Republic Sovereignty Party
A Republic
party broke out on an Indian Reservation in Reno last night after
Chinese Elder appointee interim Republic of the United States President
Joseph Dunford peacefully and legally passed over the Republic
Presidency to Speaker of the House Paul Ryan for the following two
1) President Obama and Vice President
Biden were made to resign when Pope Francus released the United States
Of America Corporation from Vatican ownership in September 2015. The
Speaker of the House therefore is next in line for said Interim
Presidency per the Constitution.
2) Also last
night in Reno, Chinese Elders including Grandfather were present to
sign off TRN/USN control under full Republic monetary authority and
implement a new Republic government operations budget.
means that the long awaited TRN/USN combo is now controlled by the
Republic's own UST, not the privately owned FED, and our currency is
both activated and internationally recognized at this hour, as are all
gold backed currencies worldwide in the Republic banking domicile for
unencumbered investment and movement globally.
No small feat, hence the celebration.
means we are right now simply waiting on Republic leadership to release
the RV on their own terms, by their own hand, among their own sovereign
territories--less any foreign nation oversight.
also no small feat that the American people have regained control of
their own government, currency and country all in the same historic
moment. Which adds up to our restored good standing skiing all nations
in the international community and thus declares our sovereignty again
as a free and democratic Republic of the United States!
Thank you heroic White Hats!
Thank you powerful Russia!
Thank you patient China!
Thank you noble Elders/Grandfather!
Thank you oh merciful God!
We are forever humbled and grateful.