Video Production from Miles Johnston
Bases 62. Saturn, 4th Reich, 5D Earth, Nazi Bases, Remote Viewing and Satanic Rituals
Ahlex |
About Ahlex
• Has been part of a benevolent ET Super Soldier Programme (possibly Part of the 4th Reich)
• Recently Memories of his Alter have come back
• Ahlex repeatedly said I have been forced to put this information out about the 4th Reich by higher beings
• Ahlex is under massive psychic attack and it feels very uncomfortable to watch
I am putting a summary of the videos to see if anyone can confirm parts of his story. Not to promote it! He is certainly not the next Goode and I doubt we will see him again but I feel he may be worth listening to.
Part 2 Ascension and the 4th Reich
• He is being charged with frequencies in preparation for New Earth, 5D and Ascension.
• Goes through massive discomfort and physical discomfort because of this
• He is connected to the fourth Reich
• Claims fourth Reich to be both human and Reptilian
• Was told when his alters merge his DNA will Activate
Starts at 33 Mins
Part 3 Saturn
• Confirms Saturn’s transmitting a fake reality
• Explains Saturn delays time on this planet
• Therefore, manifestations take much longer
• Consequences / Karma are delayed by Saturn
• This Breaks the unity of human consciousness and creates individuals (in + divide + duality) Its often much later we realize the hurt we have caused not instantaneously
• Saturn is breaking /delaying our connection with each other and makes it a lot easier for ETs to manipulate mankind
• The human Mind used to be able to work in multiple Dimensions. Now no!
• Saturn has massive Reptilian transmitters on the planet which are heavily guarded by many Reptilian ships
• Says how in other Dimensions you can see up/down into other dimensions even if you are not part of them
• Saturn also blocks us from seeing other dimensions
Part 4 Remote Viewing + Base in Pacific
• Claims the fourth Reich has Grey Technology which distorts remote viewing off Planet
• This technology also muddies the water when Remote viewing on Earth
• His alter is able to manipulate reality using his consciousness
• Most recent memory only 2 months ago July/ August 2016 Took part in an operation in the Pacific Ocean
• He arrived to an Island where Naval ships and submarines circled and protected it
• He joined a Delta Team which went through a Portal to engage with Greys who were torturing 3 fmaily members of a bloodline Iraqi / Afghan family
• Delta force team claimed to be Nazis and told him that they were against the N.W.O.
Part 5 Polar Nazi Bases
• Recent memory of being at an Artic Base at an entrance to inner earth
• On the Base there was a line which everyone had to stand behind
• Then the Antarctic Base appeared and synched into place
• They fitted together perfectly
• Makes logistics a lot easier
Part 6 Disclosure
• Claims the 4th Reich roots go back not thousands but millions of years
• Originally protected humanity
• Was told During WW2 the Nazis were infiltrated
• Their intention was to do a Reptilian + Archon disclosure to the world. Similar to David Icke.
• Was told a big Disclosure would be a global event and is not too far in the future in this timeline
• This Event would be used to return Humanity to restore them to their original state
• Explains how CIA + Mi6 super soldier programmes use Satanic Ritual Abuse
• Fourth Reich super soldier programme uses Direct Consciousness Engineering
• Part of modern Day Fourth Reich has become Negative
• Fourth Reich is a modern name.
• Talks about a negative Black Cloud around the Earth
• Our DNA will have to be repaired and restored
Blog Satanic Ritual
• At 37 minute mark describes a horrific Satanic Ritual he has memories of
• Inside a black Pyramid possibly on the moon
• Involving A large Draco and a Nazi.
• Its not for the fainthearted!
Claims to see a Swastika similar to this Crop Circle.