
Monday, October 17, 2016

White Hats Report #55 - October 17, 2016

October 17, 2016 – White Hats Report #55 – The Ministry of Propaganda is imploding!

As we wind down to the last presidential debate and the upcoming election on November 8, the desperation of the Clinton crime family has been ratcheted up to an unprecedented level.  The latest attempt to coordinate a sexual misconduct attack on Trump fails on so many levels it’s not worth our time or yours to pick it apart.  Suffice it to say, none of it passes the test of common sense from the timing of the allegations to the characters involved to the lack of lawsuits filed against an easy and rich target. These allegations are the wet dream of any plaintiff attorney yet no suit has ever been filed against Trump.

Wikileaks - The gift that keeps on giving

The continued assault on HRC by Wikileaks is exposing the corruption of the cabal despite the mainstream media’s continued attempts to downplay the releases. An analysis performed on the three main networks, ABC, NBC and CBS indicated a 25 to 1 disparity in the time spent on the Trump allegations vs. the damaging and revealing Wikileaks data dumps. The information from these data dumps shouldn’t be surprising to any of our readers as we have clearly documented the corruption of the US political system, dominated by two crime families, Bush and Clinton.

It’s interesting to note the HRC camp does not refute the emails are authentic, spending all their time whining that the Russians are trying to manipulate the election by helping Trump. Sounds like an admission to us. Contrast that response with Trump’s vehement denials of the accusations of sexual assault.  Ironies abound as the very system the cabal devised to spy and collect data on every person on this planet is now being used against their chosen candidate for president to deny her from office. Like the fall of the Roman Empire, at some point the internal corruption and immorality of the regime in the US will eventually eat itself from the inside out, laying bare all the sordid details of its demise.

Her disdain for Catholics, Evangelicals and Latinos has been exposed in addition to her dangerous policies of “open borders” and wish that a white person was behind the shootings in San Bernardino so they could blame it on “homegrown” terrorists and further the gun grab supported by the Democrats and in line with the United Nations NWO narrative.

The FBI enter the fray

Recently released FBI documents indicate a Clinton aide in the State Department offered a bribe to the FBI in exchange for downgrading an email from classified status. Again, we shouldn’t be surprised at the desperation exhibited by the cabal to protect their candidate for president. Related to this, rumblings are being heard from disgruntled, embarrassed and angry FBI agents for the handling of the Clinton investigation which once again, show the corruption of the system.  Be reminded that this was an investigation where five people were offered immunity, no one was charged, evidence was allowed to be destroyed and no Grand Jury was impaneled. Not to mention the husband of the subject of the investigation meets with the Attorney General of the US in a private plane on an airport tarmac, then within a week, the investigation is concluded with no criminal charges filed.  If this situation occurred in a third world country no one would be surprised but we’re now seeing it exposed in a US clearly being run by a criminal cabal with no regard for the citizen’s rights or the rule of law.

The Ministry of Propaganda

Last but not least, we have the mainstream media following the parade of lies, carrying shovels and brooms, constantly trying to clean up the mess made by the Wikileaks exposures. Like a raging house fire, the more they try to put out the fire with water, it turns to gasoline and the flames go higher and higher and the heat intensifies. 

The Creating Reality department of the Ministry has now turned to the “polls” taken by unknown parties of unknown participants of unknown areas in an attempt to convince us that all their work in painting Trump as the bad candidate and HRC as the good candidate is working. It’s another desperate attempt to save HRC from prison. Given that more emails will be released in the future, it’s hard to envision Clinton escaping prosecution no matter who wins the election.  No doubt the HRC campaign is fully aware that their candidate is losing by a wide margin and the message to the American voters is, “No need to come out and vote, the election has already been decided.” Nothing could be further from the truth as just like their candidate, everything they say is a lie, compounded by another lie and another and another.

Trump has recently spoken about the polls being “rigged” and he is absolutely correct.  The ONLY way HRC wins the presidency is if she and the cabal steal it by election fraud. These so called scientific polls being put into the consciousness of the American public is an attempt to get us to accept the rigging of the election before it happens.

Do not fall for this sting!!!

In that vein, the inventor of PollMole, Dr. Richard Davis, a patriot and former SEAL team 5 member will be on the Fade to Black radio show hosted by Jimmy Church tonight at 10 PM EDT.

We continue to urge all our readers and supporters to spread this link far and wide and download the PollMole APP to participate in the all important exit poll on November 8. Dr. Davis and his team are part of the white hats in this country that are trying to prevent another stolen election by the cabal.
We need everyone’s attention to this as our very futures depend on it.