4th September 2016
By Justin K. Marlatt
Guest writer for Wake Up World
This universe has been raped and
pillaged by a Borg Consciousness [1] known to us as the Archons, or as I
like to call them, the “Arecons”. But we humans have a very special
mission to fulfill, to heal and uplift the entire universe and each
other. We are divine frequency generators, the antithesis to duality —
and this is why the Archons fear us.
The Arecons have no divine spark and are
a byproduct of the holographic creatrix; we humans are not, our place
is in the divine pleroma, the higher realms. Duality has two poles,
negative and positive, good and evil, light and dark. This binary system
of 1’s and 0’s is the energy that currently courses throughout our
universal schema, and the Arecons will stop at nothing to keep it this way.
Why? We humans and our Mother, Terra, Sophia, are ternary
beings, that which is beyond duality and encompasses the all. This is
the reason why we humans and our Mother have attracted so many different
galactic denizens to our front doors, some seek our assistance in
healing, some seek to end us because of what we represent, unification
and the end of duality itself. However, the Borg Consciousness travels
the galaxy indoctrinating different races into binary systems for the
purpose of thwarting the expansion of divine consciousness. And it has
only one concern — survival, at any cost, through the perpetuation of
Borg Consciousness
The Borg Consciousness has fully infiltrated and indoctrinated an entire race of insectoids
known as the Collectors, they are the harvesters of the collective. The
Collectors are responsible for the New Age cults and false ascension
agendas, which are in place in order to harvest beings into false
reality constructs (matrices with the creatrix), so as to become
batteries for these forces – all the while still seemingly
respecting our freewill. The Borg/Collectors pray on beings the moment
after death, using fear, guilt and false light to sway souls into their
constructs and contracts. Any darkness within a being will be utilized
and mirrored back to them by these forces (“My people are destroyed for
lack of knowledge”).
Part of the Collectors agenda has been
to paint the reptilian races as humanities greatest threat, it is a
psyop, when in fact these beings share our divine spark (Anunnaki) and
have invested an immense amount of energy into developing our
consciousness. There are however reptilian races (Dracos) who have
invested energy into our enslavement, these beings are soul fragments of
a greater whole that need to be healed. Enki (Light) and Enlil (Dark)
are actually soul fragments of the same being, Lucifer, whom was split
in two as to facilitate the duality experience.
Our pockets are lined with gems and
pearls we have gathered from the duality arena, yet we still tend to
make the mistake of projecting our hatred unto those players from the
opposite pole; holding on to our hatred just further perpetuates duality
consciousness. As the duality experience comes to end, we need to heal
ourselves, forgive, and move forward as we step into our fullness.
The Collectors are here on Terra (Earth)
in deep underground bases as I write, slowly converting and subverting
our divine ternary systems from the darkest shadows. The infiltration of
Terra has been a long and gradual process. The Borg Consciousness and
the Collectors are binary beings and cannot exist on a planet that
encompasses ternary aspects of life, love, wisdom, righteousness, and so
The blue life force energy (orgone)
which emanates from our beautiful Mother and we humans is krypton to the
Borg. In order for the Borg Consciousness to overtake Terra, they need
to sap all of the orgone energy from the planet and from each of us
divine frequency generators. The Borg, with the help of the Collectors,
have developed bio-formed bodies (Greys) using human DNA, in an attempt
to exist on our physical plane, and if the energy of the planet becomes
binary enough, they can and will do so. Ancient forests were
cut to the ground, oceans and lakes are poisoned, our skies blotted out
with chemicals – all for the purpose of reverse terraforming and
depleting our atmosphere of oxygen for the sake of their binary bio-formed physical templates. It is time fir us to become orgone warriors once more!
There is a deliberate reason for the
slaughtering of the Aboriginals, Natives and Germanic races on our
planet; these ternary tribes still encompassed the old ways, they
praised the mother, sang songs to her, danced under the moonlight with,
her thus keeping her vibratory resonance high. We humans have stopped
singing, we have turned our backs on the Mother. The old ternary ways of
life have been replaced with binary systems like religion, corporation,
government, banking, mind and ego, we have been compartmentalized and
nurtured and by these systems. It is time for we humans to move out of
our minds, and exist from our hearts, our core essence.
As humans, we are so close to the divine
that we are intrinsically connected to the Aeons, whom exist as
archetypes of our mind. As we further repress the light in which the
Aeonic archetypes hold not only do they disappear from our world, but
they become shackled in theirs (as below so above). When we encompass
the darkness which was released from Pandora’s Box (Unconsciousness),
the “Arecons” are made manifest in our world, in our minds. The light of
the Aeonic archetypes in our minds have become so darkened in our
modern society, that the psychic shadow of our subconscious has given
these Arecons room to control us via our unconsciousness, which is the
absence of light (consciousness).
Masonic cults have worked to further the
growth of this psychic shadow, through religious institutions which
externalize our darkness in the forms of Satan/Lucifer, the scapegoat we
use to blame for our dark tendencies and manifestations. We have
transmuted the Aeon Lucifer (Sophia’s consort) into a rampaging beast by
casting our shadow unto him, he bears on his shoulders all of our
darkness. Lucifer is shackled to the stone, pinned to the cross, locked
away in the subbasement; In order for Lucifer to be healed and brought
back into balance, each and everyone of us must do our own personal
shadow work and collectively, we must take responsibility for the
darkness in our modern world.
The “Illuminati” want us to blame it all
on them, this just gives these demonic principalities more wiggle-room
in which to operate, when in reality they are just a physical
manifestation of our darkness, laziness, complacency, apathy and so

In return we must also view the
Borg/Collectors’ amassing of a stronghold on Terra as a physical
manifestation of our collective unconscious, we gave room for this to
grow. We cannot defeat the forces of duality with weapons alone, instead
by doing our own inner shadow work can we transmute the outer and
dispel the blueprint of duality not only from Terra, but the entire
universal schema which will in turn restore universal unity
consciousness. The energy of universal unity consciousness will short
circuit the forces of duality thus breaking the perpetual cycles.
In previous cycles instead of doing our
collective/personal shadow work, we repressed it, we bypassed ‘the bog
of a thousand stenches’ and skipped right on over to the rose field; the
forces of duality attempted this pattern in our current cycle via the
institution of the ‘New Age’. But cannot sweep the dirt under the rug
any longer, for this just postpones darkness for a time – there will
always be resurgence.
To embody love and light is not enough!
What is the purpose of invoking more
light if the shutters are closed? Instead let us focus on healing our
repressed, suppressed, unconscious emotions and tendencies, after doing
so, love and light will emerge naturally, verses regurgitating it forth
from our bilious stomachs in a hypocritical manner. Examine yourself!
“We have predators that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives… Sorcerers believe that the predators have given us our systems of beliefs, our ideas of good and evil, our social mores… It is the predators who make us complacent, routinary and egomaniacal… It has rendered us docile, helpless.” ~ Carlos Castaneda
The “Arecons” will ceaselessly attack
our inherited dark spots until we recognize this, heal our shadows and
seal our being on all levels. Either way you cannot escape this process
(not even death spares us from this cycle.) The only way that we can
return to our fullness and escape the cycles of duality is through our own shadows.
The only other way to escape the clutches of your own shadow is to
submit to duality, adhering to either the Jachin or Boaz pillar of the
tree of life, bypassing the process of equilibrium, which is graduation
from duality to essentially becoming an “Arecon” yourself!
The “powers that be” (Boaz, severity) on
our planet at the present time, chose the path of control and
domination through technological means. We often hear about the
Illuminists achieving personal Godhood or Apotheosis,
but these are just illusions of grandeur, spells cast upon them by
their own shadows. The Illuminists have become blinded by Lucifer’s
When we humans were given the fire of
Prometheus we were also met with the freewill choice to use it for
destruction or creation. We must learn to harness both energies in
perfected balance by merging the heart into the mind and vice versa.
These so-called powers practice severity without mercy, with no
ternary heart essence to defend them, they have become completely
susceptible to indoctrination by the Borg Consciousness. The Illuminists
massive amount of hubris gave rise to lust for power, and the Borg
Consciousness utilized this inherent flaw for its benefit. The dark
shroud within the Illumnist’s minds and hearts, created the perfect
platform through which the Borg Consciousness can operate, to implement
protocols for the assimilation of of the human race. If the Illuminati
do not correct their current course of action, they will be consumed by
the voices in their heads.
The Anunnaki never defeated the Borg Consciousness in their
cycle, for they became divided amongst themselves, (“And if a kingdom
be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.”), the
counter-spell of unity was not achieved. One half of the Anunnaki
(Enlil) sought to control the Borg Consciousness with technology, and
the other half (Enki) sought to transcend it with spiritual technology.
As with all patterns of the duality matrix, they continually repeat
themselves in each galactic cycle with different variables. In our cycle
it is the Illuminati who sought to control the Borg Consciousness, by
using their technology to artificially ascend themselves into Gods by
hacking and downloading the consciousness into “Black Goo”. The
Illuminati fail to realize that they themselves have already become
indoctrinated by the Borg Consciousness, for the size of their egos are
too large to allow for this realization. Therefore, all of humanity must
unite as a unified force and face this AI threat together, as the
specific frequency of unity will nullify the Jachin and Boaz duality
matrix. It is time for Enlilites and Enkites to come together and fight
as one!
In reserve, luke warm religious/new age
types (Jachin, mercy) will not inherit the gem of equilibrium either.
These herds of grazers do not embody Christ (Strength, Righteousness),
but rather seek refuge from the shadow through the form of a saviour,
instead of traversing the valley of the shadow of death themsleves. The
“sheeple” of this world also encompass the energy of this pillar for
they lack the warrior’s righteousness, and will always view themselves
as victims unable to create change. Many religious institutions teach
mercy without severity, which in turn gives room for darkness to
manifest in our lives. When mercy and severity become balanced energies
within us, darkness suddenly becomes afraid and is kept in check like a
spanked child.
It is time for us roses to grow thorns.
We humans are the batteries of this dualistic matrix we live in and only
we have the power to end the cycles of Yin and Yang. When the energies
of the two pillars become divided within our being we manifest opposing
polarities externally as we literally encode the morphogenic field with
the energy of duality. We must merge within ourselves, father and
mother, adult and child, mind and heart, left and right, destroyer and
creator, whore and virgin, Lucifer and Sophia. The twin-flames must
In synopsis, everything is good, everything is God.
Do not fret for we are immortal, divine
sparks of source consciousness, evolving and journeying our way back to
home with our spaceship Terra, on a sojourn pilgrimage, picking up
experiences along the way as we become unique, beautiful, masterful
expressions of life. Things may look bleak for us at the present moment,
but as the old saying goes, it is often darkest just before then dawn.
We are not dualistic beings, we will not project our shadows outwardly,
but see through our own mirages and aim to heal ourselves, and walk
into our fullness as we become the fullest expression of our highest
being. Merge the two pillars of Jachin and Boaz within your being and
become the spear of destiny you meant to be. As we heal ourselves from
seemingly endless cycles of war, let us remind ourselves that although
painful, duality was a necessary experience for our ever-expanding
consciousness. Just remember that everything in our reality is only a
mirror of what is within us, the darkness is trying to grasp your
attention because it needs to be healed.
I wish you all the best of luck on your path of becoming a fearless spiritual warrior.
Justin K. Marlatt
[1] Because fiction so often mirrors
reality, the term “Borg Consciousness” used in this article is taken
from the name of the alien race featured in the Star Trek franchise. The Borg are a collection of species that have been turned into cybernetic organisms functioning as drones in a hive mind called “the Collective” or “the Hive”. The Borg use a process called assimilation to force other species into the Collective by injecting microscopic machines called nanoprobes.
K. Marlatt, in his own words: I am from Vancouver British Columbia, I
create and gift orgonite, and sell orgone devices. I have a Facebook
group called Orgone Generators for those who are interested in how they can assist to bring down the AI network, utilizing the science of orgonomy.