We are increasingly seeing, hearing and feeling at our vibrational frequency as we disconnect from the matrix. This frequency is directed by our internal mind-body-spirit alignment. It is vulnerable to external energy like negative people, depressing politics or injustice. The conflict between raising our frequencies and the effects of our environment is causing many to experience physical and emotional illness.
When people who are vibrating at different frequencies share space, as is happening throughout Gaia at this time, friction, tension, clashes and confusion entail.
These fluctuations in frequency, driven by cosmic shifts and upgrades, are causing an overload on our systems. This potential for overload will continue through till February 2017 as humanity is rebooted along with Gaia.
Many people will experience increased dimensional slippage, timelapses, accelerated time and vivid dreams as we transition between dimensions on this quantum frequency spectrum.
Lightworkers are instinctively staying in, limiting exchange with the outer world. Creating, meditating, stretching, breathing and clearing energy from their home havens.
Navigating this rare, chaotic and profound time is challenging. We are at very real risk of upgrade/hostile reality overload.
Stay connected to your guides. All unpleasant situations in daily life will pass. Think carefully about what or who you give air time to. Practise mindfulness, meditation and non attachment. Know that all is well, as it should be. Try and remain calm, walk away from drama, breathe deep (throat, chest, stomach) to raise your vibration, release anxiety and stay connected to the universal love flow.
Much love and light beautiful people.
October Veil Mantra: I am safe, I am loved, I am grounded.
#polarity #bereal #octoberveil #soultribe #awakening #bemindful #bluepillpeople #redpillpeople #chakrabalance #octobermanifest #cosmicwaves #selfcare #stayin #nature #breathe #onelove #begrounded #namaste