17:00:00 EST
August 19, 2016 (9)
FORM: Zimbabwe
Currency is a Sovereign Historical Bond
Excerpts from Zimbabwe Situation:
http://www.zimbabwesituation.c om/news/zimsit-m-bond-notes-la unch-date-set/
Meaning, the ZIM is a sovereign historical bond not
you'll remember in 2008, the same German company. chosen to print new
Zimbabwe bonds releasing this coming August, Giesecke & Devrient,
stopped providing paper for Zimbabwe dollar banknotes after an official
request from its government
Griesecke & Devrient
said at the time that its decision came after a “political and moral assessment” of its contract with Zimbabwe
Meaning, the ZIM is a sovereign historical bond not
a national currency
, but also a bond with legal rights to the land, minerals and resources of Zimbabwe. T
redemption value is much
, much
higher than
other first basket currenc
This is also why a
Ultra High Net Worth
private bank like Abbot Downing was contracted to handle intake of the
ZIM historical bond for a Wells Fargo, and why it's critical for the
Chinese Elders to pay whatever price necessary to retrieve all historic
sovereign historic bonds / assets worldwide--as they plan on ultimately
destroying them, including all global fiat currencies eventually.
Just understand that
accomplish a Global Currency Reset (GCR) all of humanity's past debts must be paid in full by the
Elders before the world can
eset onto a new, gold backed financial
, a
s only then will all
currencies of the world
be allowed to
ReValue (RV).
SPIRIT: Weekend GCR/RV: Possible Date, Time & Reason
Excerpts from Urantia Book (Urantia = Earth)… audio files are available within each link...
Jesus Christ of the Nazarene (Palestine) was born "at noon
on August 21, 7 B.C."; however, if this unknown to be on Julian
Calendar date or a proleptic Gregorian Calendar date. Thus the date may
refer to the calendar that was in use at that time and/or the current
calendar just extended backward in time. More to the point, Jesus'
birthday should be celebrated on August 21
of the current calendar, as under the "harvest moon" is the real
anniversary of the Messiah's birth rather during the winter
solstice period of late December.
humanity has been lied to about the birth and life of Yeshua Ben Yosef
(Jesus Christ)… what else have our controllers lied to us about?
Open your hearts… release the mind… and ascend… it's safe now… we are free...
God is with us