Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Stephen Colbert Uses Declassified Doc to Embarrass New World Order Member Donald Rumsfeld

Colbert Uses Declassified Doc to Grill Rumsfeld: “It Is Big”

“It is big.”

That’s how Donald Rumsfeld described the percentage of “unknowns” about Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) program to Air Force General Richard Myers in a Secret September 9, 2002, memo.

The declassified memo – and accompanying eight-page Joint Chiefs of Staff report – makes clear that the Intelligence Community’s (IC) “knowledge of the Iraqi nuclear weapons program is based largely – perhaps 90% – on analysis of imprecise intelligence.” The report further spells out that the IC didn’t know the status of Iraq’s enrichment capabilities for its nuclear weapons program, that the knowledge of how and where Iraq was producing its biological weapons was “probably up to 90% incomplete”, and that the JCS seriously doubted that Iraq had the processes in place to build long range ballistic missiles – a clear refutation of arguments made by advocates for invading Iraq that Hussein was building long range missiles capable of hitting Israel.

Michael Salla Update - February 3, 2016

Inner Earth Beings are Anunnaki 

Ancient Inner Earth Civilization May Be the Anunnaki of Sumerian Texts

Secret Space Program whistleblower Corey Goode made an astonishing revelation in yesterday’s episode of Cosmic Disclosure in which he described his extensive tour of a massive underground cavern system belonging to an Inner Earth Civilization dating back millions of years. These people of the Inner Earth had helped the Ancient Sumerians rebuild civilization after a minor cataclysm on the surface. In whole or in part, the representatives of the Inner Earth were suggesting they were the Anunnaki, who Zecharia Sitchin described in his famed Earth Chronicles series of books.

This and the previous episode of Cosmic Disclosure have focused on a Goode’s meeting with select members of up to seven ancient Earth civilizations, and his subsequent tour of underground facilities, which took place in September 2015. Goode had earlier released a written report of this meeting on September 23. 
Last week, in the January 26 episode, Goode described key points in this meeting with the representatives, whose civilizations ranged in age from the youngest dating from approximately four ice ages ago, to the oldest enduring a staggering 17-18 million years.

There IS No “National Debt” Owed By Americans

There IS No “National Debt” Owed By Americans

I keep running into this idea that we have a huge nineteen trillion dollar debt to pay, and this is totally FALSE. The IMF doing business as the UNITED STATES, INC., a governmental services corporation in bankruptcy owes $19 trillion and has falsely named us as its “sureties”— think co-signers — for its debts. They’ve tried to swindle us the same way the Federal Reserve Banks swindled our parents and grandparents back in the 1930’s.

Only this time we saw them coming and repudiated the false claim and the odious debts — debts amassed by process of fraud against innocent people who did not benefit from the fraud.

In a debt-credit system, a debt creates an automatic equal credit and a credit creates an automatic equal debt. Put another way—If there is a “National Debt” there is also an equal “National Credit” in the same amount—but the banks and politicians never tell anyone about the National Credit, just the National Debt.

That’s because they siphoned off the value of your National Credit and want to leave you holding the bag to pay what is actually their debt to you on top of it.

What has happened in fact is that we have exchanged our labor and national resources and products for “promissory notes” — I.O.U.’s issued by the Federal Reserve System known as Federal Reserve Notes. They received all the benefit of our goods and products and labor, but never really paid us anything but paper in exchange and never paid our debts down, either.

Wisdom Teachings – The Mars Transfer with David Wilcock

Wisdom Teachings – The Mars Transfer with David Wilcock

This week's episode of Wisdom Teachings, was as specially interesting. The episode started out with a recap from last week's episode, “The Mars Migration”, in which David explained the account from the Law of One of the Martian/Maldecian war, the destruction of both worlds, and the transfer of the population of Mars to Earth by the 6th density beings whose collective consciousness was named “Ra”.
NASA confirms that Mars used to be inhabitable.
Click here to read last week's update called “Wisdom Teachings – The Mars Migration”.

David continued to describe, in greater detail, the process of transferring the souls of the victims of the Martian catastrophe from Mars to Earth. (This was a very interesting description, in my opinion, as practical matters of energetic influence, as well as details of pre-incarnation are of particular interest to me.) He told of how the Law of One accounted this transfer as a type of karmic balancing initiated by the Ra beings, as the former Martian inhabitants were put into a type of 'soul storage'.  These souls were then transplanted into Earth's biosphere, were genetically altered to be suited for Earth's conditions, and were then further lead along a path away from war and conflict to one of greater love, light, and unity.

Devastating: 48% Collapse In Trucking Orders: “The Backbone of U.S. Trade Infrastructure and Logistics”

Devastating: 48% Collapse In Trucking Orders: “The Backbone of U.S. Trade Infrastructure and Logistics”

Zero Hedge
February 3rd, 2016
Read by 2,786 people
truckingcollapse-main-th truckingcollapse-main
To much applause you no doubt heard President Obama take aim at all the fear mongers out there during his State of the Union address a couple of weeks ago:
The United States of America, right now, has the strongest, most durable economy in the world…
Anyone claiming that America’s economy is in decline is peddling fiction.

As we and other fiction writers, researchers and analysts have repeatedly warned in recent months, the United States has clearly entered recession, if not worse.

But, don’t take our word for it. Here’s the reality of the situation, as reported by Zero Hedge. Pay special attention to the “red” lines.

“It’s Probably Nothing”: January Truck Orders Collapse 48%

We have previously shown just how bad the situation in the US heavy trucking space – trucks with a gross weight over 33K pounds – was most recently in “US Trucking Has Not Been This Bad Since The Financial Crisis” in which we looked at November data and found, that “Class 8 truck net orders at 16,475, were 59% below a year ago and the lowest level since September 2012.  This was the weakest November order activity since 2009 and was a major disappointment, coming in significantly below expectations. All of the OEMs, except one, experienced unusually low orders for the month.”

Judge Anna Clarification About The New Republic and General Dunsford - February 3, 2016

Clarification — What We Have Done am not a legal counsel for the General (Dunford).

We are all working on reclaiming American assets for Americans. For right now, it’s improper to call what we are doing a “New Republic”— that will require a public education process, each one making their political status (citizenship, etc.) choices, the election of Fiduciary Deputies from each State to attend a Continental Congress to either amend or abolish the existing actual Constitution.

For now, we have saved The Constitution for the united States of America.

The rats sought to “vacate” the contract by entering the UNITED STATES, INC. into bankruptcy without naming a successor to contract. That left the “federal” side of the contract vacant and flapping in the wind.