On November 13, Disclosure Project founder Dr. Steven Greer claimed in a lecture that final preparations for a false flag alien invasion were being facilitated by the recent secret space program disclosures of Corey Goode and William Tompkins. Greer claims that both are victims of psychotronic holographic technologies where they have been implanted with scripted memories of evil aliens abusing captive humans.
Part one of this two part series, examined Greer’s claims regarding Goode. This article examines what Greer had to say about Tompkins and his information.
A number of researchers into secret space program disclosures, including myself, have found Tompkins testimony and documentation to be the most powerful corroboration yet to emerge for many elements of Goode’s earlier disclosures. Consequently, Greer’s critique of Tompkins is very significant for assessing the validity of Goode’s testimony.
In his November 13 lecture, Greer introduces the concept of “alienism” which he defines as follows:
as I’m going to define it tonight, is the proclivity to view anything
that is non-human, but an intelligent life-form, as a potential threat,
and the threat is directly proportional to how different they either
appear or behave from us.
He has the following to say about Tompkins testimony, which in Greer’s view, promotes alienism through scripts prepared by military programs that promote the idea of threatening extraterrestrials:
I know
that the folks that have been in the military programs connected to Mr.
Tompkins and others have an agenda, and I question that agenda has to do
with the propagation of fear and to convince the public that there’s an
existential threat … as Ronald Reagan said at the UN, would unite the
world to fight.