12:00 EDT
October 6, 2016
12:00 EDT
October 6, 2016
"It is a risk to love. What if it doesn't work out? Ah, but what if it does."
- Peter McWilliams
Good Afternoon O' Blessed Chosen Ones:
If it's true the only constant is change--and I believe it is--then the days of start and stop dates for the RV are over. Eventually this has to come to and end so our new begging can emerge.
holders by this point are hyper aware that flexibly and patience is
part and parcel of the daily RV experience. Intelligence is so random,
and often misses the mark… rarely does it ever perform as expected. Yet
there are gleams of truth coming from several sources, and if we can
piece these sources together with greater discernment, maybe some can
make out the shape of RV progress and fill in the details as we go.
what these SITREPs have been, inflatable gutter bumpers that keep our
Currency Ball headed ever forward down some righteous path to
redemption--of our currency and soul, and not in that order. Never have
they been said to be pinpoint in their accuracy nor maliciously angled
in their agenda. They are reports from multiple sources, multiple
benevolent souls, who share information as they get it. Most intel
receiving is not shared in these SITREPs because it's clearly bogus.
And some is time delayed by request of the source.
instance, yesterday we told you the RV would be processing T3 clients,
well we gave you that information because we knew it was already taking
place… we were not forecasting, but rather reporting. We felt that
would give you hope. To most it does, so some it frustrates them
because they crave absolutes. Both opinions are valid, the choice is
yours how to interpret this information for yourself. It's our moral
responsibility to get you information in a timely manner, should the RV
pop, which it can any second day or night.
even Wells Fargo Corporate or Abbot Downing knows exactly when
this magical 800# release moment will occur, so they always must be
ready. Don't you think they're just a little frustrated? Imagine the
security forces protecting these off site locations, they must be bored
and disillusioned without end, training day after day for an event that
won't even last into November.
make no mistake folks, by following the RV you are taking a big risk.
There's risk in exposing your reputation by believing in something that
the main stream media will not cover thus most of humanity simply cannot
see. In fact, many of you now live on an isolated island of belief,
not only with this massively abundant currency prediction, but also
with the GESARA prediction for the first quarter of next year
(shortly after the US Presidential Inauguration Ceremony).
also great financial risk to bank on a macro financial opportunity that
does not care or even acknowledge immediate micro financial needs
such as mortgages, car payments, loans or student debt. Believing in
the RV to cover basic everyday costs, while long-term a wise move to
provide for generations of your family, short-term has been a brutally
risky decision. You choose this path, or as some would say, God choose
you for it.
shifting your risk by accepting that you believe in something greater
than yourself all in loyal service of others, means absorbing all the
slings and arrows to transform risk into faith. Because by definition,
the one requirement for great accomplishment is equivalent risk taken.
For in order to build unstoppable momentum, we must first rock
backwards to gain speed so we can later thrust forward… and therein lies
the synapse of where risk lives, in the time delay of what is and shall
you're reading this, it means you've already made an
emotional, financial and spiritual investment in the RV. That's
awesome. Congratulations as your character, name and financial state of
being will be vindicated soon. But depending on how deeply you are
embedded in the old world, you're feeling equivalent pressure to
produce results that will never come from existing life paths. These
demands are you are but echoes from the past pleading with you to return
home… but you have a new home. You choose another path. And your
family, friends, business associates and community leaders may not
understand, and may never.
Not everyone is meant to reap the rewards of the RV, let alone even dare to explore it. But you are.
As of yesterday morning, we know that T3 redeemers began getting processed in off site redemption centers in preparation for Thursday's release which came at 1:15am.
This preparation when through the night and continues at this moment,
it's gaining momentum. We're not sure yet how they determined who to
bring in first, probably currency holders that bought locally at
branches perhaps, but we know regular folks like you and me have been
getting converted and hydrated on the spot, all in preparation for an
"unrestricted release" later today.
believe they not only were these redeeming helping to do a final system
check, but also they were serving as Guinea Pigs to help redemption
staff learn more about our collective emotional states before, during
and after real people actually redeemed after all these years of
waiting. Remember, there's a significant individual psychological
element to sudden wealth, and we believe they wanted to better
understand the masses cultural temperature both pre and post
exchange--one final time--in an actual redemption moment, location.
there's great risk for the new powers-that-be to release the RV out
into public awareness and certainly these massive deposits into the
money supply. There's even greater risk for them to have all their
bases covered, because in truth, a few small leaks in their boat will
only expand into major cracks once the release happens, and such hidden
system flaws could shut down the process for an extended period of
time. That would be disastrous emotionally on redeemers… trust would be
lost in an instant… the Internet would flip out… people would call
their Congressman and storm the banks demanding payment.
This is why they go so slowly, and progress is so incremental.
yes, there's risk on both sides, on us to keep waiting until we reach a
critical velocity of momentum to where the 800#s must be released
legally per the new Paris Agreement (which is why lawyers initially got
the 800#s last month, and as of last night midnight released them to
hand selected Wealth Managers for public disbursal). And on the new
global monetary, military, and government authority to make sure that
they can guarantee not only our public safety and fiscal performance at
the time of our exchange, but also they can keep the peace and money
flowing over an indefinite period of time to ensure that humanity in
fact sustains our new momentum to thrive post RV.
we have rocked backwards and are now moving forward at ramming speed to
meet the moment. Where risk transforms into reward, or as President
Obama said yesterday in the White House Rose Garden when he announced
the historic global ratification of the Paris Agreement, "today the
world meets the moment… and history may judge it (this moment) as a
turning point for our planet" (http://www.reuters.com/ article/us-climatechange- paris-idUSKCN12523G). Pretty risky statement, n'est-ce pa?
is our moment to make history versus watching it unfold. Because this
entire RV exercise is really about taking the necessary risk to save our
species by preserving the innocence of humanity and the earth. This is
the risk. This is the reward. As this is the game we are all playing,
some just more consciously than others. Sobeit.
Keep the faith everyone, know that your angelic cavalry has arrived and in full preparation for your glorious blessing.
God is with us.