July 6, 2016
A few headlines in the Exopolitics News Section
- European Commission President Says he Spoke to Leaders of Other Planets
- China completes the world's largest telescope to find aliens
- Brazil Releases Details of Military Confrontation with UFO in 1986
- Former Air Force Missileers Disclose UFO Encounters
Continue reading below for more on these stories.....
European Commission President Says he Spoke to Leaders of Other Planets
Disclosure or Did Mr. Juncker misspeak?European Commission President, the executive branch of the European Union, Jean-Claude Juncker, talked in recent days with "several leaders of other planets, who are very worried because they ask questions concerning the way in which the EU will follow". This shocking statement was made during the recent emergency session of the European Parliament in regards to the BREXIT situation.
"We must be aware that those who observe us from afar are worried. We have seen and heard many leaders of other planets are very worried because they ask questions concerning the way in which the EU will follow. So we must insure Europeans as well as those who observe us from afar, "said Juncker.
China completes the world's largest telescope to find aliens

Work has finished on the world's largest radio telescope, which will hunt for extraterrestrial life and explore space.
China fitted the final of 4,450 panels into the centre of the 500m-wide Aperture Spherical Telescope, or FAST, over the weekend.
The telescope, which cost $180 million (£135 million) and took five years to build, will be switched on from September.
"The project has the potential to search for more strange objects to better understand the origin of the universe and boost the global hunt for extraterrestrial life," Zheng Xiaonian, deputy head of the National Astonomical Observation under the Chinese Academy Sciences, which built the telescope, told Xhinua news agency.
Continue Reading at .... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2016/07/04/china-completes-the-worlds-largest-telescope-to-find-aliens/
Brazil Releases Details of Military Confrontation with UFO in 1986

The Brazilian Air Force has released formerly classified information related to UFO research dating back to the 1980s. The newly released information tracks an incident that occurred in Brazil in 1986 when around 20 UFOs were sighted by numerous airplanes and by ground radar.
According to the reports, the UFOs were sighted by at least six airplanes and by ground radar on the night of May 19, 1986, flying over several states in the south east of Brazil (1).
Unidentified radar returns were tracked by the Integrated Air Defense and Air Traffic Control Center in Brasilia, as well as by Sao Paulo Airport.
Three Mirage jet fighters and two F-5E planes were said to have been scrambled from in the states of Sao Paulo and Goias.
As UFO Evidence states, the incident was “discussed openly” by Brazil’s high ranking government officials (2). The case was reported by the president of the Brazil-owned oil firm Petrobras, Ozires Silva. Reports say that Silva had been flying on a jet plane when he and the pilot sighted and pursued the UFOs from almost half an hour.
Continue Reading at .... http://www.topsecretwriters.com/2016/07/brazil-releases-details-of-military-confrontation-with-ufo-in-1986/
Former Air Force Missileers Disclose UFO Encounters
The Association of Air Force Missileers published an article called 'Missileers and UFOs' written by researcher Robert Hastings in its June 2016 newsletter:
In March 1967, strange aerial objects suddenly began to visit a
number of Malmstrom AFB’s ICBM sites. Or so the reports from the field
claimed. At the time, my father, SMSgt. Robert E. Hastings, was
stationed at the base, working in the SAGE building and holding the
position of Supply NCOIC, Special Weapons Branch, 28th Air Division.
According to his contacts, the mysterious craft were repeatedly tracked
on radar as they maneuvered near and hovered over the Minuteman sites,
then unsuccessfully pursued by jet fighters. Later on, unconfirmed
rumors swirled about the UFOs having actually shut down some of the
missiles. Fast forward to April 2016, when I released my documentary, UFOs and Nukes: The Secret Link Revealed, at Vimeo On Demand. The film is the culmination of 43 years of rigorous investigation, utilizing declassified documents and the testimony of more than 150 military veterans—including several AAFM members—some of whom say on-camera that UFOs have regularly monitored and, yes, sometimes even shut down our nuclear missiles. Or temporarily activated those ICBMs. Or hovered over Weapons Storage Areas. Continue Reading at ...... http://afmissileers.com/newsletters/NL2016/Jun16.pdf |