September 21, 2016

This is an unprecedented time as we have
never before had access to so much information all at once in the
billions of years this planet has been around. With the help of the
internet, there are no secrets. Classified documents are being leaked.
E-mails are being hacked and the information being dumped for everyone
to see. There is little this Cabal can do to prevent a full awakening of
the public.

By the way, it’s okay to feel like you
don’t know what you’re doing. What’s happening here on this planet has
never been done before in the history of the Universe. We are literally winging it and making it up as we go.
We are the pioneers of this whole thing. We have guides, but
ultimately, they don’t even know how this whole thing will unfold. It
will be positive, this is certain. But how it will play out it up to us
and our free will. We are creating this new reality minute by minute,
hour by hour, day by day. I just wanted to get that out as I need to
tell this to myself quite often as I will frequently feel like i’m not
doing something right or not doing something enough and so on. I would
recommend based on my experience so far to just go with the flow and do the best you can with what you have. Everything will work out.
Positive thoughts create positive situations on the physical plane.
It’s the same for negative thoughts. Anyways let’s move on in this
The United States’ population is the
largest army in the world, with the majority of people owning a firearm.
The Cabal knows this and has been attempting to stage shootings and
rampages of all kinds in order to get these guns taken away. They cannot
and will not succeed.

This whole process of awakening,
disclosure and ascension/evolution is being guided by very powerful
benevolent higher density beings. The entire Universe is watching what’s
happening on Earth right now. I will explain why. In the beginning of
the Omniverse, it logically created a polar opposite of itself. A
potential. Some very powerful higher density beings decided to
experiment with this potential and disconnect from Source and plunge
into it. This was the birth of everything we know as evil, the opposite
of a loving Universe.
After however many millions or billions
of years, the final vestiges of evil or what is called the Primary
Anomaly, is being absorbed and transmuted into the One and will never be
allowed to occur again. Earth is the last stronghold of these beings.
The rest of the Universe has been liberated. This is all according to
various sources of reliable intel. Of course, I can’t decide for you
what is reliable or not reliable, it is up to each of you to make that

When the last of the technology holding humanity hostage is removed; very dangerous plasmic Toplet Bombs, The Event will follow.
The Event is the final liberation of
Earth and thus the Universe from the Primary Anomaly. We all have front
row seats to this spectacle and many, many souls wanted to come here for
this time. The time we are living in has been described in at least 35
different ancient cultures, texts and prophecies.
Various Starseeds and Wanderers from
higher densities answered the call to help Earth, but only so many could
pass the tests to come here. Imagine how a special agent will go
through a lot of training to do an undercover mission for a certain
amount of time; weeks months, years, etc. Now imagine the kind of
training and skills a soul would need to complete this mission on Earth
for tens of thousands of years and hundreds of lifetimes. These
are the souls chosen to assist Earth at this time. Not everyone got the
golden ticket. But those who did are in for the lifetime of all

I would like to stress that no one is
better than anyone in a Universe where everything is One. This is
impossible. Some souls simply had the skills at the right time for this
mission. Everyone is doing their part in their own way and every single
person and being is important. If you weren’t here, everything would be different.
Here is an article I wrote a couple
months ago that is a compilation of intel and information put out by the
mainstream media about the preparations for The Event. I created two
videos for YouTube that explain it in detail. There are links there to
learn more about it. I created documents to give to those who may want
more information about this, without the extra terrestrial aspect to
this. Most people may be turned off by that idea if you give it to them
right off the bat. So the sheet I created deals with Earthly matters.
That is in this article:
It is important to get at least two weeks
worth of food, water and supplies as the Resistance Movement has
communicated this would be the maximum time to be prepared for. The
banks will shut down as the financial system is how the Cabal controls
humanity. Debit and credit cards will not be working temporarily. During
this time the light forces will then take over communications
satellites and begin to broadcast disclosure and the truth about the
crimes against humanity. There will also be the mass arrests of all the
Cabal members. This will be televised. This operation will be done
simultaneously all across Earth. There will also be a release of
classified and life saving technology.
To verify this, both the German and Czech
government has issued public warnings to its citizens to gather food,
water and other supplies in case of an emergency:
You who are reading these words are very important. There
may be some confusion and possibly chaos while this is going on. You
will know what is transpiring and what will be happening and will be in a
very important position to educate others and help soften this blow of
information. The positive military will back up the local law
enforcements to ensure the arrests go accordingly and to prevent
civilians from rioting and causing damage.
We are getting very close to this
happening and for those who are just tuning in, as your free will
permits, you will need to assimilate this intel and information quickly
so as to be prepared when this finally happens.

There is no set date as the signal to
trigger this operation will come from Source. If the Cabal goes too far
and tries to destroy humanity with all of their conventional bombs or
other weapons, The Event will begin immediately, regardless of the state
of humanity.
This is a hostage situation. And
we are the hostages. I don’t want to put you in fear, because we are
being protected to a large degree. There will be no WWIII like we are
being told. There is a WWIII going on, but it is financial, digital and
is an information war. Earth is a very valuable planet with many kinds
of life and in a very particular and highly desired spot in our galaxy
and the positive forces will not allow the Cabal to destroy it.
There are currently billions of ships
parked throughout our atmosphere and beyond in our solar system awaiting
in case of any emergencies. They are sending love and monitoring
everything the Cabal is doing. They have no where to hide. The Galactic
Confederation can see where they are anywhere on or inside the Earth and
even tune into their thoughts. They aren’t being allowed to leave the
planet. If they try, they will be shot down. According to reliable
whistle blowers like Corey Goode, this has already been happening.

This stealth war we are in right now is
being shown to us in various movies. We discussed some of these shows
during the meeting. The Hunger Games is a big one. Especially the most
recent Hunger Games movie; The Mockingjay Part II. I highly recommend
watching this movie as you will get a good idea of the type of people we
are dealing with and the fact that there is a resistance working
behind-the-scenes to bring them down.

I have combed The Resistance Movement’s blog and have come up with a list of all the known groups involved in this operation:
I have also written an article where I
outline with mainstream media sources how much the Earth is changing and
will continue to change in the near future:
Another amazing movie was Jupiter
Ascending. In it there are these pale-looking humans who control these
very intimidating and malevolent reptilians. They are using Earth and
its inhabitants as a farm to create sustenance for these pale human
beings and others in the Universe. They disclose a lot of really cool
technology in this film also. Another film that disclosed this activity
was Monsters, Inc. Where the monsters scare the children and use their
fear as sustenance.

I have written about several other shows
that depict exactly what’s going on here on Earth, I highly recommend
studying this intel and knowledge to become more acquainted with the
One of the things that people can do is
participate in weekly meditations. I keep forgetting to mention them at
the meetings, but I will try to make sure I do so in future ones. The
Cabal doesn’t want us to realize the power of our thoughts. You all have
the ability to change timelines with your thoughts and ideas. Just one
person can do this. And when other minds come together and visualize a
concept or idea, the number isn’t doubled, it is squared.

There is a meditation tomorrow September
22nd at 2:21 UTC which would be 7:21 AM here in AZ. Here is the
voice-guided meditation video that we will be using:
You can convert that time for your time zone with this link:
We are doing these meditations every Sunday at 4 PM GMT which is 9 AM for those living in AZ.
There is much more information that I
couldn’t possibly fit into this post or even in several months of
meetings. It is all waiting to be found by you by your free will.
I love you all and hope this information
was well received. I have no intention of giving misinformation or
disinformation. This is all information that rings true to me and I have
been able to verify much of it through mainstream sources which I
include in my articles and videos. Thank you all for reading and much
love to you all!