pentagon attack, Honegger is uniquely positioned to tell us why the claim that the only two alleged ‘hijackers’ reportedly in the 28 Pages are claimed to have been on thePentagon plane is so important.

Leo Zagami and Chris Everard Expose the Black Pope


AIRED: 06-26-2016

Listen to the show at .....

(This is the most comprehensive expose on the Black Pope and the links between black magic and Freemasonry every broadcast – this is two hours of fast-paced, action packed broadcasting with a whistleblower who is a former 33rd degree freemason and member of Aleister Crowley’s Ordo Templi Orientis – we discuss the summoning of demonic entities, the Baphomet, the Yazidi ethos who believe that Satan is the brother of Jesus, the Trilateral Commission meeting in Rome on the same day that Bernie Sanders flies in to meet the Pope and the Pope air lifts Yazidi children out of refugee camps in Greece to be living with the Pope in the Vatican. We also discuss a satanic ritual attended by top politicians – LEO ZAGAMI’s “Confessions” series of books are available from Amazon and are absolutely amazing. You can see Leo presenting a new TV show on THE ENIGMA CHANNEL called THE OCCULT WORLD – this is the first broadcast ever which shows that the OTO are joining forces with Baba mystics in India who eat every meal from a human skull, they eat the flesh of corpses and eat excrement – and it is the OTO which has manoeuvred itself into a commanding position over world freemasonry – Leo exposed all these scandals and was then spelled from Freemasonry!)


Kids Like These Are Why Carl Sagan Said Reincarnation Deserves Serious Scientific Study

Kids Like These Are Why Carl Sagan Said Reincarnation Deserves Serious Scientific Study


Reincarnation is a fascinating subject that has remained on the fringe of scientific study for too long. Fortunately, it has recently begun to attract serious interest from the scientific community. Decades ago, American astronomer and astrobiologist Carl Sagan stated that “there are three claims in the [parapsychology] field which, in my opinion, deserve serious study,” with one being “that young children sometimes report details of a previous life, which upon checking turn out to be accurate and which they could not have known about in any other way than reincarnation.” Fast forward to today, and amazing discoveries have been made, as multiple researchers have taken it upon themselves to study this intriguing and inexplicable — at least from a materialist scientific worldview — phenomenon. Subjects like reincarnation belong to the non-material sciences, an area of research that deserves more attention. As Nikola Tesla himself said, “the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

University of Virginia psychiatrist Jim Tucker is arguably the world’s leading researcher on this topic, and in 2008, he published a review of cases that were suggestive of reincarnation in the journal Explore.

Two Former Illuminati Members Come Forward - The Illuminati Plan, Mind Control, Secret Space Program, Time Travel

June 27, 2016

Carolyn Hamlett & Eleyna are our special guests on this weeks show, and this is more woo that most can handle! We get into DNA manipulation, Satan’s spiritual hierarchy, time travel, secret space and the power of Jesus in a show that takes Freaky Friday to the next level in all things woo!

This is the previous show with these two brave women disclosing their stories….