By Zen Gardner
Contributing Writer for Wake Up World
This is a very interesting question, and
perhaps a provocative one. With the information explosion drastically
influencing so many lives there appear to be many strata of awakening
levels arising. Once people start connecting the dots of now available
facts and formerly unavailable research, whole new paradigms through
which to perceive our changing reality emerge.
What we do with this new information,
and how far we keep pursing deeper and deeper levels of perception,
determines our outlook at any given time. This is why constant change
and continual learning are integral to progressing toward a full on awakening.
As we continue to evolve in perception we begin to see that underlying
this deluge of surface information there are amazing consistent truths
to grasp and implement that will truly transform not only ourselves, but
the world around us.
We Are Our Perception
Even quantum physics has confirmed what
the sages have taught through the ages. What we perceive and apply our
intention to determines our individual reality.
That we are in fact fully in charge of how we perceive the world around
us is the underlying truth that is being masked from humanity.
Completely contrary to the deterministic model we’ve been taught, our
very being is not the result of set factors we can do very little about,
but the exact opposite.
We literally are a projection of our own
consciousness. The rest is up to us as to how much we let the illusory
projection laid before us determine our reality.
When we grow to more fully grasp the
enormity of the significance of that fact things really start to kick
into gear. This will not be taught nor even implied by matrix scientism,
the educational and media web of lies, nor blinding, binding religious dogma.
But once this truth is discovered, in fact experienced as it must be,
the majesty of existence opens up to such glorious vistas of empowerment
and possibility the very grip of any and all external influences and
limiting mind conceptions falls away as if it never existed in the first
Because it essentially didn’t. It was
only real from a deliberately manipulated limited perception that
created a feedback loop of illusion, giving the appearance that there
were no other possibilities outside that manufactured realm.
Information is a Tool, Not an Answer
Knowing what’s really going on around us
is just the beginning. Realizing that in fact this is an imposed
psycho-spiritual prison built on deliberate deceit is simply the
gateway. We don’t need to spend of the rest of our lives describing how
they do what they do and how bad it is in an almost neurotically
hysterical state.
That’s simply another level of
containment if we don’t keep on progressing towards a full awakening way
beyond the confines and influences of their entrapping infectious
It’s surpassing those first orbits as we
clear the pull of the dense gravitational nucleus we’re born into that
things really start to get interesting. And extremely empowering. We
cannot begin to know the deep, essential solutions our souls long for by
operating within the externally imposed density as we’ll only reinforce
the strength of the spider’s web by our futile struggling. The spider
is much wiser than we when we operate within its parameters.
We have to first safely transcend and then operate from a clearly distanced perspective.
Until Then… Don’t Be Intimidated or Enthralled by Shadowland

It’s all part of the process.
And definitely, at whatever stage of our awakening, we need to keep exposing the trickery and deceit
to help others along the way and out of the net, but we mustn’t dwell
there or let it get under our skin, even in our sacred anger and
outrage. There’s a time for everything, but if we’re going to realize
the true solutions for our planet
and its inhabitants we need to first get to where we know from whence
we are operating, with a crystal clear vision of what needs to be done
from a firm foundation in loving truth.
Even more so, we need to rediscover and
realize the true spiritual power tools at our disposal. As we do, and is
already happening, our weaponry of truth
outmatches their foolish artificial 3-D hardware to such an extent they
will be exposed to be the imposters they are – nothing but dark shadows
trying to usurp the sun.
Absolute futility, and not a game worth getting caught up in.
It’s only our lower levels of perception
that give their illusion any form of reality. Once we transcend and
live in the realization of who we truly are, this lower level projection
we can call shadowland has nowhere to cast its illusion… and it is
Indescribable Truth
The truth is indescribable in mental terms. This is why we are so awed by the ideas of nature, fractals, sacred geometry and this magnificent physical design as the handiwork of something we know is much more spectacular that lies behind it.
Left brained science, even when it’s
well meaning, cannot begin to fathom this richness as it seeks to
contain this living energy in a form of mental and even scientific egoic
dominance. As hard as they try to crack the code with these motives
they’ll never do it. They may make a mess in the process, which they
are, but trying to understand from that limited mind set is like trying
to empty the ocean with a spoon.
It’s a complete exercise in futility all based on the reinforcement of self.
Unless there’s some tangible, “provable”
answer, some substantive, explainable, logical something they can see,
taste, touch, smell and feel they won’t accept it. Again the
self-reinforcing feedback loop that will never be broken. To find real
truth you have to find it and experience it for yourself, one hungry
heart at a time. When you want it bad enough you’ll find it, or at least
the next clue to keep you on your way towards greater truth.
Sure there are many types and levels of
truth, but the ultimate truth is fundamentally an ongoing interactive
experience with our interconnected consciously aware universe
within which we are all magnificently woven. It’s that same creative
source we can only barely sense at times, but that we see in the
magnificent world around us and the fertile imagination of our sentient
hearts and intuitive souls.
Truth Can Only Point the Way – Ours Is to Pursue
These are just hints at what lies beneath these layers of illusion, the lowest of which is this synthetic matrix of deceit that has been deliberately laid to ensnare the hearts of humanity.
Even the physical world is an almost
crude five sense manifestation of the intricate workings of creation but
what a joy to experience! To realize these are barely fleeting glimpses
of much more amazing realities is beyond belief… and that’s good,
belief is a limiting containment system. Experience is what we’re
shooting for.
Just don’t give up. There are plenty of
pitfalls on the way as that’s what this learning and growing experience
is all about, so get used to it. Just learn from it and keep on. There
are many levels of awakening but each one is more amazing than the last.
What should propel us though is not just the path of wondrous personal
discovery, although that’s a big part of it, but to access the resources
we need to further dissolve the snare laid for those still unaware of
their plight within this lower world of control and deceit.
There’s no greater driving force than the unstoppable power of empathic compassion.
We share the pain of all those still trapped and blinded by the the
great deception, and by our very connectivity we are love-bound to
awaken to our most empowered state possible to help bring about the
transformation we are all longing for.
Much love and do keep on, we’re all integral to this process…
Love, Zen(For more on this topic, please see the article: The 5 Stages of Awakening – Signposts and Pitfalls on the Path of Consciousness.)
You Are The Awakening

In order to tap into the limitless
source of our full potential, any change we seek in the world around us
begins with each of us individually. Grounded in this understanding, ‘You Are The Awakening’ will help to inform, empower and encourage anyone who is on this wonderful path of realizing our infinite potential.
‘You Are The Awakening’ is available here on Amazon. You can also order your copy and read reviews from David Icke, Max Igan and many more, here on ZenGardner.com.