
Sunday, October 16, 2016

NESARA Intel Report by Veritas: "Full Press On" -- October 16, 2016


by Veritas | October 16, 2016

Starting with NESARA and my comments on safety..

This is really the story of power and how it corrupts people, organizations and nations. I am often questioned on my beliefs as to what is happening in America. It goes like this, "This is the United States. How can you possibly believe that something like NESARA could happen here?" Then there is my favorite, "How can you say these things and alarm people. That's irresponsible."

American, I ask you. CAN YOU REALLY SIT THERE AND NOT BELIEVE THERE ARE WEALTHY AND POWERFUL PEOPLE THAT WANT TO DETERMINE THE FLOW OF MONEY HERE? CAN YOU PROVE TO ME THAT THERE AREN'T SUCH PEOPLE INFLUENCING OUR POLITICS AND OUR NEWS? Why do I read information in other countries about the U.S. that never shows up on our news? Do you not notice that news stopped being neutral and starting projecting opinions? Have you not noticed the younger generation and how much trouble they are in because they are almost totally addicted to food stamps and hand outs? Are you so unaware?

Now, when I tell you that there are military people, Admirals and Generals and others, that are determining how they can best carry out their charter to protect the U.S.Constitution, perhaps you could take a moment and follow the logic of it with me.

In the 1930's there was a lot of corruption in the U.S. banking system. It wasn't regulated, at least not enforced and it was privately run. It is in the history books. Willie Nelson used to do concerts about the farmer's plight.

The bankers were in collusion with the Federal Regulators at the time. The goal was to obtain farm property en masse. Banks would put clauses in tiny print that later allowed the property to be taken such as indicating that upon the farmer's death the property reverted to the bank. This was done without disclosure to the person taking the loan and often resulted in a nasty surprise for those who thought they were inheriting family farms and could carry on the decades old tradition of working the land. Often the banks would take payments in cash and then never record them, later declaring default and then taking over. The farmers were helpless to stop it.

There are lots of sites where you can get in-depth details. Do some research. For my purposes here, let me summarize. The situation grew until it involved many farmers and became a class action lawsuit of enormous size. Those hurt by the situation included one General who was co-plaintiff in the Farmers' Cases when it finally went to the U.S. Supreme Court in the 1980's.

Racing through our speedy court system, it reached the nine Supreme Court judges in early 1993. Seven of the nine justices ruled on major issues in a closed court (for national security purposes). These rulings included official court statements that the Federal Reserve Banking system was unconstitutional, that the U.S. had been operating outside of the Constitution since March of 1933, that major reforms of government and banking systems were required, and, most importantly for us here, that financial redress and remedies must be provided for financial losses due to bank fraud suffered by generations of farmers.

These reformations were extraordinary and happened because so many Admirals and Generals were involved and aware of the wrong. You can read the final court case up to a certain point, then it was sealed by the Court and all court records and people directly involved were given a strict NDA by the Supreme Court until the reformation was made public. From this section, take away the thought that this was huge, involved a lot of people for compensation after decades taken to resolve it and that it was kept gagged for obvious national reasons.

The next part is where it gets interesting

Again, summarizing greatly, the military latched on to the situation. Some of the very best constitutional attorneys became involved in helping determine how this situation could be used for the issues greatly concerning the military - our country's departure from constitutional adherence.

Because this was implemented at the Supreme Court level, those Justices who ruled in favor now had a vested interest in determining how the court's orders were to be fulfilled. During this process the 16th Amendment, the Income Tax Amendment, was discovered as never having been ratified and was included in the reforms ordered by the court. This established a patter of both Federal Administrators and Congress ignoring Constitutional law since 1933. This began when Franklin Delano Roosevelt declared a national banking emergency and amended the Trading with the Enemy Act. A Committee was formed and given the authority to manage the announcement and implementation of these Supreme Court-ordered reforms.

You are probably not aware, but every public official is required to sign a NESARA resignation form when they take office. That includes all members of Congress and the President and Vice President of the United States. These documents represent the public official's agreement that if NESARA is enacted, their position is dissolved.

Certain actions were taken since the 1990's and some were not. There was a new currency, the Treasure Note, or TRN that was printed, backed by gold and shipped to sit in vaults waiting for announcement. This has been used outside of the U.S.for years, just not publicly announced. A general Farm Claims process began which was to design financial redress to Americans. There has been a lot of interference that has made this a slow process, but it got there at any rate. In 1998, the General and Admirals brought in new legal experts, the very best, to assess the situation and how to bring the reforms out and correct the misdirection when the major facets of our government such as the Federal Reserve bank became corporations owned by private individuals rather than representing our country. It is easy to verify. It's just that one would never think to check and see that some of the royalty of England and very wealthy individuals actually own our Federal Reserve. Profit earned there is returned to equity holders and is drained off in large quantities. Large enough to assist greatly with our national debt, by the way.

To stop the stalling that was happening by the Judges of the Supreme Court, it was decided to compile the reformations into a law and have it passed by Congress. This was the beginning of the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA). This was passed by quorum by members of the U.S.Senate and House very privately. Can they do that? Yes, they can. Study it out.

Since then the military has moved forward strongly in preparation. General Dunford is the name to watch for. I will have to give more detail or you can find plenty of the actions taken on this major change. Here's what is important, very important.

The new Republic as represented by General Dunford has been fully, completely and unalterably accepted by the international community in a fully legal fashion. Though Obama takes credit for everything, it is the Republic that has been recognized and taken action at the G20, with the Paris Accord, and with the IMF, the White Dragon Family (providing the gold behind the new currency as required by the IMF), the BOC and their excellent software programmers creating a global interface for the new international transfer and banking system - CIPS, and on and on. The highest court in the world, The Hague, has been involved closely and working with General Dunford on this transition. It is only the American public that is unaware of this currency and this governmental change.

How can I make such a statement? How can I be certain? It is because of my political, international, business and Republic associates. Why do I bother explaining? Now, that is a very good question! I am in a position to realize the impact on citizens and I care about that. I want a better future for my children and their children. It is a case where naiveté might be quite dangerous.

It is time to consider whether you feel that there might be even the most remote possibility that this is true. It is already in place though under the radar, so why not find out about it? If what I say is true, then it will soon be more apparent out in public. The transition is being handled very carefully because you can imagine a public reaction could be lively. Returning to our Constitution is not without its own cost, just as our Founding Fathers experienced in their own dilemma in fighting tyranny. Should we? Shouldn't we? They were people so much like you and I. They would embrace this heartily.

To those of you in the belief category in wonderful groups like this one, I commend you on your openness and courage. It hasn't been easy, has it? I am glad to be able to reassure you and bring even a bit of comfort to long time supporters. You are right. It is very true and in the end all will know it.

The question is, how open will the change be within the U.S.?

Even as I write this, the new Republic's General Dunford, White Dragon Elders and others are pushing the final release of GCR/RV funding out the door. Behind the scenes, this is anything but quiet. General Dunford has had four attempts on his life in the last week. This last one included a sniper shooting at both the General and two Elders as they exited a building. A very, very close call, this one. Both the Elders and the General are now ready for full implementation with no more delays.

It has already begun. I have reports around the world verifying bond releases. The Farmer claims have been processed along with other key class action groups. The last report I had was that Tier 3, the Internet group tier, was processing and that announcement of its beginning would be withheld until everything announced in a shotgun approach, all at once. I would watch for this any time. Every contact indicating it is flowing smoothly and progressing to release. (This is a slight revision from this post made earlier. It was held for a bit - most frustrating when gagged - so updated.)

There can be time shifts in an estimate like this. There are a lot of details involved in the technical side of release that sometimes slow things down as it did the other day with Tier 3 releases. The threats to Dunford also caused time lost. The motivation to have this released and decrease the pressure on Dunford just went to a new level when the Elders were included as targets. They don't get even, they take action and fast. It needs to happen. They know it. We know it. It is logical that delays at this point cause more harm than good. It's like a baby being born. At some point it is just going to happen.

We are at that point.

Be aware, watch and see the connections.

The reason for a warning of staying close to home? I hope by now you understand that when a major transition such as the one we just discussed has many possibilities to it. In the best case, it is subtle, public announcements that no one realizes what they are. At the other extreme, it could be initiation of martial law. Hopefully that is a remote possibility, but when that IS one of the possibilities and I am aware of it, I feel a personal obligation to let people know. It is simple to just stay at home at likely announcement times with a few days food. Not a reason to panic, again just common sense.

Take that for what it's worth.


Copyright 2016 all rights reserved VERITAS WITTICISMS LLC

This content was originally submitted and published at Operation Disclosure.