From the Federal Reserve to a New US Republic via a Global Currency Reset
Summary as of 12 July 2016
Compiled and updated on 12 July 2016 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, Author, "Twenty Two Faces," CEO, Child Abuse Recovery. www.22faces.com www.ChildAbuseRecovery.com
US Senate Speaker Paul Ryan was expected to discuss tonight on July 12 2016, implimentation of parts of the NESARA Law at a Town Meeting 9 pm EST on CNN. "A Better Way" - RV Invitation - Tuesday - July 12, 2016 Watch CNN. Live-streamed on internet: online and across mobile devices via CNNgo.
History of the NESARA Law began nearly 450 years ago as the Anglo-Saxon world banking system started with creation of the Vatican Historical Asset Trust Accounts, today known as the Global Collateral Accounts. These funds of different sovereign countries across the globe were mainly backed by gold reserves of the ancient Chinese Royal Dragon Families. Certain sovereign families of Asia and Europe had pooled their assets into a series of very complex and secretive off-ledger private banking trust accounts. The monies were intended for humanitarian projects to help the world for the better, though had been fraudulently abused by a corrupt global banking system since at least the late 1600s.
The Vatican owned the British Crown, while the British Crown and certain secret societies and private families such as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Bush, and Clintons owned or ran the world monetary system. This Cabal-run financial enterprise included what was to be titled as the Corporation of the United States housed in Puerto Rico.
The privately owned US Federal Reserve had functioned as the primary creator of world reserve currency since the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference at the end of World War II. The practice of charging US citizens interest for use of their own money depleted US gold reserves to where none existed in Fort Knox and eventually created the Petro Dollar. Allowing easy credit soon led to a global economy that functioned on currency that was backed by nothing. The US, and world economic system, was badly in need of a Global Currency Reset.
The 1999 NESARA Act - the National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act, also known as the National Economic Security and Reformation Act - was formed to correct the situation. NESARA came about from a 1993 ruling of the US Supreme Court after 30 years of lawsuits by the Farmers Union. In that successful suit the US banking system and US government were found to be in collusion to defraud US citizens. Yet to this day, NESARA lay hidden in Congressional archives collecting dust. NESARA
66. By 1979 the US military had started training to re-take the country and eliminate a Cabal shadow government that ruled the corrupt world monetary system.
67. In 1991 Roy Schwasinger went before a senate committee to present evidence of the international bankers and government criminal activity through the Federal Reserve. He informed them how the Corporation of the United States was tied to the establishment of a New World Order which intended to bring about a fascist One World Government ruled by the international bankers.
68. In 1992 a task force was put together consisting of over 300 retired and 35 active US military officers who strongly supported Constitutional Law. This task force was responsible for investigating governmental officials, Congressional officers, judges, and the Federal Reserve.
69. The task force included Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jeremy Boorda, General David McCloud and former Director of Central Intelligence, William Colby. They uncovered the common practice of bribery and extortion committed by both senators and judges. The criminal activity was so rampant that only two out of 535 members of Congress were deemed honest. More importantly, in 1992 they ordered and carried out the first-ever (and only) audit of the Federal Reserve.
70. The Federal Reserve was accustomed to giving orders to politicians and had no intentions of being audited. However, after they were informed their offices would be raided under military gunpoint if necessary, they complied with the investigation. After reviewing their files the military officers found $800 trillion dollars sitting in accounts which should have been applied to the national debt. Contrary to federal government propaganda, they also discovered that most nations owed money to the United States instead of the other way around.
71. These hidden trillions were then confiscated and placed into European bank accounts in order to generate the enormous funds needed to pay a successful Farmers Claims class action lawsuit that helped to instigate the 1992 Federal Reserve Audit. Later this money would become the basis of the Global Currency Reset Prosperity Programs.
72. Despite the death blow of loosing control of $800 trillion through a 1992 audit of the Federal Reserve, the now-President and founder of the CIA mind control program MKULTRA George H.W. Bush garnered the help of the Illuminati to continue on with their plans of global enslavement. This included using mind control torture methods gained from adult and child victims of Nazi Germany concentration camps.
73. In August 1992 the military officers confronted President Bush and demanded he sign an agreement that he would return the United States to Constitutional Law. He was ordered to never use the term New World Order again. Bush pretended to cooperate, but secretly planned to bring about the New World Order anyway using the CIA and their use of mind control to overpower the American public.
74. On December 25, 1992 President George H.W. Bush set out to sign an Executive Order that would have indefinitely closed all banks, giving Bush an excuse to declare martial law. Under the chaos of martial law, Bush intended to install a new Constitution which would have kept everyone currently in office in their same position for 25 years, plus removed all rights to elect new officials. The military intervened and stopped Bush from signing that Executive order.
75. In 1993 members of the Supreme Court, certain members of Congress and representatives from the Clinton government met with high ranking US military officers who were demanding a return to Constitutional Law, reforms of the banking system and financial redress. Clinton, however, was a proponent of the New World Order and the CIA mind control programs. As a result, nothing of substance was done. See CIA mind control salve Cathy O'Brien's books "Access Denied" and "Tranceformation of America."
76. The 1999 NESARA Act - the National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act, also known as the National Economic Security and Reformation Act - came about after a 1993 ruling of the US Supreme Court after 30 years of lawsuits by the Farmers Union. NESARA
77. In that successful suit the US banking system and US government were found to be in collusion to defraud US citizens.
78. Also in that successful suit it was proven in court that the US office of the Internal Revenue Service that collected taxes from citizens had never been ratified by the US Congress.
79. Initially the Clinton Administration attempted to get the World Court to overrule NESARA, though by 1999 the true NESARA Law was introduced in Congress.
80. Preston James from Veteran’s Today explained the “secret global reset” involved with NESARA. https://newsununity.com/2016/06/18/nesara-the-legislation-that-almost-freed-us-from-debt-slavery/
81. NESARA was the most ground breaking reformation to sweep the US. The 1999 Act did away with the Federal Reserve Bank, IRS and shadow US government of the Cabal, plus implemented the following changes:
A. Approximately $1 trillion of public debt imposed by the Federal Reserve banking cartel families would be eliminated.
B. This was the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a “jubilee” or a forgiveness of debt due to the illegal banking and government activities. Some private debt would be forgiven including home mortgages, car, credit card, student loan and other bank debt.
C. Common Law would be the law of the land forcing the government not to use military force.
D. Inflation would be abolished.
E. Much stricter banking controls would be put in place.
F. Abolished the US income tax and the IRS. Employees of the IRS would be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.
G. Created a 14% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. Food and medicine would not be taxed, nor would used items such as old homes.
H. Increased benefits to senior citizens.
I. Returned Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.
J. Reinstated the original Title of Nobility amendment.
K. Established new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA’s announcement. Monitored elections and prevented illegal election activities of special interest groups.
L. The interim government would cancel all national emergencies and returned us back to Constitutional Law.
M. Created a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.
N. Forbid the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.
O. Initiated a new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law.
P. Eliminated the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal Reserve would be allowed to operate side by side of the new U.S. Treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.
Q. Restored financial privacy.
R. Retrained all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.
S. Ceased all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide.
T. Released enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes.
U. Enabled release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that were withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, antigravity, and sonic healing machines.