Written by Dr Michael Salla on
A secret space program run by the U.S. Air Force with the support of the National Security Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Reconnaissance Office, has concluded that Corey Goode’s testimony of multiple secret space programs with interstellar spacecraft using temporal drive technologies is not disinformation. This is among the most recent claims of Goode in a December 11 update about information he recently acquired as a result of his abduction and interrogation by what he describes as a Military Industrial Complex Secret Space Program (MIC-SSP) comprising the above U.S. military intelligence entities.
In a previous abduction incident in late September, Goode described a senior USAF officer in charge of his chemical interrogation who told Goode that they believed he was spreading disinformation from a rogue Special Access Program.
On October 26, Goode was abducted for a third time by this MIC-SSP, which he states is not advanced as the U.S. Navy’s “Solar Warden”, and other secret space programs he has previously described in interviews and reports.
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