of Goodies; New Television Show with Disclosure (People of Earth), 2
Interviews with James Gilliland, The Connected Universe Documentary
Narrated by Patrick Stewart and More!
Hey everyone, hope you are all doing
well. I have a few things I want to include in this post which I hope
you will all find most interesting as I definitely did.
A little while back there was a short
trailer that was released for a new show on TBS which would be titled
‘People of Earth’ which included characters discussing their UFO
abduction experiences. The show is a comedy, which, in my opinion, is a
prudent choice of style for a television show for an un-awakened
audience. I have written about this way of releasing information and
intel in my article Many a Truth is Said in Jest where various mainstream news sources joked about teleportation being real and how the moon landings were faked.
The show features reptilian beings, Greys
and the tall Nordics (you might notice the Nordic ET character speaks
with a Nordic accent). It appears that the encounters are of a
semi-negative nature as the people are experimented on board the ET’s
ship and then given screen memories (fake memories) so they don’t
remember any true events that took place.
The first episode is free on YouTube. I
know a lot of you were probably looking forward to this show and it is
quite funny and with lots of information in it. There will be a 2
episode première this week I believe and it will be aired on TBS.