GCR/RV Update
November 20, 2016
"Those who dare to believe they've been chosen to change the world ... do."
- Sir Richard Havens
Aloha CC,
NPTB did a full test run yesterday, Saturday 11/19... in preparation for execution on Sunday 11/20.
Dozens of decillion sized wires went out from multiple Asian based holding accounts tied into the Matrix Funds.
Every good standing nation of the world was a fortunate recipient--including 4 to our own Republic of the United States.
The Feast of the Christ the King begins on November 20 at sundown and continues through sundown November 26.
This six-plus-day span is also the sovereign rate private redemption period that was always discussed and scheduled.
ZIM sovereign rates continue to soar ($56,000 USN+) with lower market rates starting at $1.00 USN.
There will be a non-NDA option for all redeemers, but at reduced or less than market rates.
G20 leaders have been intentionally gathered in Lima, Peru as all must be together for the release of the GCR/RV per GESARA guidelines.
Extra terrestrial disclosure will be forth coming after the new year and before the restored Republic's Presidential inaugural on January 20, 2017.
On Friday, sitting Republic President Paul Ryan and his acting Republican Congress quietly re-enacted the gold standard and authorized the release of new Republic Treasury printed currency starting Monday, November 21, 2016.
The illusion of an organic Trump Presidency will be publicly exposed and terminated after a ten day private/public redemption period ending November 30, 2016.
Once the global financial reset has been comfortably seeded and individually settled, all aspects of GESARA compliance will be implemented.
Expect to witness several historical changes throughout 2017.
God is with us.