Saturday, January 23, 2016

Major Intel/Rumor Update - New Republic, Global Currency Reset, 'The Event' - January 23, 2016

This comprehensive intel/rumor report was provided by

Intel / Rumors

(use discretion regarding all below information)

All 210 sovereign nations of the free world has publicly and/or privately de-pegged from the USD/petrol dollar as a unit of economic measure. USD for a lack of a better phrase, has officially been "dismissed from all monetary relevance" as of 1/1/16.

All sovereign debts (including new/old petrol crude and brent oil sales) are now being settled via Chinese Yuan, Russian Rubbles or gold bullion. The USD/petrol dollar is no longer being accepted as the legal tender of

The spot price of gold is now set by the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE), which has permanently replaced the London Gold Exchange (LGE) as the global metals pricing chief steward.

The United Nations has been reformed to be inclusive of all sovereign nations of the free world, and a new United Nations like entity will govern world affairs. Such an entity has already been created and will be announced shortly, headquartered in Beijing, China.

The International Monetary Fund and World Bank have been reformed to be inclusive of all sovereign nations of the free world. Both will ultimately be slowly phased out of existence.

BRICS has permanently assumed the diplomatic chief steward role away from North AtlanticTreaty Organization or NATO.

AIIB has permanently assumed the economic chief steward role away from WB/ADP.

PBOC has permanently assumed the money supply chief steward role away from IMF/BIS/FED/ECB/BOE/CB System.

The Federal Reserve Bank (a private bank owned by Eastern European families known as the "Dark Nobility") has been declared bankrupt by an International Court and shuttered.

85 million people are in the path of massive winter storm

(CNN)Up to 85 million people are in the path of a worsening winter storm that's hit much of the East Coast of the United States.

Snow is coming down, but when the storm goes into the Atlantic on Saturday morning, it will supercharge, CNN Meteorologist Chad Myers said. 

"The fuse was just lit," Myers said. Once it gets to the jet stream, "that's when the firecracker goes off."

Here are the latest developments as of 2:50 a.m. ET:
-- Two people died Friday night in traffic accidents linked to inclement weather in North Carolina, said spokeswoman Olivia James of the State Emergency Response Team.
-- Mass transit services in Washington and Baltimore have been suspended for the weekend.
-- Some Amtrak service to and from the East Coast has either been canceled or truncated.
-- Philadelphia has issued a code blue for overnight Friday into Saturday. This means anyone who spots homeless people out in the cold should call the police, who will take them to a shelter.
-- 10 states have all declared states of emergency due to the storm as of Friday. They are: Georgia, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Kentucky, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Virginia and West Virginia. Washington has declared a "snow emergency."

Antarctic Tunnels as Tall as the Eiffel Tower Found

Antarctic Tunnels as Tall as the Eiffel Tower Found | Connections to Operation Highjump and Secret German Bases?

Here is an interesting article discussing the discovery in Antarctica of huge tunnels, as large as the Eiffel Tower, 324 meters (1,063 ft) tall.

There are several accounts that discuss ancient cities, and even nazi bases being built in Antarctica. Operation Highjump is one such military operation that attempted to deal with secret Nazi bases in Antarctica during the 1950's, headed by Admiral Byrd.

Corey Goode, a secret space program insider, and whistleblower testified that there are ancient city networks under the ice of Antarctica, which he discussed in his show Cosmic Disclosure. This recent find by scientists confirms part of what he disclosed.

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