by: Dquixote1217
Date: Tuesday, 4-Oct-2016 08:31:04
I was up waiting for the promised earth-shattering Wikileaks revelation that Julian Assange promised would end Hillary's presidential bid and . . . Assange just chickened out! I am simply dumbfounded. Here is a report from International Business Reports:
"Contrary to expectations, there was no big revelation made at the 10-year anniversary press conference of WikiLeaks in Berlin, held Tuesday morning. The much-anticipated speech by the organization’s founder Julian Assange, who spoke via video link from the Ecuador embassy in London, was low on details.
"The man wanted by the United States on legal charges only said WikiLeaks would continue to release documents every week for the next 10 weeks, which is well beyond the November presidential elections in the U.S. However, he clearly denied any intention to harm Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign, attributing all such allegations to “misquoting.”
OMG! The reach of the corrupt Clintons is truly astounding. And frightening too. Think about it. They just got to Wikileaks, something that was heretofore unthinkable. Before that - as just confirmed this morning by unofficial Clinton biographer Ed Klein, they got to Obama, the Attorney General and the Director of the FBI to make sure that Hillary would not be charged for her crimes and misdeeds with the private email server and the Clinton Foundation.
Five people were given immunity. FIVE! And two of them had a private deal to have the FBI destroy the laptops they turned over at the end of the "investigation". FBI Director James Comey's weak explanation of how the investigation was handled is as bizarre as his original announcement that he was not recommending charges against Clinton. Equally weak and unbelievable is Attorney General Loretta Lynch's explanation of her meeting on the airport tarmac with Bill Clinton to talk about "golf and grandchildren".
The Clintons truly are above the law. Untouchable. For over three decades they have dodged one scandal after another and left an eve- mounting body count of over 40 people who have crossed or threatened the Clintons. All those lies and scandals over the years are not the result of Hillary's claimed "vast right wing conspiracy". They are the result of a decades long conspiracy by a truly evil pair who will say or do anything to further their ambitions and enrich themselves and who will not let anyone or anything get in their way.
Why would Obama turn his back on political soul mates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren? Why would Sanders and Warren abandon their principles and endorse Hillary, and then not withdraw their endorsements after it was revealed that Hillary and her henchmen (henchwomen?) in the DNC had rigged the primaries and after Clinton picked a banker insider as her VP? In Bernie's case, he can console himself with his new $600,000 beachfront property and his $150,00 luxury car, but there is more to it than that. What Bernie shares with all the others, including Obama, Warren, Comey and Lynch is that they are all still alive. Whatever doubts I may have had about a conspiracy so vast and evil, just disappeared with Assange's bumbling explanation.
People, we truly are in very, very deep trouble. And Trump, you might as well hang it up. It is all rigged against you. For all I know, you might even be part of it.