Henry David Thoreau once said “Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.” For some time recently, I had been deeply questioning what is true and how can I know what is real? I have wondered what is the purpose of life and what is beyond it. I felt lost and uncertain of Life and it's purpose. What are we all doing here? It came to a point where I felt there were three main things I knew:
Firstly change happens, nothing remains the same. The world is in a constant state of flux and dynamism. There is a constant flow of energy moving and shifting.
The second thing I became increasingly aware of is that there is so much that I don't know. It seems the more I explore and learn about myself and the world, the more I realise that there is very little I know with absolute certainty.
Finally, I am aware of an energy at work in the Universe that is much larger than "me" and my experience of the world. There is a force beyond that which can be seen, though can be subtly felt or sensed and observed through synchronicity and signs.
Letting go of the old
Part of the questioning process I went through, appears to have resulted in a letting go of old stories and anitquated ways of idenitfying the world. My patterns of interpreting the world shifted. It felt somewhat disorientating, yet extremely positive and beneficial. I had been looking at the world through particular filters that I had evolved through conditioning, childhood experiences, religious dogma... etc. Such influence had become screens through which I interpreted the world and my experiences. I acknowledge that many filters remain, however it feels like some at least were beginning to shift.