Confirmed ZIM Sovereign Rate Update #3 - Friday - November 11, 2016
1 ZIM = 39,000 USN+
Confirmed ZIM Sovereign Rate Update #2 - Friday - November 11, 2016
1 ZIM = 38,000 USN+
The IMF's Christine LeGarde made the GCR/RV announcement this morning.
Confirmed ZIM Sovereign Rate Update #2 - Friday - November 11, 2016
1 ZIM = 38,000 USN+
The IMF's Christine LeGarde made the GCR/RV announcement this morning.
Lower denominations of IQD are on the street in Iraq.
Exchange centers are open today, staff in place and going over new final procedures for private exchanges.
Couriers are in place and on alert.
It will go today.
Confirmed ZIM Sovereign Rate Update - Friday - November 11, 2016
1 ZIM = 35,000 USN+
20,000+ pre-purchased ZIM holders now in USA. Over 1million worldwide.
This does not include those who were gifted ZIM.
ZIM bond/currency considered a T3 historical asset, whereas all other first basket currencies are deemed pure currencies and thus T4 transactions.
Non ZIM T3 hydrations to complete by early Friday morning with immediate ZIM redemptions set to begin anytime thereafter.
Higher ZIM sovereign rates to be given out for those redeemers providing evidence of future humanitarian projects and/or job creation strategies.
NDAs and 20 year minimum structured payout programs are mandatory when redeeming ZIM at sovereign rates.