by Magdaline
The rediscovery of ley lines is unveiling (apocalypse; Greek for unveiling) the secrets of Nature. Ley lines are the luminous strands that many are pulling at today, hardly suspecting what riches lay at the end of these subtle light lines. All ley lines lead to the planetary Grid, the primary light and energy matrix, creating, enveloping, and maintaining planet Earth, our Gaia
What Are Ley-Lines?
A ley-line is a straight fault line in the earth’s tectonic plates; this is a scientific fact. Through these cracks in the earth’s tectonic plates the magnetic energies released are very powerful indeed.
Many people have claimed to have felt the energy surge up their body, and some have claimed that they have blacked out, as the surge was that powerful.
How Long Have Human Beings Known About Ley Lines?
Our ancestors have known about these lines for thousands of years. Every race and culture on the planet has known about these lines yet every one had different names for these lines. All we need to do is to look at the ancient cultures of the earth.
Take the native Indians of the United States; they used to call ley lines spirit lines and their Shaman’s used to use the electro-magnetic energy in these lines to help them contact the spirits.

They even designed their medicine wheel on the spirit lines, as they knew that these lines followed a straight round line. How did they know about these lines and the energies that they give off? The answer’s simple: the sky Gods told them.?? In Europe we are lead to believe that the druids called them mystical lines, in Wales they used the same name as eastern countries; they called them dragon lines. We know that Eastern countries called them dragon lines as the sky Gods flew in dragons along these lines. The aboriginal people of Australia called these lines “dream lines”, once again they claim that knowledge was passed on to them from the sky Gods.
Throughout history all megalithic structures have been strategically built on top of these so called ley lines. From the pyramids of Giza to Stonehenge, Notre Dame, Solomon’s Temple, Parthenon, Oracle of Delphi, Rennes Le Chateau, Ziggurat, the Vatican, DC Capitol, Mecca, Agia Sophia, Aztec Pyramids, Bermuda Triangle, Coral Castle, Tesla’s lab in Shoreham NY, including all Nuclear power plants, military basis and stadiums- which are also used to harness energies- like giant batteries!
Many of the sections where two or more ley lines intersect are marked with obelisks, such as Washington DC monument, Vatican Courtyard, and Cleopatra’s Needle in Central Park. These electromagnetic lines of the earth are its veins and receive its energies from the sun that connects and effects, every living thing on this planet.
We are electrical and our atoms are surrounded by electrons (electricity). Gregg Braden explains it best by asking u,s where does our heart get its electrical capacity form? We are connected to the earth’s electro magnetic fields and our heart is our battery.
Many of our ancient spiritual figures knew this hidden knowledge and meditated or prayed on these lines or megalithic centers, which elevated their electrical auras, intellect, and connection to higher self, through the activation of the 7 energy centers (chakras). Could this in fact be what the golden halos depicted on all spiritual figures throughout history represented?
Many of our top intellectual minds such as Tesla, Einstein and others all have something in common. That is, they all at some point have shared that their idea, invention, or formulation, came to them in a daydream or dream, which is in fact a meditative state of mind. For example Einstein was very knowledgeable on the physics of the Cabala and Tesla became very close with Swami Vivikanda – where through Swami’s teachings, realized that his ideas, that would come to him in a “Aha” moment, were coming from his close interaction with these ley lines, allowing him to access archaic records. Nikola Tesla who was born during a terrible thunder and lighting storm, used these ley lines to conduct his famous tower, which would give free energy to all.
Of course there are dark forces as well, that are, and were knowledgeable of these ley lines such as, secret societies and Hitler who was very much into the esoteric realms, and worked very closely with Maria Orsitsch, also known as Maria Orsic, who was a famous medium who later became the leader of the Vril Society.
Might I also add that days before the last ‘Blood Moon’ on September 28 2015, the Pope came to the US. He gave a speech at the Capitol, and then came to New York, where he went from Times Square up to Cleopatra’s needle in Central Park, and ended his trip at the Liberty Bell in Pennsylvania. Coincidently, he went through key ley line points…. hmmm…. hidden esoteric knowledge?
It is interesting and we should take notice that the Swiss Lab “Cern” and the “Brookhaven Lab” in New York, both sit on ley lines and both of these labs have a Hadron Collider that directly impact these ley lines negatively and/or positively. Cern Lab is the father of the Internet and if you look at the hadron collider at Cern, you will notice it strongly resembles a web. Outside of Cern sits a large dome with an opening on top, same as the dome at St Basilica in Rome as well as the dome on the Capital building, and same as the top dome of Nikola Tesla’s Tower. In addition this lab has a large statue of the Hindu Goddess of destruction “Kali”, right in front of its greeting entrance.
Seems that there is a concentrated effort, to effect and manipulate the Earth’s electromagnetic fields using these technologies. In a JFK and Eisenhower speech they both warned the public, in detail and refer to this well coveted group of elites as “technocrats” – for a reason.
By controlling or influencing the geo-electrical grid they can effect the earth, and also indirectly/directly can control our thoughts and emotions artificially, because we are all connected to Gaia.
Registering, digesting and ultimately transmuting is the key. We can change the channel if we choose, turn down the volume, fine-tune the specific radio band. The Grid Engineer has the potential for transmuting (freeing the inherent energy by releasing it from its form of bondage) the solar/celestial energies by intelligent interfacing with the Electromagnetic 1746 Grid through any of the 144 planetary Round Table holograms, or terrestrial Zodiacs on Earth. This Grid, we must remember, is the Golden Alchemical Bowl of electromagnetic opposites, and the potential of our transfiguration from gravitationally bonded humans to Humans of Light also known as ascension.
Just because our accustomed technocratic elite (Lucifer-light bearer – aka fallen angle of music), play their favorite tunes on their radio station, doesn’t mean we have to always dance to that rhythm. We can change the channel and learn how to use the electromagnetic grid to play a more harmonic tune. Maybe they need a machine because it is only a handful of technocrats attempting to control the masses. When enough are awake and aware the machine is- no match for us. Love and empathy for humanity is key, and right now we are still lacking this, due to the lack of true knowledge. Instead we are all quick to step on each others toes to get to where we think we need to be in business, our personal lives, and even within the spiritual communities. The bee hive is fragmented , programed, compartmentalized and not jiving together, which is needed to thrive together.
The introduction and understanding of the reality of the local celestial Zodiac clock system, brings us to the possible interaction between the human and the Grid. This is where the Grid Engineer and Knight of the Holy Grail become one- “alchemy”. This unification of seeking the Grail and serving the Grid is played out in the local geomancy of the zodiac landscape, and our direct involvement in this terrestrial grid system through a heightened consciousness interaction, within a local Zodiac complex.
It may sound like a sci-fi movie to you , but these energy points all exist and even more so these technocratic elite make all their decisions and agendas based on this celestial/terrestrial knowledge. So you better sit up, take notice and start your diligent research to unveil what they know, for we are in an informational war. If you don’t know the game then you are no match for the current architects and that is exactly what they plan on.
But how does an ascended individual voluntarily, consciously experience this huge planetary Round Table? And how does the Grid Engineer make intelligent, compassionate, and timely adjustments in the geomantic web of this vast-revolving solar table on Earth? You are reading this because you are meant to unlock more hidden truths in order to better understand who we are, and how we relate to this planet.
“As Above So Below”
An overlay of Cabala’s Tree of Life with the mythic Round Table/Zodiac image is most illuminating. The Earth is one of the 12 resonating spheres, one of the 12 Round Table members, one of the 12 Notes in the solar octave, in the Solar Tree of Life. Thus we can picture these relations either in terms of the Tree or Round Table. Our Body of the Sun is expressed as a 12-sphered Tree of Life, with 12 Knights, or 12 Notes; Earth is Malkuth (the 10th Sephiroth) representing appropriately, Earth (the 7th Sephiroth, Hod, for example represents Mercury).
In the human body we have the 7 chakras which are energetically interdependent and activated sequentially, beginning with the 2nd, proceeding to the 7th, then returning to the 1st, the Root, the seat of Kundalini, the fundamental creative cosmic evolutionary energy. ??Similarly in this model, the Earth, has a chakra system, arranged not in anatomical but energy sequence at 7 key Dome centers. An Earth chakra, such as at the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt, or at Glastonbury Tor, England, is a huge energy vortex, several miles in immediate diameter.
Root (1st) Chakra – Mt. Shasta, California. Red; Raw biological life force energy- precursor to deviation into individual life forms.
Sacral (2nd) Chakra – Lake Titicaca Peru (but also includes Machu Picchu). Orange; Creation of new species and positive evolution. Specification of pure life force into individuals.
Solar Plexus (3rd) Chakra – Uluru and Kata Tjuta Australia (twin monolithic sites). Golden/Yellow; Maintenance of the vitality of earth and all of its species. Immortalization of life force.
Heart (4th) Chakra – Glastonbury and Shaftesbury, England. Green/Pink; Representing the Holy Grail and the Sacred Spear of Purpose, Respectively.
Throat (5th) Chakra – Great Pyramid, Mt. Sinai, and Mt. of Olives, Middle East. Blue; Voice of the earth emerging, listening to the will of the earth needs to be mastered
Third Eye (6th) Chakra – Mobile Chakra, Shifts every 150-200 years, currently coincides with world heart chakra in Western Europe. Purple/Indigo; Moves 1/12th of the way around the world, westward, at the dawning of every new aeon. Distills gathered wisdom of life on earth for collective advancement of consciousness, aligned with astrological sequences.
Crown (7th) Chakra – Mt. Kailas, Himalayan Mountains, Tibet. White; Broadcasts the earth’s purpose or true will.
Each dome vortex carry through the Grid, some have been activated, but otherwise humankind has either not been aware of this divine potential or not bothered to make use of them to create the intended Earth Paradise. The option, however, still remains. ??Because of their heightened electromagnetic fields, the Dome enclosures were like immaculate, high consciousness meditation halls where human awareness could be healed, uplifted, even inter-dimensionally transported through the domed exit points in the Houses of the Gods, facilitated by megalithic engineering. All megalithic structures, famous estates, obelisks, and historical sites are on these lines and can be influenced and experienced in mass, to elevate and change the current matrix.
The Hermetic Keys to the planetary Grid are inscribed on the Messenger’s mythical “Emerald Tablets”, which summarize the 7 Hermetic Principles underlying all manifestation.
Read More at ..... http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.co.uk/2016/07/ley-lines-key-to-unlocking-matrix.html