Today again, they are proving that they will be prepared to stand in opposition to the United States and NATO because all four are vying for world dominion. So also the rest of the world’s prophetic nations are aligning themselves either for or again either of two global forces.
China has told Moscow that they will join in the bombing in Syria from their Aircraft Carrier. This has HUGE implications folks. HUGE!
It is a well-known fact that the Nation of Iran today has two chief allies, Russia and China. They have stood by Iran through the thick and thin especially with controlling interest as permanent members of the United Nation’s Security Council. Without Russian and China, Shiite Iran would have been history decades ago.Today again, they are proving that they will be prepared to stand in opposition to the United States and NATO because all four are vying for world dominion. So also the rest of the world’s prophetic nations are aligning themselves either for or again either of two global forces.
China To Join Russian Air Strikes In Syria, Russia Gains Iraq Air Base
BELGRADE – DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources report that China sent word to Moscow on Friday, October 2, that J-15 fighter bombers would shortly join the Russian air campaign that was launched Wednesday, September 30. Baghdad has moreover offered Moscow an air base for targeting the Islamic State now occupying large swathes of Iraqi territory, debka.com reports.The J-15 warplanes will take off from the Chinese Liaoning-CV-16 aircraft carrier, which reached Syrian shores on September 26, according to DEBKAfile. This will be a landmark event for Beijing: its first military operation in the Middle East as well the carrier’s first taste of action in conditions of real combat.
Continue Reading at ...... https://friendsofsyria.wordpress.com/2016/10/20/urgent-development-china-joins-russia-in-syria-air-raids-buckle-up-folks/