New US Republic via a GCR Update 27 Aug. 2016
Compiled on 27 Aug. 2016 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, Author, "Twenty Two Faces," CEO, Child Abuse Recovery.
1.On Sat. Aug. 13 2016 currency exchanges were said to begin for those who had prearranged appointments or connections with the bank.
2. A week later on Sat. Aug. 20 2016 was to be the RV release weekend set by the Chinese Elders. However, a key computer infrastructure system integral to the RV mainframe was brought down due to a rogue cabal attack at a top secret military location.
3. Additional tactical military personnel were called in to both replace the system and guard this RV server location against future attack.
4. The BRICS CIPS computer system was reset and logarithms were re-entered.
5. Fisher received word late Sat. night that Wells Fargo reported the last of 508 Prosperity Packages had left postal facilities.
6. On that same Sat. in Iraq the lower denominations of the Dinar were out and in use.
7. The next day Sun. Aug. 21 2016 the President of the new US Republic Pentagon Chief of Staff General Joseph Dunford released the new US Notes of the restored Republic of the United States that were backed by gold of the Chinese Elders.
8. Starting on that Sun. BRICS trucks began unloading additional USN pallets of currency to all American bank branches to prepare for a Thurs. Sept. 1 2016 public change over of USD to USN currency.
9. Evidently the re-entry of logarithms on Sat. didn't do the trick because the next day Sun. Aug. 21 new hardware components were installed on the CIPS computer system that had been attacked by the Cabal the day before. The hardware reconnected the digital RV redundancy network. By midnight Sunday special algorithm software had been loaded to reboot the new system.
10. That Sun. in Iraq there were indications that ISIS has been eliminated and was no longer an issue for the RV.
11. On that Sunday Aug. 21 2016 Restored Republic President General Joseph Dunford and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan were said to be in secure monitoring locations awaiting the Republic's historic RV - that didn't happen.
12. By Monday Aug. 22 2016 the world economic trading and banking platforms were ready to collapse. They were not designed to handle the lack of liquidity in the system.
13. The mainstream media and politicians were lying to the masses supposedly because they didn't want to create more panic.
14. Final system checks and last minute preparation began on that Monday and went on until Wed. Aug. 24. All call centers and redemption centers were going over final release protocols and tested all IT diagnostic systems. Evidently the systems passed the test.
15. On that Monday Federal Marshalls were disbursing the last batch of Prosperity Packages, Humanitarian Funds and Farmer Claims.
16. Also on that Monday of Aug. 22, 290 billion $ worth of bonds transacted in the first 30 minutes of trade.
17. The new CIPS system was reported to be fully in effect, working and completed updates by 11 pm EST Monday night.
18. Early the next morning on Tues. Aug. 23 2016 computer changes were started around 3am and finished between 10 and 11 pm EST, updating currency rates around the world.
19. It was reported that the investment arm of Wells Fargo, Abbott Downing, was now in charge of exchanges at off site redemption centers, plus would be the ongoing support system for high redemption currency exchange clients.
20. On that Tues. Aug. 23 Bloomberg news announced that a new global currency would be in effect for the general public on Sept. 1.
21. On Wed. Aug. 24 2016 Wells Fargo began funding Abbott Downing Accounts starting at 4:05 pm EST. Anonymous Intel Report - August 25, 2016
22. Abbott Downing was said to receive 0.0003 per every 1 trillion (12 zeros) ZIM notes redeemed, including on structured payouts.
23. The RV was said to have started around the first of Aug. and now as of Aug. 24 10 quadrillon dollars had been paid.
24. By Thurs. Aug. 25 2016 the Federal Reserve was holding a meeting in Jackson Hole Wyoming (suspected to be on the very private Rockefeller Ranch inside Teton National Park). Was this a move by the Cabal to compete with the BRICS CIPS system? The day before on Aug. 24 it was reported that Big banks planned to coin a new digital currency. Four of the world’s biggest banks had teamed up to develop a new form of digital cash that they believe would become an industry standard to clear and settle financial trades over blockchain, the technology underpinning bitcoin. UBS, the Swiss bank, pioneered the “utility settlement coin” and joined forces with Deutsche Bank, Santander and BNY Mellon as well as the broker ICAP, to pitch the idea to (Cabal owned) central banks. They were aiming for a commercial launch by early 2018.
25. On that same Thurs. Aug. 25 Zim platform trades took place all over the country and across the globe - a historical event since Zimbabwe had been functioning mainly on the US Dollar since 2009.
Intel had been scarce all week, but there were some announcements & predictions:
A. ZAP reported that the timeline for distribution of funds was set for Wed. Aug 31.
B. KTFA Backdoc reported they were going to announce something big on Aug. 31.
C. Supposedly a public change over of USD to USN currency would happen the next day on Thurs. Sept. 1 2016.
D. Public Currency & Bond Exchange were also scheduled to begin on Sept. 1 2016 and supposedly would continue through Oct. 1 2016. All straggler currency holders, as well everyday USD currency holders, could exchange USD and loose first basket notes (including singleton historical bond SKRs). All would get whatever their contracted rates called for, and/or converted to at the screen market rate depending on what country they resided. International rates could apply.
E. It was generally agreed that the general public would go the first week in Sept., or some time after Labor Day Mon. Sept. 5 2016.
F. On Sat. Oct. 1 2016 the Chinese Yuan was set to be introduced as the world's asset and gold-backed reserve currency (expected to eventually replace the US dollar as the main world's reserve currency), plus on that same Oct. 1 2016 Zimbabwe had announced that they would introduce their own newly-printed asset and gold-backed ZIM currency.
G. On Sun. Oct 2 2016 and forward would be the implementation of the Gold Standard Treaty. Final implementation and collection was to begin for all international gold value as it related to taxable income via the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change Treaty.
H. The fiscal year fourth quarter for global accounting also began on Oct. 2, along with a possible global gold standard announcement.
As far as the new US Republic was concerned Bob T reported to Dinar Chronicles: An Analysis of the RV/GCR and the "Restored Republic" 8-22-15
1. The true organic Constitutional Republic was usurped by the cabal/banksters who created the illegal US Corporation registered in Porto Rico, domiciled Washington DC. which has been using fiat currency that now is causing a world financial crisis.
2. In April 2015 the Chinese Elders gave the new US Republic the equivalent of 100 billion in gold bullion to back US currency. More may have been given since that time.
3. In the summer of 2015 new US Treasury Reserve Notes were issued for trade in the international markets. They are still being used.
4. The Chinese Elders provided gold to the Restored Republic with conditions that:
A. There would be a release of the RV funds.
B. There would be a complete removal of the illegal US Corp US government.C. The Federal Reserve would be shut down.
D. There would be a public announcement that the Restored Republic was in place and legally and lawfully running the country per the original organic Constitution.
E. Once the above conditions were met the Restored Republic could use the new US notes to run the country.
5. It makes logical sense to me that the Restored Republic will be announced soon and that the RV has to happen just before the public announcement of Restored Republic or they are made concurently together.
6. If the original plan & time schedule is still in effect, once the Restored Republic is announced it will be overseen by an “Interim Government” for a period of 120 days or so. Therefore the new elections under the Restored Republic will not take place in November 2016 but will take place in early spring of 2017 (with the new US Republic running the US under Pentagon Chief General Dunford and Senate leader Paul Ryan).
7. Once all the above is dealt with, then NESARA and all the rest of the funds can be rolled out (PPs, humanitarian project funds, St Germain trust funds etc can come forth.
8. Bob firmly believed that the RV/GCR will happen one of two ways: The easy way is for it be announced before the banks and economy totally crash. Or, if the brain dead politicians wait for the global economy to totally crash then the RV/GCR will be announced after the crash since by then there will be no other option.
9. If the above analysis is close to the true state of affairs then we should see movement on both the RV/GCR as well as the public announcement of the "Restored Republic" well before the US Corp elections in November. So let it be so. Bob T