Cosmic Disclosure: Encounters with Ancient Sentinels
Season 6, Episode 3

Corey Goode: Thank you.
David: What happens next in our big story here?
Corey: Well, next I finally get to repeat my trip to Venus, the one that I'd went on before, but we were unable to complete the trip because there was some sort of scheduling conflict with another group that was visiting Venus.
David: Well, you also seem to have kind of like a confrontation, right? There's these ships that are kind of orbiting around Venus, and I had the sense that they did not want you getting any closer, and it was almost like a military standoff or something.
Corey: Well, there was one that was blocking us, but the communication was going on between Kaaree and them, I presume.
She sat there silently and then told me that we would need to return.
David: So you mentioned in your update [Corey Goode Intel Update Part 2] that August 3 [2016] you were told to prepare for this, but this was just sort of to get you ready for it.
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