The whole process of altering this planetary society has been much more complicated than first imagined. This realm was initially conceived of by the Anunnaki as a land that possessed a primary belief that those in power were invincible. Thus, the present group of minions saw themselves as Beings capable of overcoming anything that might reduce or end their power. A most arrogant set of beliefs was deeply etched into everyone’s psyche. One of the many reasons for our difficulty in aiding our partners in the Light was these insane core conceptions. This belief is now receding as, day by day, Heaven aims a burst of positive and consciousness-raising energies at humanity. We have watched as our earthly partners succeeded in altering this negative belief and initiated a series of major arrests among this global group of minions. The aim of this operation is to ensure that prosperity leads directly into a GESARA for this long-suffering world. Step by step, this is indeed becoming the case!
These events are part of a larger project, which is to form the foundation of the realm where we intend to land when the divine time is right. This is a continuation of a position that we, with the Ascended Masters, wish to complete in the very near future. Gaia’s peoples are in the midst of an ever-growing series of population cycles. Our responsibility is to make sure that the most critical aspects of this globe achieve the funds required to set up a number of key objectives. These include fresh water, electrification and a modern sewage system. It is horrifying to us that most of this planet lacks the means to connect to the Internet and to live at night in an electrified environment. These primitive conditions need to be transformed quickly. There are enough energy and funds in this world to swiftly change this. These problems, along with a growing need for literacy, are to be addressed by our earthly associates.
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