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enerchi's early access copy of David Wilcock's new book THE ASCENSION MYSTERIES: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil |
First I would like to thank David Wilcock of DivineCosmos.com and Emily over at Penguin Random House for contacting me and allowing early access to David's new book, THE ASCENSION MYSTERIES: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil.
I look forward to reviewing David's new book in the coming days in which he goes into an in depth discovery of what humanities spiritual 'Ascension' is all about. If you have been following my blog, ascensionwithearth.com, for the last few years, you will be familiar with the 'Ascension' topic and all the interesting and convoluted theories about what is actually happening in this Universe at this moment. My blog has been documenting the events leading up to the 'EVENT' which has many descriptive names, such as the collective unveiling of the matrix reality, the Shift of Ages, Humanities Awakening, Ascension/Inscension, Golden Age, New Age, and alternative understandings of all major Religious/Spiritual Prophesies.
David's new book, THE ASCENSION MYSTERIES: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil, has more than 500 pages and a total of 25 chapters documenting his own experience as well as those who are known as 'Insiders' who have access to the secret information forbidden over the centuries to be disclosed to the general population.
From David Wilcock's title alone you can gather he touches on the spiritual and extraterrestrial cosmic wars taking place between 'Good and Evil'. This duality of the human spiritual realm is a theme most of us are aware of. God vs the Devil, White Hats vs Dark Hats, Good E.T.s vs Bad E.T.s, Hot vs Cold, Up vs Down, Left vs Right, Democrat vs Republican, so forth and so on. You get the picture. The duality of life within the Universe is an overriding pattern and plays out not just within humanities domain of existence but extends to all reaches within the divine cosmos. I wonder if Mr.Wilcock will touch on humanity transcending the duality limitation and expose the mind games that duality preys upon?
I am interested in learning the past history of humanities migration throughout the Universe and the various E.T. agendas that have played out over the billions if not trillions of earth years. It does seem to be a true soap opera story that makes Star Wars and Star Trek franchises look so tame in comparison. In my opinion, 'TRUTH' is stranger than fiction and hope David can bring to life the hidden history of our Solar System and beyond.
To sum up what this book is all about, best to use David's own words: "Earth is on the verge of a massive cosmic event that will transform matter, energy, consciousness, and biological life as we now know it and will utterly defeat the great villains of our time."
David's new book THE ASCENSION MYSTERIES: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil will be in major book retail stores on August 30, 2016 or you can purchase his book online at the following links.
THE ASCENSION MYSTERIES: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil (Dutton; August 30, 2016)
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/The-Ascension-Mysteries-Revealing-Between/dp/1101984074
Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-ascension-mysteries-david-wilcock/1123107431?ean=9781101984079
IndieBound: http://www.indiebound.org/book/9781101984079
Books a Million: http://www.booksamillion.com/p/Ascension-Mysteries/David-Wilcock/9781101984079?id=6415703191510
iBooks: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/book/the-ascension-mysteries/id1065554023?mt=11
Personal note: Please be conscious that the term 'Ascension' is what you make it to be. Your own truth is the only truth because that is what is coming from inside of you. I know it is an overused cliche but must be said, "Follow your own heart!" Spiritual Sovereignty is yours..... always!