Sunday, December 25, 2016

The Breakthrough is Near (Current Events, Intel Compilation)


Greetings everyone, I hope you are all doing well. In this article I would like to present a compilation of current events and intel that show how close we are to a final breakthrough here on Earth.

I know the words near, soon and imminent have been used to death but when we realize how long this planet has been in quarantine and under control of the dark forces, 25,000 years, it makes a few months or years seem manageable; do-able, if you will. Or perhaps survival-able is better. Yes that one sounds more correct.

Now no one knows when The Event will happen. We can try to pinpoint a date or time period but it’s not easy to do this as there are billions of people with free will who are constantly changing the course of events, not to mention the clearing of the remaining Plasmic Toplet Bombs to ensure the safety of the planet and its inhabitants. The main timeline though, per Cobra’s sources and intel, is a positive one and victory of the light has been assured, so we needn’t put too much focus into the negative.

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