
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Goal is Always Ascension - By H. Chavez

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The Goal is Always Ascension
By H. Chavez

The Goal for humanity is always ascension.  For without Ascension there is no need or meaning for sustaining life.  It's simply an inefficient waste to exist without improving.

Today, humanity finds itself seamlessly transitioning from a malevolent physical system of earthly enslavement via the appearance of Creator Source separation into a transparent benevolent form of divine assistance that restores humanity's ancient truths, while also implementing the absolute re-unification mandate direct from heaven's master plan for mankind.

This seamless transition is to appear invisible to the mass public without overt media attention or personal acclaim; however to those more aware of said transition it will appear in every press release, news headline, alternative website, media interview, political election speech and conversation.

Constant but subtle progress will appear as  clearly visible on an hourly basis, globally, as to accomplish such a historic transitional task.  And the collective consciousness / appearance shall be overtly manifested form will become more and more self-evident as each individual consciousness ascends to meet the higher love vibration.

Every sovereign nation, race, military and government entity in the world is well aware of this transition and has sworn to remain silent, treating this transition event like a classified state secrete until the time is mutually agreed upon to release for mass consumption.

Not only is the banking now to become transparent and safe from harm, but so to are all forms of education, culture, entertainment, food supply, athletics, media, science, technology, health care, transportation, history, environment, communication, law, governance, medicine, energy, space travel, extra-terrestrial existence as well as every other daily aspect within the scope of the human experience.

Money, for instance, will now be made so abundant post-transition that there will literally be no need for money as all previous generations of humanity have come to understand it.  Whatever is needed moving forward will be provided, provided it does no harm to others and services the greater good.

This is why so many from this Internet community struggle and/or fight to comprehend the GCR/RV, specially sovereign ZIM values, as they lack the higher consciousness necessary to personally manage the transition, let alone assist others going through their own ascension process.

Instead, they attempt to minimize the scope during this era of change utilizing outdated insult and fear strategies that create temporary and illusionary evolutionary boxes.  The deeper problem with this tactic is that humanity must ascend to survive, per heavenly mandate, and thus cannot be controlled, minimized or boxed in per se. This includes all traditional forms of banking transactions.  

Change is permanent universal law, not some unique era exception.

Sadly, many are simply standing on the wrong side of evolutionary history as they continuously refuse to cross-over into this new era of infinite love and light.  Humanity is free.  And their desire is to remain enslaved.  Hence the conflict and thus artificial drama is therefore created.

This why it is both wise and prudent now to expect the constant expansion of the human condition beyond all your previous earthly psychological boarders and potential physical realms (time and space)--so that you can more peacefully adapt into this "new normal."  

Adapt or die, right?  Well, all of us are either doing one or the other--all of our days and nights--as there is no escaping the requirement of perpetual ascension in this or any era.

Life extension for instance will also become a big part of this brace new reality during said transition, as new medicines and technologies will now be introduced as to immediately allow for increased human mind, body and soul preservation while remaining within your current incarnated vessel.

There is now, and always has been, no limitation to your ascension possibilities, which makes surrendering to a divine Creator Source energy the only pathway forward.  As only soul's desiring to evolve into heaven's mandate for humanity will be allowed to energetically continue.  

And this is why the goal must and always will be ascension.
