"Quan Yin"
12:00 EDT
October 1, 2016
Quan Yin is the Chinese Goddess of mercy. Her name means
"One Who Sees and Hears the Cry from the Human World." Her Chinese
Goddess title signifies, "She who always observes or pays attention to
sounds," i.e., she who hears prayers. She is worshipped especially by
women, but this merciful Goddess comforts all troubled, sick, lost,
senile and less fortunate souls.
world's honorary release blessing (operation eternal sunrise master
completion code) was entered by Grandfather from the mountains of China
to give blessing and birth to the much awaited GCR/RV on sunrise Saturday October 1, 2016 CST (6:11pm EDT Friday, September 30, 2016).
Yuan/Renminbi now becomes a fully convertible international currency,
as do all currencies of the world which are all now legally
collateralized 100% by Chinese Elder gold (aka Global Collateral
Basel lll demands net physical cash and coin issue can be as much as 10% per each nation's sovereign audited asset value.
Basel lV will require an increase of individual sovereign nation
holdings to rise to 50%, which means sovereign gold reserve holdings
must increase over a set period of time, and ultimately reach 100% by
the end of what will be Basel V.
nations of the world must learn to stand on their own asset base,
ingenuity, work ethic and transparent ethical financial reporting
without exception. No free lunches. No fiat values. No starting wars
to mask insolvency. No blatant diplomatic deceit.
All sovereign debt worldwide was completely vanquished with the 2016 global fiscal budget ending Friday, September 30, 2016.
The new global fiscal year (2017) began today at midnight EDT on Saturday October 1, 2016. Every nation and government starts fresh with a clean balance sheet, including the Republic of the United States.
is a seismic planetary event, and it's ripple is being felt throughout
many galaxies and universes. The Saturnalia rebellion against God the
Creator Father has been extinguished--permanently and absolutely.
and eliminations continued throughout the night by Republic, Russian
and Chinese ghost forces. Any force insisting on obstructing human
progress at this point is met a swift and discussion-less end. This
includes Syria and the Ukraine.
to see the Paris Agreement announced as ratified shortly. And expect
to received appointment contact information regarding your currency
redemptions sometime after banks close on the west coast Saturday (8pm EDT) and before markets open in China Sunday (9:30pm EDT).
Thank you Elders.
Thank you Grandfather.
Thank you Quan Yin.
Thank you God the Creator Father.
are humbled by your generous gift, many sacrifices on our behalf and
infinite mercy. Please receive our sincere and endless gratitude.
God is with us.