[ Editor’s Note: There
is an old saying, “Be careful what you ask for because you just might
get it.” The US Senate has put its collective insanity on display at the
level of Mount Rushmore style.
By opening up Saudi Arabia for these
lawsuits, the Senate has now opened the doors wide open for endless
lawsuits against the US for its aiding and abetting terrorism, with a
victim count running far beyond our 9-11 numbers. The Senate has done
their own version of “Attack On America” with this stupidity.
The US would dismiss all such claims
against it with sovereign immunity and telling those pleading their
claims to take the Saudi example and stick it up their behinds, that we
are Americans and the double standard is our “exceptional right”. We
have fared well in the terrorism war (so far), because highly trained
and active networks were not really here in threatening numbers. But the
psypop false flag and framed idiots and lone wolves were.
The gangs in Chicago inflict a 9-11 just
on that city each year, and the Senate does not let the victim families
sue all the gangs. The Senate thinks it has done some great service in
bringing “closure” to the 9-11 families, but we know they are just
trying to pour concrete over the suppressed truth of who really did 9-11
and why.
The Senate incompetence, cowardice,
and ignoring the flagrantly phony 9-11 commission report was an
abandonment of their posts, in terms of their oath of office.
Far right just below the tree line shows nothing in view flying in
we see the streak of a long cylindrical object just above the ground
coming in. Our experts tell us this is not a huge passenger airliner,
but an armor-piercing, anti-ship cruise missile hitting and penetrating
the newly reinforced Pentagon outer wall
They just ran away when
the chips were down and left the 9-11 perps not only out walking
around, but sleeping well at night, knowing they have nothing to fear
from America’s political, legal or law enforcement institutions. VT has
never had a single phone call from any of them about our long published
They have abandoned us, and we need to find a way to abandon them, a tall task indeed… Jim W. Dean ]
-First published … September 28, 2016 –
The US Senate has unanimously voted to override President
Barack Obama’s veto of a bill that allows victims of the September 11,
2001 attacks to seek reparations from Saudi Arabia.
On Wednesday, the lawmakers voted 97-1 in favor of the “Justice
Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA),” which was vetoed by Obama
last week, on the grounds that it would be “detrimental” to America’s
national security interests and its key alliances.
“Today is an important one for the widows
and children of those murdered on 9/11. As always, I stand with them,”
Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer, who spearheaded the bill, said before
the voting began.
The US House of Representatives was scheduled to vote on the veto
later on Wednesday. If the House also votes to override the presidential
decree, the bill would become law regardless of Obama’s stance.
Support for JASTA runs high among US lawmakers, who voted to pass the bill with absolute majority on September 9.
The legislation effectively ends foreign countries’ immunity from legal action in American courts. US President Barack Obama wears a traditional blanket and
hat given to him during the 2016 White House Tribal Nations Conference,
Washington, DC, September 26, 2016. (Photo by AFP)
In his veto message, Obama said that the bill had elicited “serious concerns” among some of America’s allies.
Last Wednesday, the European Union (EU) called on the president to
veto the bill, warning that it would “put a burden on bilateral
relations between states.”
Saudi Arabia has strongly opposed the bill, threatening to sell off $750 billion in American assets if it becomes law.
Of the 19 hijackers that allegedly carried out the attacks, 15 had
Saudi Arabian nationality and available evidence suggests that some of
them were linked to high-ranking Saudi officials.
“If the Saudis did nothing wrong, they should not fear this
legislation. If they were culpable in 9/11, they should be held
accountable,” Schumer said shortly after Obama’s veto.
US presidential nominees Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton said they
would have signed the bill into law. Trump, the Republican nominee, has
denounced the veto as “shameful.”