Thanks to certain comments I read after moderators approved them, I can see there is a bit of confusion since I ran out of time last night.
Let me clear it up now that I have a few more minutes before I have to hit the road.
Good and evil ET groups -- angels and demons -- worked out a treaty 1200 years ago not to shoot each other down or attack each other's bases.
They decided to allow our collective free will to play out, with each group only doing whatever we invited them to do.
However, now that the Earth Alliance is aggressively defeating the Cabal, with the help of the SSP Alliance defeating their off-planet divisions, that has changed.
The Cabal and the Saurian groups have aggressively broken these treaties and began attacking the neutral and benevolent groups.
This caused the inner-earth civilizations to pool their resources together and form a temporary alliance for the common good.
Massive numbers of Cabal assets and personnel are being transferred down to Antarctica and in some cases South America, where large bases exist.
The ETs have told us that "we" are responsible for defeating the Saurians. It cannot be done for us by outside ET groups. It is our responsibility.
Multiple insiders, including Tompkins, have confirmed this is the case.
However, the only "we" here on Earth who have sufficient technology to do this is the military-industrial complex.
Many of them do NOT like the Draco at all.
The Draco see the handwriting on the wall and know the end is in sight.
The sun is going to go through an energetic change that will likely destroy them, but will have marvelous effects for the "authorized" human life here on Earth.
This change is very thoroughly examined, in unprecedented detail, in The Ascension Mysteries, only two months from now.
The vast majority of the Draco will be defeated when this event happens. They know they cannot be here for it.
The Draco are now trapped in here by the Outer Barrier.
The no-fly zone around the earth was temporarily dropped after it started, to set innocent ET groups free, but it is essentially back again in a new form.
The Draco recently tried to flee the Earth from Antarctica in six large teardrop-shaped ships. They likely had high-level Cabal people inside with them.
Something incredible happened. Brand-new triangular-shaped craft, known as "chevrons" due to their interesting shape, suddenly popped up.

This is the critical intel I was supposed to have disclosed at the end of April, and got in serious trouble for sitting on for so long.
The chevrons were extremely effective at shooting down the Draco craft. This has been a tremendous game-changing event in this war.
Corey's people in the SSP Alliance did not know who built the "chevrons". It appeared to be one of the Earth-based "lower level SSP" groups.
In order to give them honor and respect, I will refer to these Earth-based space program groups as the military-industrial complex, or MIC.
All the SSP Alliance knew was that they were seeing a dramatic "surprise attack" with a new weapon that no one, including the Draco, knew had existed.
Its effect in military history was equivalent to the discovery of the crossbow or gunpowder.
The superior weapon wins the war. It's a classic story. It just happened again.
This epic defeat and cornering of the Draco has huge ramifications for the future we will see unfolding on Earth.
Somehow the MIC managed to make a huge quantum leap in their level of technology, sufficient to take out the Draco.
Peterson knew all about these triangle-shaped craft when I discussed it with him on the phone. The MIC are very proud of their new weapon.
It is very likely that the MIC got this technology from Alliance defectors from the space-based ICC, or Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate.
The ICC is a faction of the SSP that started out as a part of the MIC.
The ICC then became far more powerful and splintered off in various off-planet colonies.
This group is completely self-sufficient, never needs money or supplies of any kind from Earth, and is effectively a breakaway civilization.
The craft piloted by the earth-based MIC were nowhere near as advanced as those of the ICC or Dark Fleet, but all of that has changed now.
These new MIC "fighter jets" were apparently created in two places by Boeing and possibly other contractors.
This includes the Skunk Works in Palmdale, and another facility at China Lake in the Mojave Desert.
The underground facility at China Lake is big enough that with the right equipment, it looks like a city of 500,000 people at night.
These new, stealthy-looking black triangle craft can fly along normal jets and airliners completely unseen and undetected.
They apparently have a rounded area at the front that forms a cockpit. Their total size is approximately 90 x 90 x 90 feet.
They are powered by a mercury centrifuge that generates antigravity and propulsion. They can turn on a dime at Mach 17 and it doesn’t hurt the people inside.
These capabilities did not exist for the Earth-based MIC space program groups before, running through the DIA and other such organizations.
Pete confirmed there was a shooting war over Antarctica, and that massive amounts of Cabal assets are being transferred there now.
His briefing was that this transfer was occurring through many different C5 Galaxy craft. Each plane holds 500,000 kg, almost a million pounds.
Corey's data is that there are massive submarine tanker ships doing this transfer as well. It is huge in scope.
There are tons of data points we can see in the visible world that show the Cabal is about to experience an epic defeat.
That is why they are scrambling to move everything of value to a safe haven.
The tankers are moving through vast undersea tunnels that lead straight to Antarctica and were perfected and built out by ancient ETs long ago.
This next illustration is based on Corey's eyewitness testimony of seeing these massive undersea tunnels firsthand.
The craft at the bottom are the gigantic "supertankers" that the Cabal is using to transfer all their assets to their last possible safety zone on Earth.

Peterson's own briefings also confirmed that there have been four or five epic UFO shoot-downs recently.
The Cabal is still scrambling to cover them up. In some cases, a C5 Galaxy is immediately flown in, and multiple trucks are stored inside of them.
As soon as they land at the nearest available area, the trucks come rushing out and shut down the entire area with a cover story.
Another unexpected surprise development in this war has been the arrival of reddish-white-glowing spheres with portholes along the equator.
These ships also were of unknown origin and have gotten directly involved in shooting down the Draco as they attempted to flee the Earth.
As amazing as it was for me to hear this, Pete independently confirmed this detail as well -- without even knowing what I had heard or who it came from.

Pete said that he had personally witnessed spheres of this sort in hangars, dating back to his time in the 1980s.
He said they were 70 to 80 feet in diameter. The black circles around the center appeared to be portholes with glass over them.
That way, whoever was inside had line-of-sight visibility.
Pete was never given information about whether these were of extraterrestrial origin or built by someone here.
It does appear that they are perhaps an upgraded version of the reverse-engineered "Cosmospheres" the Russians have had since at least the 1970s.
The classic whistleblower Peter David Beter disclosed the existence of the Cosmospheres in his briefings from the 1970s.
This therefore suggests that the Russians and the MIC have now teamed up against the Draco and the Cabal, which is a very significant development.
In addition to the battle we are seeing in the skies, and the possibility that these "fireball" events are UFO crashes, battles are occurring underground.
Entire underground cities are being completely wiped out. When this happens, suspicious earthquakes occur.
Benjamin Fulford covered this about a month and a half ago with unusual earthquakes that happened around Japan.
These apparently were only a few of the attacks that became visible to us.
The Cabal is also suppressing information about these attacks by modifying earthquake data from the USGS.
They do not want us to see quakes that are at a magnitude of 6 or higher and are very close to the surface, as it makes people ask too many questions.
Corey got pulled out for his most recent meeting with the Blue Avians at the exact minute that a large earthquake occurred here in California.
It is entirely possible that this was deliberately timed with yet another underground base being wiped out.
This war very likely now includes craft from warring factions physically breaching the boundaries of their enemies' underground cities.
It does appear that the "good guys" have technology that can defeat the Saurians and other such negative groups, and a massive clean-up is going on.
Another key issue is that the Draco have technology that is holding back the natural energetic shift we are going through here on Earth.
This includes huge "tankers" that are in low-earth orbit, beaming out frequencies that scramble our ability to integrate this new energy from the sun.
There are other systems both inside and off of the earth that are causing this scrambling effect to occur as well.
With technology like the new "chevron" craft, the MIC / Earth Alliance could now shoot down the tankers and destroy the Draco mind-control grid.
However, this would cause us to very suddenly be propelled into a consciousness shift. At first, this could be akin to the feeling of a psychedelic trip.
Although this would cause people who are already advancing spiritually to develop even more, negative people would have extreme difficulties with it.
This could lead to outbursts of violence, aggression, self-harming behavior and other types of powerful mental illness.
It does not appear that there is any way to gradually turn off the Draco grid. It's either on or it's off. There's no fader dial.
There is deep concern about doing this, even though they now have all the tech they need to do it. My vote is "Go for it." This is part of the Ascension.
Yes, some people will freak out, but this will be balanced by the positive benefits others will have, which will enable them to calm everybody down.
There was confusion in the comments section about who the Wrangler was.
First of all, Corey was picked up by the "lower-level SSP" group earlier this year. This was to secure intel that in this case would feed back to the Cabal.
Corey was given a hostile abduction, including chemical interrogation. I received my first detailed briefing about these events on April 27th, 2016.
According to my notes, Corey was picked up several times within 8 or 9 weeks. It started in January and extended through February.
The MIC groups didn’t know if Corey was part of a program or just making things up.
They started taking blood and skin scrapings as well as hair samples. They were looking for trace elements to see if he had been where he said he had been.
Much to their surprise, the trace elements proved that Corey had indeed been to these places. He also knew things he couldn't have known otherwise.
Corey was strapped to a flight-type chair and given massive doses of drugs that made him unable to avoid telling the truth.
A military official stood before him with an Ipad in his hand. He was reading a large number of German, Norwegian and Russian words out loud.
The official was trying to see if these words could set off any mind-control trigger programs.
After each word they would check off items on a list, saying no he is not this, no he is not that. They were very surprised that he didn't fit into anything.
They were also taken aback by Corey's demeanor. He was not freaked out by the inside of the craft.
Corey heard turbines when the craft took off and the charging of what could be capacitors.
There was a vibrating hum or shake to the vehicle as it started to move and a slight feel of inertia.
Corey commented on that, and they looked at each other shocked. Corey told them it is an "old" model.
At times there were two and at times there were three personnel debriefing Corey to get actionable intel for the Cabal.
They would talk amongst themselves very little. They were discussing what drugs he was being pumped with.
They said this is a "level (something) anesthesia. He won’t remember anything."
After each step, they would tell Corey “You will forget.”
Corey did forget one of the most significant steps that had happened until it was later brought to his attention.
A tablet was placed in front of him that apparently had a camera that followed his eyes.
Corey was shown a long series of pictures of military personnel, like what you would see when they had first graduated from the Academy.
Some of them were military. Some were wearing suits like from intel organizations. They were mostly Air Force and Navy.
Apparently, in that drug-induced haze, Corey's pupils slightly dilated when he saw the faces of people he knew.
His eyes identified and "outed" three people, one of whom was Gonzales.
This caused a major rift with Gonzales that developed soon afterwards. Another of the three got killed and the other likely had to go into hiding.
Remember -- the SSP Alliance members are all known to the Cabal portion of the SSP. They have had to do their work in secret.
This event did cause significant damage to the SSP, and effectively fractured the trust and good faith with Gonzales, who is now in hiding.
Corey was having Chinook helicopters fly over his house and put green lasers on his chest, as if he was about to be shot.
These helicopters can hold multiple soldiers who can zip-line out and "sanitize" an entire area, and everyone in it, very quickly.
We showed the video of one of these helicopters circling Corey's house at the end of our public debut in February.
Corey also had what appeared to be a death threat in his own home, where a marble cigarette was left on the kitchen countertop.
This appeared to be a Mafia-style threat that he and his family were going to be "smoked."
People were also walking by his house, wearing black and peering in.
The effects that these events have had on his family have been very stressful, to say the least. This is not just a story on the internet. It is very real.
Corey was picked up, questioned and drugged several times by these people.
They would push different narratives on him while he was in a drugged state.
This included the idea that there are no ETs out there. It is all really just us from the future.
They would keep pushing these ideas on him forcefuly in between questioning.
They were trying to get intel out of him and create disinformation for the rest of us as well.
The "lower-level SSP" got very angry that Corey was leaking intel about their plans for an open, public "Partial Disclosure".
This was the Cabal's last-ditch plan to reveal some very fascinating intel to us, including Ancient Builder Race ruins and spaceships that can fly in our solar system.
They intended to try to discredit all UFO scholarship and whistleblowers that violated their party line, while inspiring everyone to fall in love with them again.
The sudden, unexpected reboot of the X-Files, after more than a decade, was a full manifesto of the storyline they had hoped to sell the public on.
Corey was being abducted and told not to interfere with this plan -- right as the new X-Files episodes were revealing their blueprint for partial disclosure.
We did not listen to the death threats. We outed their plans in a very major way at the Conscious Life Expo and have continued doing so since then.
The Alliance groups have since concluded that the partial disclosure scenario is impossible to achieve.
Much of the intel I just shared with you had gotten embargoed from public release due to both Corey and me being thrown off by a variety of distractions.
In my case, much of it involved finishing a major book, taking a much-needed vacation and working through a huge amount of difficult emotional issues.
I had made statements to Corey in writing, such as through Skype text and email, that I would release certain updates at certain times.
Although I had told him I would do this, I didn't realize it was of such critical importance.
The book was constantly creating new distractions and the personal issues just kept coming as well.
What I did not realize was that Gonzales had been the key player in passing intel from the SSP Alliance to various Earth groups.
Once Corey inadvertently outed Gonzales, a critical element of communication had been silenced. There was no alternative left except through us.
Had I known that these articles were so significant, I would have moved Heaven and Earth to ensure that I still got this information out there.
It was very rough for Corey to have Gonzales, his only real friend "on the inside," to turn on him.
This included trying to prevent him from going along on meetings he had been specifically invited to, and effectively take over his role.
Gonzales also spent an extended time in the inner earth, but was doing things like pacing out the facilities as a military planner and being deceptive.
Gonzales was ultimately asked to leave and had to go back to an Alliance safety zone in the Kuiper Belt.
He has since been taken away for healing by the Mayan breakaway group we have discussed on the show. He will not likely be seen again for some time.
This has created a critical problem -- a breakdown in the SSP Alliance's ability to liaise with Earth Alliance groups and confer on valuable intel.
That was why it was so urgent that we get this seemingly crazy-sounding information posted on the internet.
The whole climate is so deadly now that no one from the SSP Alliacne dares try to travel around the Earth or communicate.
Corey is still able to do so because of positive karma authorizing his safety. Nonetheless, the "karmic discharge" required has been quite rough.
The Wrangler is a new character who Corey first saw the same time he sat across a metal table from Gonzales, in shackles, and realized they now hated him.
The Wrangler is a character from the SSP Alliance who specializes in "mobilizing under-performing assets." That means Corey and myself.
The SSP Alliance people are fighting for a better world and full disclosure, but they are all graduates of the exceptional torture of the Cabal as well.
The Wrangler seemed to have the classic "personality metamorph" / sociopathic characteristics that made him excellent at torture and interrogation.
Corey was brought up a whopping twelve different times and was aggressively verbally abused and threatened by the Wrangler on each occasion.
Tragically, I did not hear about this and really understand it, or what I could have done to stop it, until I met up with Corey at Contact in the Desert.
The Wrangler told Corey that he had destroyed a critical point of communication in Gonzales, and needed to make up for it.
He was being offered Gonzales' old job. He would get paid well, but would have to keep everything he did a secret, even from me.
This work apparently would involve face-to-face contact with very high-level personnel in the Earth Alliance, passing along critical intel.
It goes without saying that such work would also be extremely dangerous, potentially a death sentence.
We were also told that powerful mind-control technology was being beamed at both of our homes, making it hard for us to work or concentrate.
This technology would be shut down, and most of the significant threats against Corey and me would cease, if he took the job.
I had actually recommended he do it, because if the Alliance needs it and he is the only one they've got, then it may be worthwhile.
Corey decided on his own that he could not take the job. We were supposed to tell the truth, all the truth, and he did not want to respond to blackmail.
On Sunday, June 12th, Corey was about to go see the Wrangler and tell him he was refusing the job offer.
Corey's level of stress at this point was very high. He was also furious with me that I hadn't released this intel online yet.
All of this data had come in very quickly, including the realization of the horrific, murderous hell that Corey was now going through.
I only realized what was going on at the very tail end of my time in Canada, and blew out an article immediately on Sunday, May 29th.
I scrambled like mad to get something online in the immediate hours before Corey was going to be brought up to see the Wrangler again.
The Wrangler saw what I wrote in Part One, since they can read everything that goes online in any form.
He screamed in Corey's face in their last meeting: "Cargo cults? We have all this critical intel to be disclosed and he writes about f-ing cargo cults?"
I had thought I was doing a good thing by creating a setup that would help to smooth out the path for the rest of this intel to emerge.
I certainly did not realize I would get in even more trouble for not being specific enough in getting the intel out right away.
Yet, once I got back from Canada, I had two days to prepare for a major conference -- Contact in the Desert -- and I had to make slides.
Corey was going to this event as well.
We met up on Thursday, June 2nd at the house I rented in Joshua Tree.
It was only once we had an in-person meeting that I found out the full scope of how I was seen to have been screwing up.
There were challenging messages to integrate from the SSP Alliance, the Anshar / inner earth group as well as the Blue Avians.
The SSP Alliance accused me of "sitting around all day, playing guitar and masturbating." LOL. It's true.
Kaaree, the priestess from the Anshar, told me "If you want to be a priest, you need to start acting like it." That meant no more dick jokes on stage.
The Blue Avians said that I had a "subconscious savior complex" and needed to identify and heal it in order to get back to work.
I realized that I had not wanted to do this job because people were seeing me as a savior. I was rejecting the role, and thus buying into the idea.
Now I see that I am not a savior, I am not special, I am just one of many people at different levels helping us move through this transition.
After getting this briefing, Corey admitted he was surprised at how well I took all of this very critical information in.
I must say that getting these "punitive" messages was highly inspiring, and got me to change my life on a variety of levels.
The changes have been difficult, but were also necessary and are positive. This includes personal things I cannot reveal due to the law of free will.
My goal has been to get off the "bench" and dive back into this mission with a renewed sense of vigor, and it does seem to be working.
I am very glad I got the book done and am making the personal and spiritual changes necessary to heal PTSD and restore full effectiveness.
The conference became a jubilation. It was some of the most fun I have had in such an event, and my talks were very inspired and different than usual.
Corey went up on stage with me more than once, but didn't say much. He was still very worried about further meetings with the Wrangler.
He also told me that disclosing the intel on stage was not enough. It needed to be out in writing. And we weren't there yet.
Corey was due to meet the Wrangler again on Sunday, June 12th.
He was terrified of this upcoming meeting because he was going to reject the offer. Plus, I still hadn't written the damn article yet.
I felt terribly about this, but was doing the best I can to work through my own difficult situations -- which are seen as ridiculous by the Alliance.
Corey was due for pickup around 1AM, but nothing happened. He sat around for two hours.
Then, quite unexpectedly, the old blue sphere showed up and picked him up by the traditional method at 3:04 am.
Corey had been mostly meeting with the people of the inner earth or the Wrangler up until then, so this was quite unexpected.
Corey was brought up to the usual location for the Blue Avians. He is standing inside a sphere and sees the stars all around him.
The floor he is standing on is a series of cris-crossing lines of white light in a square grid pattern. The Blue Avians, such as Tear-Eir, stand in front of him.
The communication is telepathic and the sights are very interesting. He sees multiple spheres in our solar system, with a purplish or bluish color.
These are normally cloaked and invisible to our own people, as well as the SSP, but within this area he can see everything.
They are all arrayed in a vast gridlike pattern throughout our solar system.
The first thing Corey noticed was that the spheres were far more active than usual.
There were an ongoing series of energetic discharges passing between them.
He was told that they were having to work harder to buffer the ever-increasing changes going on in the sun, as we get closer and closer to this event.
One visible sign of these epic changes was in what NASA called a "Monster Hole in the Sun" as of May 27th.
5/27: NASA Spots Monster Hole on the Sun

In short, this "monster hole" is another sign of the ever-increasing pressure buildup leading to this mega-event.
The spheres are dissipating the energy so nothing happens until our collective free will authorizes the change.
Corey was also told in this meeting that he wasn’t going to be seeing the Wrangler anymore.
The reason for this was that the Alliance was so angry at us for our lack of action, and his rejection of the job, that he would have been severely tortured.
I did not want to say anything bad about the Alliance, but since they see this work as so important, they felt that such actions were justifiable.
Their main goal has been to shock us back into productivity, and it definitely has worked.
I would rather have been tortured myself than see Corey go through it, knowing how rough this has been for him.
That has been a very, very difficult reality for me to integrate, but I am dealing with it by writing all this now as precious seconds tick away before I must go.
The Blue Avians also told Corey that Gonzales hasn’t been ready to accept communication from them yet. He is still going through healing.
Most interestingly, they told Corey these mounting solar changes are creating a rapid vibrational increase here on Earth.
It is inescapable and is affecting everyone, right now.
One major sign of the change is that it is causing people’s old karma to come up much more than usual.
We were told that many people are going to start losing it, demonstrating end-time madness, nutty and crazy behavior.
This is also affecting the SSP Alliance, causing them to become rash as they panic about the transitions we are going through.
Furthermore, we were told that these energetic changes are soon going to reach a crescendo.
Once this happens, massive numbers of people will start having ghost experiences from loved ones who have passed over.
We will start receiving direct contacts of this nature, giving us inspirational information. Far too many will be experiencing it for it to be ignored.
Once this happens, we know that we are close to some very major changes.
We are then told to keep our eyes and ears open for more of the amazing stuff that we have been speculating about.
This could include the open appearance of UFOs, a solar flash, and the resulting thinning of the veils between the physical and spiritual worlds.
I asked Corey if we would develop telekinesis or actually experience Ascension, but this was not mentioned in his information-sharing.
In this same meeting, Corey was asked to pass intel to the inner-earth beings known as the Anshar.
The Blue Avians responded to the Anshar's question about ending the Mohammed Accords.
Some of the groups related to the Draco had refused to take part, so the big meeting was not going to be allowed to occur. All participants had to be present.
Corey had a telepathic meeting with Kaaree after this in which he conveyed the information to her.
Kaaree didn’t seem all that concerned. She said that was just the initial bid in a larger transaction.
The topic wasn’t at all closed. Ending the Mohammed Accords was merely a first salvo or attempt.
Kaaree and her people already knew the Draco would never come forward for that particular meeting.
Somehow I still manage to have a half hour to pack and prepare for my flight to Colorado, and have added all of this data in as a major new section.
Now we are far more caught up than before.
There are still other details but this is a significant move forward.
The timeframe Corey is getting for these epic changes still seems to be starting in the 2018 window, as he was told all along.
We do not know if anything of such awesome significance will happen before then.
We could start seeing the Cabal collapse very visibly this year, and probably will experience major developments in 2017.
That's all I have time to do right now. Hopefully everyone will be less pissed off at us now that we got this out there!
Thank you again for all your support. I don't even know if I have enough time to play some guitar now....
I went ahead and bought the in-flight wi-fi so I could go ahead and write this mini-update, and fix a few small mistakes I saw in the text.
Dr. Michael Salla wrote me to clarify that Tompkins had 1200 debriefings from 29 spies, so I went back and fixed that above -- and one other small error.
Synchronicity struck again, as it so often does. No conscious effort is required, but it continues to impress me. It never happened on the phone like this before.
I loaded up this article on the way to the airport in the shuttle, as we fought the blazing heat outside. Much to my delight, the hit counter was at 33,111.
I photographed it and will upload it here once I land. Otherwise I have to pay twice and it's not worth it just to get it in an hour earlier.
Once I came in here to do the edits, one of the recent articles also had a triple-digit repeating pattern, 777, in the hit counter as 67771:

The things that have happened involving Corey and me, as well as others in this big game, invariably lead to shouting from the rooftops.
"Proof! Proof! Liar! Bullshit!" And so on. Those are some of the nicest sentiments in the comments moderators rejected for their level of disrespect.
You do not have authorization to come into this space and verbally abuse us. The things that are happening are very real and extremely painful.
I undoubtedly would not have written this much, this quickly if the pressure being put upon us were not so intense right now.
"But you have no PROOF! You have no EVIDENCE!"
That's the point of the Prime Directive / First Distortion / Law of Free Will.
If you were given the full proof at this point, you would not grow spiritually from hearing this. If you read the Law of One, this is thoroughly explained.
In the face of total proof, there would be no grist for the mill. No uncertainty that requires personal intuitive validation and a "leap of faith."
Even once we get Disclosure, no one really knows if the "solar flash" will really happen. That is another level of the game we will probably experience.
The people in the SSP Alliance themselves are very divided on what may or may not happen.
Tompkins knows about the prophecies of the flash and says there are as many different interpretations as there are people.
There will indeed be a time that we get Full Disclosure. Once it arrives, the spiritual value of hearing and accepting the truth goes way down.
The main thing beings like the Blue Avians want for us is to foster, nurture and encourage our spiritual growth.
Some of what I am passing along is of far greater value to people in various Alliance groups than it is to the rest of us.
In that sense, part of what you are doing here is "reading other people's mail."
For those who have really done their homework and watched Cosmic Disclosure, these will undoubtedly be fascinating and in some cases tragic developments.
If someone is unfamiliar with any of the reference materials, or my 20-year history of interviewing insiders, I get that this could all seem ridiculous.
I even made those caveats several times throughout this article.
If you read sacred texts like the Bible, it clearly states that most people will doubt that anything is going to happen right up until the moment the flash occurs.
This is how the whole game is designed. The exercising of will or faith is required. You light a candle in the darkness.
I just heard "it is going to be really bumpy on our way into Denver. If you have anything to discard, this will be your last and final time to do so."
A very interesting synchronicity indeed.
I guess I need to close the lid here and brace for impact.