Extinction Level Threat – Mind-control: the Missing Link
All terrorism is synthetically engineered, directly or indirectly, and the root cause is always the secret deployment of sophisticated mind-control systems comprised of esoteric Psi-power, Dispensed “News”, “shaped education”, cultural programming, and the SSG deployment of ultra high-tech psychotronics.
by Preston James

Any serious effort by any investigative journalist who tries to report in the Mainstream Media that mind-control is the missing link in all world terrorism and mass-shootings (which just happen to occur in gun-free zones) is quickly neutralized.
The Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) run by six medias moguls who report to a major investment house on the vanguard of investment technology will either ignore such disclosures or will attempt to discredit that journalist.

Any official USG and Alphabet spokesmen will quickly deny any such issues have legs and will usually call the journalist by the CIA-created term “conspiracy theorist”, a label which works well discrediting that journalist.
Despite all these denials and attributed labeling as a “conspiracy theorist” one will receive when they identify sophisticated mind-control techniques as a root cause of lone-wolf terrorist acts, such a declaration is true.
Sophisticated high-tech Mind-control has allowed the Top Chieftains of the Khazarian Mafia to take control over the American People.
The development and deployment of this Mind-control technology has become extensive and invasive after being combined with Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) algorithms and quantum (inter-dimensional computers). This has allowed a small group of Khazarian Mafia (KM) Chieftains who sit at the top of the Establishment Hierarchy (EH) and who run most of the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) to gain control over all of the USG, the Alphabets and all American Law Enforcement.
And it is important to realize that this now ultra-high-tech Mind-Kontrol is also partly based on thousands of years of esoteric knowledge passed down within the Ruling Class (Twelve Kenite Bloodlines).
But the recently discovered technology necessary to remotely hack the human brain and entrain its thoughts, belief and attitudes is by far the most effective means of Mind-control. And unless it is stopped or neutralized does pose the greatest threat to the very survival of the human race itself.
Psychotronic Mind-Kontrol is now an extinction level threat.
The reason this new psychotronic mass-Mind-Kontrol is actually an extinction level threat. Why? Because those who have been deploying it are unimaginably evil, soulless psychopaths. And they (themselves) have become possessed by esoteric spiritual entities which have deluded them to become deeply committed to attaining a Globalist NWO Agenda that is designed to destroy 90% of all humans in the first round and then the last 10% in stages.
As many psychologists and behavioral scientists realize attitudes can become precursors for deviant actions, especially when they are mind-kontrolled and adequately triggered. Thus it is reasonable to view attitudes as “potential actions”.
So naturally it has been a high priority for the KM Top Chieftains to secretly finance and promote the most sophisticated means possible to mass mind-kontrol the American People. They have done this through infiltrating, consolidating and hijacking the Major Mass Media, mainstream broadcast radio networks and TV. TV has been their best means for mass-mind programming of the masses until ultra high tech psychotronics were developed and deployed the last 25 years.
It is now known for certain that the newest techniques of Psychotronic Mind-Kontrol have been deployed against certain individuals. Some randomly selected, some whistleblowers targeted for harassment and cognitive deconstruction. But all such deployments are tests and are used to hone and perfect these psychotronic remote conductive entrainment systems, usually complex A.I.-driven quantum computer-based algorithms.
If one’s attitudes are culturally conditioned to have anti-human attitudes, a suitable trigger is entrained or provided by a handler to coerce a mind-kontrolled individual to act in a certain deviant manner as the handler and trainer desires.“Mass Psychology of Submission” … Personalities who are more frightened of rebellion than of the consequences of their subjugation.
It is now clear beyond any shadow of a doubt that such mind-control is real and triggers can be deployed through hand signals, voiced instructions, tone and display of certain symbols, as well as remotely induced and entrained directly into the skull by high-tech electronic warfare methods which are referred to as psychotronics.
Some very high level Intel insiders (best described as Intel Cowboys) are well aware that certain major defense contractors now market top secret psychotronic induction devices for entrainment and triggering.

Nano and Sonic Technologies against Americans on Mainland US
Now for those doubters who read this and think, “Oh this is
just another attempt to lead away from the deviant criminals who
infiltrated and hijacked the USG in 1913”, here is my answer.
used soft materials to create a brain implant one-tenth the width of a
human hair that can wirelessly control neurons with lights and drugs,
and control the actions of mice with the press of a button. (Photo:
Jeong lab, Univ. of Colorado Boulder)
One of the first tests occurred in a major sporting goods chain that had numerous well-balanced and mentally healthy staff crack with a major mental snap on the job. It was done through pulsed beam transmitters, which were installed in the stores.
Then the next arena for even more sophisticated tests was certain large public schools; at first special UN-approved high-efficiency lights were installed that provided inductive entrainment of students, and then high powered Wi-Fi was installed, which produced numerous mental snaps in students and teachers and staff.
In some of these initial test schools, they were first visited by Bush2, and any teachers who were completely standup had their desks sprayed with certain enzymes by Intel ops sheep-dipped as janitors, which gave them a variety of lethal diseases. Some were murdered by induction of strange, fast-growing cancers by psychotronics. Others were fired for bogus reasons, like the school’s computer department placing child pornography ads on their computers. New teachers who were too moral or standup had their contracts unexpectedly non-renewed.
This was all under control of the Mossad, the CIA and the NSA in a joint operation.
Voice of God Successful in 1991 War

Operation Bury ’em Alive – 1991 Iraq Highway of Death. During
Desert Storm on Feb. 24-25, 1991, US troops using tanks and earthmovers
that had been specially fitted with plows buried thousands of Iraqi
soldiers alive. This assault had been planned and rehearsed. According
to US participants, about 2,000 Iraqis surrendered and were not buried.
Most of the rest, about 8,000, were buried beneath tons of sand — many
trying to surrender.
Let’s consider one major piece of evidence that cannot be denied by anyone who reasonably examines the evidence. It’s the top secret deployment of the “Voice of God” remote entrainment system within the Iraqi Republican Guard during the 1st Gulf War which manipulated these crack soldiers into throwing down their arms and allowing themselves to be bulldozed alive into mass graves by the US Military.
Some insiders have claimed within Intel circles of peers that this technology was deployed by use of special C-130’s electronic warfare aircraft in combination with certain satellites and certain ELF ground transmitters.
I don’t know all parts of the system that was deployed, but I do know for certain that this “Voice to Skull” technology was deployed during that battle and actually was able to destroy a large part of the Republican Guard without a shot.
And it is known for certain that this deployment produced an amazingly deadly result for the US Military and their puppet-masters the Israeli Likudists and stateside NeoCon Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizen Traitors within the US State Department, the Administration, Congress and all the think tanks, NGOs and private foundations (like the traitorous and Seditious CFR and the various US Defense Policy Boards).
For those who want to research themselves in detail here are some key terms and references to search out:1- Voice to Skull technology deployed by certain large DOD contractors, some Deep-Black and Beyond-Black.
2- Jesse Ventura’s episode “Brain Invaders” on his Conspiracy Theory network show which was later censored for the FEMA Camp episode and then later cancelled. This is periodically scrubbed from the Internet and often is then put up again for a while before it is taken down.
3- Dr. Robert Duncan, excerpt from Brain Invaders by Jesse Ventura on his now cancelled and censored Conspiracy Theory network show. He has a number of informative interviews on www.youtube.com.
4- Patrick Flanagan, Ph.D., one of the most impressive geniuses and inventors of our time, a man who was seriously persecuted by the SSG and discovered Voice to Skull and patented it only to have his patent initially seized under national security by the USG. This genius inventor is worth researching. He has drifted into the esoteric and this actually reduces his information to zero threat status to the KM.
5- Voice of God, as deployed in the 1st Gulf war.
6- Use of poppers (small approximately 2-5 foot diameter sphere and dome transmitters on buildings and a small number of tanks and armored vehicles during and after the 2nd Gulf War and invasion of Iraq which caused GIs and civilians a lot of headaches and disturbed sleep but failed to be even marginally effective in “pacifying” everyone. This is now generally regarded as a scam to extract large defense appropriations from taxpayers.
7- 1992 Com 12 Psyops Briefing Paper for USN Intel trainees, part of the secret war being waged between the USN and the USAF.
8- The CIA’s Satanic/pedophile mind-Kontrol program for very young hijacked, bought, commissioned from parents, or kidnapped children called the “Finders”.
9- Two examples of over 100 key mind-kontrol patents still in the public arena (over 200 have been classified and are not available to the public). Check out US Patent 3,951,134 “Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves” (1974); or US Patent 6,011,991 “Communication system and method including brain wave analysis and/or use of brain activity” (1998). (source Elias Alias, youtube.com)
10-The book Excalibur Briefing by Lt. Colonel Thomas Bearden.
11-The underground book on scalar transmission edited by “Commander X”, the Guide to Incredible Conspiracies, What They Don’t Want You To Know.

Do premier scientific labs have ethics, or will many researchers do anything for money? … “er, We know the answer to that; now we are just trying to determine their price.”
Obviously, any article that specifically described the current deployment of psychotronics (electronic warfare) against the American People would be as thick as a phone book. I have given a brief overview here.Some of this new Psi-power quantum based technology is just too sensitive right now to disclose specifically, but many VT readers can connect the dots from previous articles and draw realistic conclusions.
Suffice to say that it is associated with: the secret societies, pedophilia, child and adult torture and sacrifice; mass-murder through wars and induced crime in synthetically engineered urban jungles; the invocation and negative energy “feeding” of the Third Force; and attempted applications to triple-helix gene-splicing technology to create the synthetic soul and use of inter-dimensional quantum computers and psychotronics.
Current psychotronic and Mind-Kontrol technologies using remote induction/entrainment make it quite easy for the Secret Shadow Government’s Defense Contractors to create synthetic terror: including lone wolves willing to “sacrifice themselves”; manipulated patsies; radical mercenary groups like ISIS; and KM Cutouts and Doofuses who become willing to give up their souls to serve the KM’s “Order of the Snake” for the vast rewards they can and usually gain.
The Russian Federation has
developed significant and effective means to neutralize these devices in
all forms, and it is believed that others such as Dr. Keshe have such
neutralizing technology.
It is no exaggeration to conclude the KM which has
infiltrated and hijacked the USG and its Defense contractors is now
deploying massive electronic warfare against We The People and many
Americans, especially certain specific groups, which are now “deer in
the headlights”, setting themselves up for slaughter watching TV and
believing the CMMM, like lemmings heading for the cliff.This bevy of psychotronic weapons includes: ground based ELF and EMF (some handheld or stationed in neighboring homes and apartments run by Intel operatives); Wi-Fi systems in home, schools and businesses; cell phone and cell tower systems; remote home phone systems; chemtrails and ingested smart dust which migrates into the CNS which can be flashed; Doppler Radar; and satellite based scalar transmissions and various unmentionable Psi-chotronic weapons, which are actually inter-dimensional quantum based Psi-power weapons.

Does Psi-power allow the individual to interact with a plane of all Possible Worlds with Different Start Conditions?
The hardest part to uncover is the beyond-black esoteric Psi-power weapons which are not covered in this article, weapons being developed now to use quantum technologies to strip the human soul out, hive the victim and reduce them to a slave, such as has been done with numerous synthetically engineered ISIS recruits. ISIS is basically a huge test for mass mind-kontrol based on psychotronically induced hiving.
I have explicated some of these means in numerous prior VT articles and who is behind them.
The concept of an Aerially discharged Electromagnetic Pulse Bomb (EMP) is often discussed as the ultimate weapon. Actually there is a sinister new EMP-derivate called the “E-Bomb” that can provide scalar emissions to suddenly reprogram the brain of millions at once, or in a different form that will neutralize the CNS of millions at once with no damage to electronics and buildings.Some Intel insiders believe that the Russian Federation has this weapon now and perhaps in operational form. It is rumored to operate as an inter-dimensional quantum emission device which allegedly prevents any shielding and can allegedly easily penetrate DUMBs, too.
All future Electromagnetic weapons systems are likely to be based on the new quantum physics and the previously censored/removed Maxwell laws that explained such matters. Right now the Russian Federation is the world leader in these weapons by quite a long shot, according to informed Intel insiders.
Suffice to say that We The People can deploy some of these same means (especially mass-consciousness and mass-focus as raw unbridled Psi-power) against our common enemy that the Khazarian Mafia and its Top Chieftains and their Establishment Hierarchy have deployed against us. When based and combined with Truth we can attain immense mass-power not previously thought to be available.
Prayer, living by God’s rule to treat others as we want to be treated, a commitment to personal honesty and integrity and a willingness to declare the truth to all who will listen is actually a very powerful application that elicits strong Psi-power by and for We the People.
The whole KM system is a system of mass lies, deception and Mind-Kontrol. If their system of abject lies is destroyed, it will collapse like a house of cards at every level.And many believe this happening right now, that the KM system of lies is being eroded more and more each month, thanks to the Internet and word of mouth one to another.

Cowboys – From 2nd L, Mike Harris, Jim Dean, Gordon Duff, Col. Jim
Hanke, Dr. Barakat on far right – Damascus Counter Terrorism conference,
Dec. 02, 2014
This process of checkmating the KM through the promotion of truth that exposes their massive system of lies and deception now becomes the responsibility of all of us, the American Masses, We The People to expose and stop.
Fortunately we have had a new weapon at our disposal, the worldwide Internet, the New Gutenberg Press. Soon a serious attempt is likely to be made to take this away from us. It may very well be that far too much truth has already been dispensed.
The big game of the KM for many
years since 1913 has been to use their hijacked Major Mass Media and all
the mechanism and branches of the USG, corporations and hijacked
institutions to make their criminal acts which should have been public
Much to their horror and intense anxiety, the Internet has reversed
this process by making secret acts of criminality, child-sacrifice,
murder, war-making and mass-murder public.You would be correct if you came to the conclusion that We the People are now involved in a war for our very survival: it’s the Truth versus the KM lies and their massively deployed psychotronics; and it’s their cultural Mind-Kontrol versus the Psi-power of decent Americans and others who live by the Golden Rule of treating others the way you want to be treated, aka “love your neighbor as yourself”.