
Saturday, October 8, 2016

The Time Is Upon Us - Do Your Part In The Awakening And Ascension Of Earth - Amanda Gauci

by Amanda Gauci,
Infinite Flow

As you ALL may or may not be aware, OUR Great Mother Earth (Gaia), has gone into a new Earth cycle this year.  This is a scientific fact and occurs approximately every 27,000 years.  This year has been quite a ride for all of us, with shift after shift occurring in very close succession.  When I say shift, I am referring to new pockets being opened up in the universe and powerful rays of energy are coming into Earth affecting all of us.  This is what is causing the ‘Awakening’ or the ascension process as some of you may be familiar.  Some of you may have felt this intensely and the rest unconsciously.  This is an exciting time for US as big changes are upon US.  Some of us felt the first shift in December 2012 as the Earth started to change, and we have been coming to light since then.

I am going to focus on the NOW, the period this year since August until February 2017.  There is a mass awakening to happen.  The Earth shifts are constant now, occurring very close together, between 1-2 weeks apart recently.  People are going to break out of old patterns and see through the artificial.  Perhaps even be amazed that they had not seen things this way prior.  Maybe not all of them yet but the many… The shadow government is going to try even harder now to get us into their control but they are losing the battle.  They are becoming desperate in their attempts.  Last week there was a huge plan of attack on humanity but it was foiled.  Mainstream media is part of their agenda so you will not find the correct information there.

Also, when I say Ascension, Earth will be ascending.  The rest of the galaxy is ready to go and they are waiting for US as WE ALL have to do it together.  WE are the last piece of the puzzle.  It really is up to US.  Earth really is in amazing shape for this, believe it or not, all it will be is a frequency change.  How do we do this?

First, you need to ground yourself every day.  Please research grounding or feel free to contact me for my grounding exercise.  For EVERYONE’s benefit, you need to do this every day.  Why?  To ground these new and amazing energies into our Great Mother.  This is healing her and healing all of us.  We are all but a cell in her body.

Second (but not necessarily in any order), you need to take good care of yourself.  This will make the ride much easier for yourself.  Look after your body and be aware of your thinking.  The mind is a very powerful tool.  Choose your thoughts and words wisely.  Clear your chakra system.  If you need help with this seek out a practitioner.  Please feel free to contact me, I am also teaching people how to do this for themselves.  Contact me or someone in the know, if you need any help.

Third, don’t feed into the fear, hate or anger.  That’s what the shadow government want you do to.  They feed off that.  They use this as an excuse to tighten the controls/laws.  Instead, LOVE yourself, LOVE each other, connect.  RESPECT yourself, RESPECT each other, RESPECT our Earth Mother.  Be supportive to each other.  Stop those negative behaviors now in their tracks.  WE are ONE and we need to work as a team.

This is a really beautiful experience for all of us.  Enjoy it.  Flow with it.  Love every moment of it.  It is an exciting time.  There is nothing to fear.  Let’s just make the ride faster and easier for ourselves.  We can change this false paradigm reality into the beautiful existence that is truly our birthright.  Heaven on Earth.

Lightworkers are now working around the clock on this on so many different levels (this is quite possibly you and you are not even aware of it).  We are working in the astral in our sleep and anchoring the energies into the Earth in our waking.  It is so joyfully easy and an amazing experience to be a part of the process.

Remember, YOU chose to be here now in this time.  WE are eternal beings having the human experience.  WE chose not to remember as it is boring to know everything.  WE wanted to go on a new ride.  This is the first time that anything like this has EVER happened throughout time eternal, so there are others watching in on us and others who are helping us through this process.  Everything is working out beautifully.   There is no need to worry or be afraid, DEAR ONE.

Let’s TOGETHER come into awareness and work together to speed up this process.  The sooner, the better for ALL of US, and this artificial reality that does not serve us will be behind us. Let’s separate ourselves from it with love and compassion.  We are officially now in the age of Aquarius.  It’s time for YOU to shine!

Happy Ascension Everybody!
Amanda Gauci – Infinite Flow

About the author: Awakener, Healer Practitioner and Teacher (Reiki, Ashati, Golden Dragon, Seichem, Alsemia, Ascension, Kundalini Reiki), Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP & EFT Practitioner, Located in Sydney, Australia (distance healings available)