1976, the United States sent a pair of space probes, known as Viking 1
and Viking 2, to Mars. Viking 1 was launched on August 20th, 1975, and
Viking 2 was launched in September of the same year. Both
probes photographed the surface of Mars from orbit, and one studied the
planet from the surface. The first one touched down on the surface of
Mars on July 20th, 1976 and the second a couple of months later. The
main objectives of the mission were to obtain high-resolution images of
Mars, to look for any evidence of life, and to learn more about the
structure and composition of the atmosphere.
As Viking 1 spacecraft was circling the
planet, it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face. An enormous
head nearly two miles from end to end seemed to be staring back at the
cameras from a region of the Red Planet called Cydonia. A pyramid
structure was also seen. This will be the main topic of this article.
As a quick side note here, for years
we’ve been made to believe that Mars is a dry and arid planet,
completely devoid of life, but that’s just not the case. Mars actually
used to be an Earth-like planet, with giant oceans and
extensive greenery. The soil is moist and wet, and there is a very high
likelihood that some type of life exists within the interior of Mars
today. You can watch that full press conference HERE.
The question to ask here is, did NASA
know this information from the Viking data in 1976? According to
multiple insiders who have worked for the agency, NASA is not always
honest, and we are only being told this now because they believe we are
ready to process and accept these facts. For example, Bob Dean, a
retired United States Army Command Sergeant Major who also served at the
Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) of NATO as an
intelligence analyst, gave a lecture on footage and photos that had been
erased and kept hidden for decades:
Ladies and gentlemen, my government, NASA, which many of us in the United States say stands for Never A Straight Answer, proceeded to erase 40 rolls of film of the Apollo Program — the flight to the Moon, the flight around the Moon, the landings on the Moon, the walking guys here and there. They erased, for Christ’s sake, 40 rolls of film of those events. Now we’re talking about several thousand individual frames that were taken that the so-called authorities determined that you did not have a right to see. Oh, they were ‘disruptive,’ ‘socially unacceptable,’ ‘politically unacceptable.’ I’ve become furious. I’m a retired Command Sergeant Major. I was never famous for having a lot of patience.
You can watch the full lecture HERE.