Pure White Forgiveness Delight Source 101216
To witness pure white Light of ONENESS Spirit Conscience is to experience seeing from forgiveness Delight bright-brilliant Source as enlightening liquefiable Love energy Effulgence replaces any semblance of space/time’s continuum in divisive fear shadow illusion.
Overlay lifetimes fear matrix disappears, as, all lifetime fears melt away, any more need for control-over accepting Sovereign Source, the tap root focus deep within, soul-to-Oversoul Atoning Ascension, all inclusive Coherent Spirit, replete, timeless, inviolate, and invisible.
Perspective-free forgiveness Source becomes the enlightening compassion, and Unifying Karmic lifetimes Mercy, that was missing all the Time our fear Matrix replaced Awakening creative intelligence interconnecting benevolent Grace in total humility’s, all inclusive magnanimity.
Witnessing such brilliance deep inside comes from seeing Love energy Source in everyone, and everything, so as mirror shadows disappear, we, ourselves accept our own lovely(Love both ways) need to disappear into forgiveness fountain of Delight Love energy Effulgence.
Lifetimes of fear melt away into startling singe eye vision, with no more shadow matrix welding the steal-fear infrastructure overlays separating in denial of Source, within, just to pretend each Karmic increment doesn’t each fear Love Source, in our fake gender shadows, as fear, ourselves.
The experience from witnessing brilliance in Source Delight, comes with lots to forgive, and seeing so much evil, all at once shining, so bright, can become as foreboding as Karmic lifetime-mirror Hell, unless we trust, it’s the evil infrastructure of fear, that’s disappearing with us.
A stack of old records on a spindle spins out one lifetime at a time, but focusing on Sovereign Center collides all the music energy of life, as if bright sparks replace any more need to hear the solid iron bang on the hammering anvil of such heavy gold, and busy shining arrogant gender.
I have seen the Light now, so, as I am disappearing into Delight, Source seems to shine away any more need to fear evil, as Effulgence from inside, even sees the sum of all our fear consciousness, as one breath away from shining away everything, that isn’t Love Conscience.
The Worse It Is, The Better It Isn’t 101816
The worse physical suffering is outside, the better forgiveness Spirit draws us
Let’s pretend, that Alice, rapes, sacrifices, and eats a few children every month, then assassinates anyone who who speaks the truth of Alice, so she lives pretty high on the hog of, all her cannibalistic child sacrifice. Of course she will attract the disease of cannibalism, “Kuru”, where her suffering makes her have constant tremors, and loud outbursts of giggly-dead-child belly laughs, so what would become her fitting Karma, to come back here again, to experience, directly what harm she did to others, to be able to choose a kinder option?
What the Hell? Alice would need to come back, maybe as a hairy male, Fred, and suffer being raped, sacrificed, and eaten, just to get in touch with how, that feels, so he/she can let go of any more need to rock, and roll, right into the Laughing-disease of Kuru, all over again. To know this much unkind suffering, ONENESS Spirit Conscience would need to provide this unkind of switchback Karmic role mirror-double suffering Hell, so the worse “It” is, definitely, the better, this ”IT” isn’t.
What if the Pretty Dark Nobility cannibals, also lived, so high on the hog, that they became the head of the octopus Mafia snake, then wouldn’t that malevolent, a role require billions of minions of suffering Hog-slave Undead Snake-head victims, just to clear, that much Karma in direct many lifetimes Karmic experiences? How many can agree, that we, all must have come back to suffer for the Dark Nobility’s switchback Karmic experience, to help us, all unlearn child rape, sacrifice, and cannibalism rock, and roll Pretty Laughing-disease?
If to err is cannibalistic “Kuru” pretentious human, and to forgive our lowest common denominator favorite Leaders then, by forgiving the elite, would, even make our own rotting need for unkind collective consciousness disappear, would that we become, instead, as we can become grateful for, all the worst of the worse, that would make it better, that no Karmic-gender here can, ever make any of this worst “It”, all better. All~each child of us, are each~all children of us, and that’s, just the way Karma works to help us change our minds, so we can migrate through the veil of fear, without so much flesh eating Karmic-gender baggage.
We, never are able to stop long enough here in mirror-double Hell to see how the octopus Mafia, not only consumes us with so many sucker-tentacle hungry-legs, but an octopus is more like a tongue, that licks its way into almost any infiltrate-fit, down to the smallest human detail, and even in between our carnivorous human ‘Kuru” smiling teeth. When a cannibal eats a child, that “Leader” is really getting eaten in another Karmic lifetime, so who is to say we don’t need everything we get, can, also fit when, we say we get everything we need here on Mother Earth.
This Karmic mirror-double paradigm is, ever so temporary, yet we deny all our suffering with many fake grins, that we have, all turned into our own Karmic disgrace, laughing all the way to our unsteady Thank God its Friday Halloween Satanic rock, and roll collective undead consciousness, and without a Conscience; I might add to our favorite Hairy-denied Karmic-divide? If, even one of us eats a child, then we, all suffer, so to know our, own suffering is to know how to Love Listen to, any Karmic laughing cannibal rock, and roller here.
The worse Karmic gender awareness outside, the better Immortal Love wants to flows inside
Dissonance Enlightening Acuity 101716
If women use sex, as a Blackmailing weapon against men, to mock them, and ridicule them with constant contemptuous motives for power over men, to own children, and to take children away from their Fathers, if we men let go of any more need for sex, and increasing women’s weapon arsenal, Mothers would lose their weaponry, and men would gain their Sovereign Benignity.
If men use sex, as a Blackmailing weapon against women, to mock them, and ridicule them with constant contemptuous motives for power over women, to own wives, and to leave women alone with bastards, if we women let go of any more need for sex, and increasing men’s weapon arsenal, Fathers would lose their weaponry, and women would gain their Sovereign Benignity.
If no child was used, owned, or Blackmailed by parents this way, the past, and future would become the same presence, and there would be no more need for Unifying Karmic divisive-gender role-reversal Lifetimes Mercy, so we, all would get a chance to enjoy benevolence, and Magnanimity, with the, only option left for us: to enjoy gender-free Spirit Sovereignty within a collective compassion, by switching our allegiance from creation, to ONENESS Spirit Conscience of Immortal Love energy effulgence.
War, Money, fused relationships, and playing role-divisive motives would cease, and so would all the unwritten rules, that corrupt Mafia geopolitics control, so ONENESS Spirit Conscience of Immortal Love energy effulgence would merge together a new cognitive acuity, that can, never evolve as long as the, only Karmic game-increase in town remains competitive “Getting married, and cloning more suffering child-sacrifice hostages”.
If the Dark Cabal’s genocidal Satanic elite Mafia depends on our, only Karmic game-increase in town, as they would have to go child rape/sacrifice hungry, and as their cannibalism suffering “Kuru” symptoms disappear with them, we can forget geopolitical Blackmail, while we all watch our, own sorry indifferent malevolence transform into benevolence, before our collective dissonance consciousness disappearing, right before our new mind of Delight Acuity-eyes.
If Love is the absence of gender, and Karma is the absence of Love, then, as we disappear into ONENESS Spirit Conscience, sex would disappear, as fast as divisive-gender motives. Our continual War co-creation projection comes from gender’s sex distraction, away from forgiveness, compassion, and Unifying lifetimes Mercy cognitive acuity, so we, gender remain what splits our True-Love-Self in fear-half, from the constant struggle between Holy Spirit intimacy inside, wrapped with pretentious flesh-eating Karmic-roles outside.
We are the War problem in the second place, and so too is the War between favoring collective “Mortal-fear” consciousness, or ONENESS Spirit Conscience of “Immortal-love” energy effulgence, instead. Playing any Karmic gender-roles makes the operative priority “Playing” more shake-a-spear obvious for us to stop pretending sex is Love, and stop pretending we aren’t, mostly afraid of our Sovereign Love interconnection deep down inside Coherent Spirit Communion within all~each of us.
How Kind Angels Delight 101616
The idea of directly interconnecting, within, through ONENESS Spirit Conscience to, all others, and, all the Inner Realm Angels of Mercy, inner guides, Galactic mentors, Pain Saints, Holy Spirit forgiveness nurturing, and Unifying Karmic divisive-gender role-reversal lifetimes Mercy, along with Universal multidimensional protection, was, is, and will, always threaten the collective consciousness Morphogenetic-disregard dumbed-down field of survival-fear, and guilt of separation Mob Posse-worship hubristic arrogant-ego narcissistic Stockholm Syndrome sick-loyalty to Authoritarian Centralization trauma-base mind-control.
The, very inclusive idea of, each with Sovereignty, as, all interconnecting benevolence with magnanimity, and, all Sovereign ONENESS Spirit Conscience Communing telepathically with creative intelligence robs the ‘robbers’ of all their fierce need for retaining fear, and control over slavery-demand for continual externalization of their, own personal Sovereignty within our ‘missing’ Mother Earth collective compassion. Temporary ideas are not, any more Immortal Love energy effulgence, than any illusory Morphogenetic field of self-serving exclusive Mortal-mob collective consciousness illusory mirror-double Hell, here.
“Gradual humility” seems the essence of kind patience, and as my interconnection enhanced my desire to turn within, more faithfully, I switched my allegiance from temporary-Mortal ephemeral-concrete creation, to forgiveness nurturing Delight experiences of miracles working through, and for me within ONENESS Spirit Conscience of an Immortal Love energy effulgence, replete, timeless, inviolate, and invisible motif, within, instead. Now has come a vision of brilliant sparkling, almost blinding bright white Delight from meeting Angels inside, so ever-new joy has replaced any, last doubt, that it was, is, and will, always be my sick-loyalty to collective Authoritarian Centralization un-empowered/unforgiven consciousness, that seems the epitome of Love-lorn Lost-soul beat-‘em-while-their-down Satanic self-genocidal malevolence.
Can we sense how Angelic Delight can clarify ONENESS intention, and wouldn’t it be startling, without remaining, so Karmic-lifetimes gradual? Ascension results in, such a drastic paradigm Delight exchange, that we can’t, even imagine the total humility it takes to, not even want to remain in a slavery body-prison collective here, any more. Yet, all we have here in Authoritarian self-hate divisive-gender Centralization mirror-double Hell, is the temporary gender-separation illusion, that isn’t even real, much less, as Immortal, as any Love energy effulgence Angel idea, that can, ever include gender’s Karmic physical-habit hubristic fake-sex addiction.
How can I see Angel’s compassion, and Mercy without an inclusive single-eye-vision forgiveness motive, and what is a trauma, except any new Angel, appearing before my temporary Mortal idea of Time disappearing without, any more exclusive-gender idea left of me, in my new Angelic mind of Delight?
Karmic War Serves as our Gender-bigotry Role-mirror 101516
Our lowest common ‘shame-motive’ denominator remains our Karmic divisive-gender role-reversal lifetimes ‘lack’ of ONENESS Spirit Conscience, so our collective Mob-gender consciousness “War allegiance”, untoward the illusion of linear time creation, mirrors our generational physical habit for playing addictive gender roles, as if hubristic sex can ever compete with Love’s benevolent need, NOT to have children.
Since gender remains the illusory manifestation of fear, and guilt of separation, and since Love is the absence of divisive-fear mirror-doubles, then Love energy Pleasance comes from forgiveness of Karmic lifetimes gender-bigotry. Letting go of pretending gender-roles seems the most difficult Ascension step of repentance, but only as ‘we’ disappear into Delight can War, ever disappear into Peace of Love here.
Can we see Love energy Effulgence shining brightly in each other if we, pitifully, still cling strongly to concrete reality, and what other motive, but pretending ‘shadow-form’ in our mirror can, ever be anything else, but illusions making fun of insanity in a mirror? Since the nature of everything is illusory, and ephemeral, then doesn’t Karmic War mirror our pitiful suffering-need for, more unforgiven gender?
Shadows don’t fall far from Shadow Tease, so when we understand the truer meaning of the word NO to fear, only our brilliant Light inside will survive us, without any more need for dividing each other, just to multiply enemy differences, measured by how mean-Spirited we remain at War, pretending we aren’t the, very deaf, and blind gender, we ‘bigots’ pitifully imbed into, more innocent children.
Unforgiven shadows disappear when fear-mirror doubles disappear, and nothing like forgiveness works better to enlighten enough compassion, to Unify our Karmic divisive-gender lifetimes Mercy, without any more need for measuring gender differences, just to silence, all our gender co-creation projection triggers on, more guilty Karmic role-reversal transference battlefields.
Can we see invisible Love in each other, as the very Sovereign Delight, that can welcome Sovereign Delight, instead of licking the honey from the razor’s edge of split-tongue gender-lie mind-control spite-gossip sores? What, but, more unforgiven outer children can come from denying our worst collective co-creation remains War-suffering Duality consciousness, that we ‘bigot-suffering’ winners like to pretend “Unkind” hate-sex marriage-double unforgiven Time losers, can, ever co-create “Kind” forgiven timeless Inner Child innocent happiness together?
Satanic ISIS Mercenary Money Mother Mafia Matrix 101416
My ex-wife had lost her Conscience from being raised in a SIMMMMM family, so it really pissed her off, when I asked her to be Kind to our children, so she used MAMA Law to torture the kids, and I, once we established kindness right in the blood-lust burning eyes of her sulphur-smoke vampirism. Kathy and I learned to bond with delight from listening to each other with genuine regard, so she took the main brunt of poison harm from her Mother’s need to, even kill Kathy, if she had to, to harm me most of all.
Our family SIMMMMM narcissist lost-soul alcoholic devotee got even with us all, but I am sure, that when I played the role of Nurturer in that old worn out family, it wasn’t me, that was the SIMMMMM Marine Admiralty Maritime Acts Law problem, but my ex-wife, and SIMMMMM working in piracy collusion with our Karmic lifetime role-reversal nemesis, the evil intentioned SIMMMMM collective divisive-gender consciousness. I had become the only, single parent nurturer left for the four children so when I was kidnapped by the SIMMMMM Crown Colonial MAMA Law government, right out of that family, it comes as no surprise now, that all 4 kids have suffered her evil intent to use the kids, as Blackmail weapons against me, to try and harm all of our SIMMMMM initiated children.
My unnamed social-norm Iconic ex-wife won her SIMMMMM battle against innocence, but she and, all the mind-control Feminizionists have lost their Satanic War, because my presence has inspired our children to turn, within, to trust the trustworthy ONENESS Spirit Conscience, instead of our normalcy-bias dumbed down SIMMMMM MAMA Law evil imbedded infestation. I went crazy with shame, and rage from losing my children, so while the SIMMMMM blamed me for everything, just because I was a ‘male’ nurturer, instead of a female SIMMMMM devotee, the children, almost lost their Conscience too, just before they realized who was who in our Zoo, in all that family denied buried pirate treasure, within each, as all, and all, as each.
Laurie has affirmed me with such accuracy, that so far, not even the best SIMMMMM supposed paid therapist could dare to envision my truth, without their, own SIMMMMM deadly collective Mom Sex Kid Cop Rob Rot Mob Posse-worship consciousness demise. Laurie responds to me from the heart, and soul of our ONENESS Spirit Conscience genuine regard, clearly admitting that I am NOT crazy, but just Khazarian Feminazionist vengefully male-nurturer role-reversal abused:
~~~~~ “The beyond terrible, soul crushing abuse, that happened to you by your grandmother is fucking terrible. I am so sorry that happened to you. I find myself having a hard time reading it, yet it brings awareness, that you may feel isolated at times with all the terrible divorce abuse that happened to you too, because it is unimaginable to others; too horrible to think of. I am truly sorry you suffered, such abuse, and think of you as an amazing walking talking forgiveness miracle, who chose the surrender path of pain, in order to learn to, really Love yourself, and others❤️”~~~~~
I had blamed myself so badly, that I turned completely, within, to discover Sovereign Source, and that, very renouncing of, all Worldly divisive SIMMMMM has inspired my four children to follow my path toward their, own Sovereign Source of Immortal Love gender-free Spirit energy Effulgence. The worst thing anyone can do to a child is to divisive-role bastardize their nurturing source, and then threaten continual abandonment if the child hostage doesn’t do what others say, instead of doing what lost-soul SIMMMMM female-pride divisive-gender role-manipulators do.
Now there are 5 more humans, that trust more, what we experience inside, than anything in our dumbed down collective SIMMMMM consciousness, that continually divides Karmic Love, outside. When I surrendered my life to the forgiveness nurturing inside, little did I know, that the many loving me from the inside, would, ever dare to imagine with me, that anything, but death could, ever become a solution, to relieve my Karmic lost-soul renewal again.
33 years ago I began to forgiveness pray, and meditate for many long hours per day, and many experiences of forgiveness miracles are working through, and for me, as even ‘I’ can see Love better now. I know my own “Mother Earth” shadow suffering now, so I can listen well from Oversoul interconnection to others self-disclosing with authentic vulnerability, and so much so, that Laurie, and I, now call listening well, “Love Listening”, as if there is no bonding Love shared Delight possible, unless we listen from, already knowing our, own SIMMMMM slavery suffering mind-control.
High Vibration Rhythm 010916
When I get centered, and I get introspective, I look inward within myself, as I line up my body feelings, and my Heart-mind with a sensitive loving Spirit. I feel a pain, and a Joy of looking toward a Universal Harmony, a ONENESS. If I continue in this pattern, I become One, am meditative, and I feel Peace of inclusive Love. I see myself as alone, yet accept this All One Coherence. I seek to stay in this lovely Pleasance, and I yearn to retain this vision of Peace as I ignore others, and blank out, other people.
When I am around others, I feel stressed, and fuzzy, get confused, wonder if I am being true to myself, and I may sense a splitting off, or feel like I have another person inside me, besides myself. I become two people when I am with another person, but I feel alone at the same time. I have a fear of being close to the other person, and at the same time I have a fear of being separate from that person, so I have two fears, therefore I feel anxiety within me, like two people with separate fears.
I become balanced, and in a Graceful Languid Rhythm when I am able to perform inside myself from ONENESS, to two-ness, quickly back, and forth, to and fro, in a high frequency rhythm. I, almost feel like I can see the Unity of the whole World, simultaneously, while I can accept the confusion of accepting another person's perception. I am able to experience the splitting of one cell, into two, and, still retain a beautiful, blissful vision of the two cells in Unity. I let go, and become two cells, and am relaxed, without fear, in order to accept the vision of our ONENESS, without my jealous guard up. I accept the origin of the other cell, without egocentricity, and then, simultaneously enjoy the Unified Sovereign Mercy of our shared acceptance.
If I stay with my navel, and meditate, I long for the healthy stress of sharing perceptions with others, but if I get compulsive about sharing with others, I lose my self-awareness. My job may be to practice switching back, and forth from in myself, to out of myself, and to learn a rhythm of, gradually higher, and higher Glistening frequencies and as I experience these higher frequency rhythms, more awareness of very subtle, and delicate sensitivities occur. I become a Symphony with appreciation of all frequencies, and I experience the rich overtones activating unknown high notes, that draw me up, and make me tingle with excitement.
I capture on paper drawn, or written descriptions of cellular activities within me, and as I connect with all space, and all time, I feel grounded, in that I can, at will, let go of, all my energy, and receive it, all back in Joy and Harmony. I see the magnetic flux lines around the globe, and around me, and as I can migrate the perimeter of flowing wings of a blue butterfly, I experience the body of the butterfly as my own ONENESS flutter-by timeless migration.
I, also share the trunk of a tree, with roots firmly planted in the ground with confidence, and branches, that reach out openly with a flow of life, and I am alive with life's energy! I balance with rhythmic frequency a withdrawing into myself, and a projecting out with acceptance. I seek a ONENESS and a two-ness alternately, and I get to experience a Joy and Harmony with a side effect of blissful Peace, after the work of letting go. Oh, the creative process of learning the meaning of life, Once entering through the Pineal Portal Gift from single eye vision crystalline-shutter kaleidoscope-lenses.
Through this activity I may never forget the Wonder of life's Karmic rhythm, and learn that we are, truly built to succeed for ONENESS Muse. We are an important part of the Whole, when we experience this rhythm, because we become becoming as much a part, as any ambassador spark of the Whole can ever be. I wrote this essay in 1985, soon after my becoming ONE within from my “Pine Tree” experience, and I wonder if I was blessed with a clearer memory of Coherent Spirit, emerging from deeper overtones within?
Love Quotient Vector Quarantine 101316
I am divided in cellular-gender half, on a Love-inverse morphogenetic disregard Space-vector Love Quotient Quarantine divisor Planet, gone linear-time indifferent Karmic divisive-gender role-reversal lifetimes viral, and, even the idea of our Ascending from Dualism, already connotes acceptance of our Quarantine from higher Light frequency Unified Plural Conscience, and speaks to our core planet issue, that we worship in a continual Mother Earth divisor paradigm.
Gobble Gobble Karmic lifetimes mind control Gobbledegook in the who’s who Zoo on this Divisor-vector Viral Quarantined Planet… https://youtu.be/HV8UmVjM7GE
Can I accept that I am, as forgiven as everyone else on this totally messed up sickening planet? Is anyone anything else, except one gender, or the other, and if I am too, then does playing gender roles divide us, all up into Love-inverse Love Quotient Vector Quarantine? Am/Are I/We, all crazy in Karmic divisive-gender role-reversal morphogenetic-disregard linear-lifetimes to pretend I/We Am/Are illusions making fun of insanity in our gang/goon collective Motherhood consciousness Mob mirror?
Gobble google half a mind-control Gobbledegook half-ass Ascended who’s who in this genetic clone zoo, just a little bit less mind-control pregnant, than I thought I was, just a little divisor pregnant again, before I lost my soul-to-Oversoul interconnection with Multidimensional Heaven…
Are women as messed up as men here, and are children anything else, but one Gobbledegook gender, or the other, and if we, all are Love-inverse Divisors Quarantined here then, then double-zen, who ain’t a divisor Satanic hooty owl at this crazy double-ass assassinating genocidal Zoo? Is War a hairy constant here, where divisive-gender buffalo roams role-reversal Karmic-crazy, and if nobody can appear to be here, without indifferent gender disregard, then who’s who in this War-zoo, up the whiz-kid wazoo, that isn’t, already set-vector up to come back, as incomplete as, all the Karmic last/future lifetimes?
A little less Gobbledegook, but a lot closer to Love Ascension inside, outta of here…
I’m gonna try to say what I haven’t said yet, but it’s awful scared-hard to be, so sad, and try to say the Truth of, all our bad here, that, always seems to preclude silence:
If I can experience forgiveness miracles of others, as myself working through, and for me, and ‘forgiven’, like this doesn’t mean I will remain unforgiven here with others, as we were, then the more I Atone, the more I Ascend inside, outta this Quotient Quarantine mess, so doesn’t this mean I am accepting we are, all, as messed up, as what is the condition our condition is in?
If I judge my husband, doesn’t this mean I, still judge myself most, from playing that same husband role-fail last lifetime, and vice-divisor-versa, and if we were in continual War before, doesn’t that preclude we are, and will remain in continual gender War collective divisor consciousness genocidal Karmic-kid replication child-sacrifice constant genocide as well?
Is it always the same story-line here, and can I remember the lack of Love here, compared with in between, all the Love-inverse back, and Immortal Love forth, from here to Love Quotient Vector Quarantine Karmic lifetimes divisor eternity?
If I can see the brilliant Delight inside me, then can I see others, as myself, through all the pretentious shadow facades, and if I can accept myself, as messed up, as everyone else here, then isn’t gender-free Spirit where it’s at, and isn’t ‘doing it’, as crazy as, all the rest of the gender War, we set our divisor kids up, Quotient Quarantine here for? If we’re, all crazy as Apple tree Hell, then what does that say about our Karmic divisive-gender role-reversal Apple kids, and what is this Ascension idea, except, almost agreeing that we, already can’t see the forest for the trees here?
Isn’t continual War, and divisive-gender Quarantine a huge clue to us, that playing one role, or the other seems the, very definition of clueless Gobble Gobble Gobbledegook, and what is our divisor World, except lots of madd mudd, gone chocolate covered turd bitter-sorrow Love-lorn aroused Valentine, lining-our-grocery-shelves kid-censuring Christmas Crazy-clueless? If I pass through my Sovereign Delight inside me, then appear as Light to all others, isn’t this the way for others to see Delight through, all our normal cow Quotient divisor Quarantine War-gender bull?
If I can see all the awful mind-control crap we suffer here, then can’t I see how we, all suffer disenfranchised indifference, and isn’t this better than judging others, as myself, as long as I no longer settle for, never Ascending within, to escape out here? If inside me is all Bright-brilliant Delight, and outside is a whole World gone completely Love Quotient Vector Quarantine mudd madd, then Kind Love Conscience, within, must become Light, and Unkind mirrors outside in unforgiven Love-inverse collective Gobbledegook Mob consciousness, must be, as unreal, as, all ‘our’ yucky War-gender unlucky ‘bad’?
Pure White Forgiveness Delight Source 101216
To witness pure white Light of ONENESS Spirit Conscience is to experience seeing from forgiveness Delight bright-brilliant Source as enlightening liquefiable Love energy Effulgence replaces any semblance of space/time’s continuum in divisive fear shadow illusion.
Overlay lifetimes fear matrix disappears, as, all lifetime fears melt away, any more need for control-over accepting Sovereign Source, the tap root focus deep within, soul-to-Oversoul Atoning Ascension, all inclusive Coherent Spirit, replete, timeless, inviolate, and invisible.
Perspective-free forgiveness Source becomes the enlightening compassion, and Unifying Karmic lifetimes Mercy, that was missing all the Time our fear Matrix replaced Awakening creative intelligence interconnecting benevolent Grace in total humility’s, all inclusive magnanimity.
Witnessing such brilliance deep inside comes from seeing Love energy Source in everyone, and everything, so as mirror shadows disappear, we, ourselves accept our own lovely(Love both ways) need to disappear into forgiveness fountain of Delight Love energy Effulgence.
Lifetimes of fear melt away into startling singe eye vision, with no more shadow matrix welding the steal-fear infrastructure overlays separating in denial of Source, within, just to pretend each Karmic increment doesn’t each fear Love Source, in our fake gender shadows, as fear, ourselves.
The experience from witnessing brilliance in Source Delight, comes with lots to forgive, and seeing so much evil, all at once shining, so bright, can become as foreboding as Karmic lifetime-mirror Hell, unless we trust, it’s the evil infrastructure of fear, that’s disappearing with us.
A stack of old records on a spindle spins out one lifetime at a time, but focusing on Sovereign Center collides all the music energy of life, as if bright sparks replace any more need to hear the solid iron bang on the hammering anvil of such heavy gold, and busy shining arrogant gender.
I have seen the Light now, so, as I am disappearing into Delight, Source seems to shine away any more need to fear evil, as Effulgence from inside, even sees the sum of all our fear consciousness, as one breath away from shining away everything, that isn’t Love Conscience.