As all this moves forward, the dark cabal can see that its doom is starting to appear. Their untold minions are unable to stop what the Light is doing. Hence, many programs are near their first payouts and those of you who are to be the recipients can feel in your hearts how close all of this truly is. The cabal knows, too, that its many bought governments are close to collapse. These circumstances have brought this reality to the threshold of a great shift from the dark to the Light. Thus, a number of interesting developments are starting to appear. The present US de facto regime is noticing that its prime assistant, the Federal Reserve, has begun to disappear as the new Treasury is absorbing its many functions. Incomes that were formally obtained internationally by force are no longer available. The pro-republic military is also beginning to re-unite with forces formally dedicated to the old de facto regime. These occurrences are the start of a process that is bringing you a much-wanted new reality! We are waiting as these new governances to come into being. Then a number of events can occur!
Read full report at ..... http://www.paoweb.com/sn061416.htm