By Lisa Brown, 09/03/2016
Aloha beautiful love family,

Our atmosphere, inside and out, if
you notice, is merging the other higher frequency dimensions in our
physical one here (as we expand into them). Our atmosphere as we “go
higher in frequency bandwidth existence”, is a culmination of many
atmospheres… Galactic, LeMUrian, others….. Our weather, the Earth/Gaia…
stirring, awakening collective storms of everything, transforming and
merging all too, into a higher atmospheres with less physical density.
Physical mass and space mass is shifting/changing/de-densifying
substantially… Cosmic storms increase in various ways to clear this too.
Physical Earth Gaia continually reconstructs/reshapes matter-form as
well. Everything physically now…. continual particle re-alignment with
each wave, blast, burst, activation of higher vibrational light.
Integration can be easy and instant, with enough alone time, sleep,
nature as a natural way of being…
The amount of electromagnetic
energy inside of our bodies and out, plasma energy… is substantial now.
Gone are the days of the old and with it goes the old ways, the old
realities, the old existences of unconsciousness…. Old Earth is gone and
NEW Earth continually reshapes, re-calibrates, re-configures,
re-aligns, re-programs itself too.
NEW Earth has expanded into other
dimensions, other atmospheres, other galaxies, where our evolution is a
continual integration of all of our existences here. Our Earth Ship is
alive, breathes, expands and anchors the other spacial dimensions
simultaneously too. Earth, Gaia, Terra Nova evolution… Can you
imagine/see a little bit of every dimensional reality continually
merging/already here? Planetary DNA evolving through all becoming
conscious and one…. a living, breathing, organism, where we are all a
part of the whole, inner-connected, with every cell, atom, molecule
breathing simultaneously, continually expanding, integrating, streaming
light, love, information through each of us, the foundational,
continually stabilizing and re-structuring Crystalline Gridwork of NEW
Continually increasing in
magnitude, everything created out of unconsciousness is will be consumed
by PURE SOURCE LIGHT. Love, peace, compassion, deep sacred respect,
honor, kindness, unity, freedom, full abundance, all return, through the
dissolution of realities where any separation still was held.
These waves of profound photonic
light, they touch all. They activate that which was dormant and asleep,
they awaken our SOUL even more (which doesn’t seem possible, yet it
always is), they lift and elevate, stimulate, enhance, expand, magnify,
amplify, polarize, bringing realizations through “bursts and blasts”
that are soft for that which is in-alignment and strong for that which
is not.
Everyone is affected by these,
whether they know it or not. It’s just that the more asleep one chose to
go, the less aware of how/what all is. The human aspect discounts,
rationalizes or labels all as something different, instead of seeking to
understand and accept the simple explanation. The more resistance, the
LOUDER realities get, so that they can be heard, often repeatedly, until
the SOUL becomes important enough for the heart-mind to open to want to
pay attention/listen/see. Until one’s life is touched/affected, many
don’t tend to want to open up for something that messes with their fixed
reality world. The more stubborn/fixed one is, the stronger the
experience is. In these frequencies, strong is imminent, because
timelines collapse continually into one, and when this occurs, the
walled-heart/closed-minded human aspect finds themselves in the
vibrational space to have open up. These are the responses to chosen
experiences by that individual soul. It’s what is necessary, when the
human aspect chooses suffering as the only way to open their heart,
while others FEEL the “safety” of SOUL ESSENCE and open their hearts in
response to the feeling and don’t worry about what their head says…
Whatever it takes to get one’s
heart open fully so that their own soul can “come through” (emerge),
these are the vibrations we are in. There are no victims, for SOUL
AWAKENINGS are the most beautiful and profound experiences…It’s the
humanness, the old programs, the deeply held beliefs and magnitude of
energy (emotions) suppressed, this is the part that many do not
understand. The SOUL is pure. The physical body is clearing distorted
illusory programs of imbalances, impurities, density of
separation/unconsciousness…. The separated sleeping human aspect cannot
see yet, until human and soul merge into one space, inside the body and
continual integration/unification can occur. This is where vision,
peace, bliss, magic and profound sacred love and respect are experienced
again. It’s also where abundance of all things are brought forth, first
energetically, through feeling, then through mastery, creation,
application/implementation of all of the wisdom and knowledge to HOW all
truly functions here.
WHERE each comes/functions from is
what matters… for if your every breath and cells are only filled with
sacred love, gratitude, appreciation, respect, integrity, creation,
inner-power/presence, Divinity, alchemy, purpose, intention,
inspiration, deep sacred connection with everything/all as ONE, then you
are not wasting, you are utilizing, you are supporting, constantly
stepping-up, sharing and embracing absolutely everything with every
particle and fiber of your BEing and your physical reality is easy… for
you’ve MASTERED the physical from inside of you, as it was all just
energy…. as are we.
WE maintain this connected space, at all times….. It’s how we exist as Divine Souls & Light BEings here.
There is a lot going on inside our
Crystalline LightBody structures right now. High frequency solar
electromagnetic winds softly charging our cells, stimulating &
activating our crystals, weaving light, re-coding all…. Mostly the spine
right now, some could feel adrenal overload, which depletes the “fight
or flight” and releases “softening” hormones, clears resistance, as the
heart is opened substantially in every moment. We have multiple
activations running simultaneously right now.
Honor you, your body, your
journey. Feed your spirit happy awesomeness!
Have a magical, amazing and beyond exquisite day! ♥
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼