What Really Happened Yesterday at Treasury
June 15, 2016
are still wondering what exactly happened yesterday in the halls of the
US Treasury when President Obama made a fish-out-of-water Islamic
Terrorist speech in an overtly financial setting. It made little to no
while he did attempt to tie in the treasury in terms of blocking
terrorist spending, the reality of this situation is far different than
the naked eye would behold.
irony of Obama's speech is due to his now utter irrelevance
geopolitically, as even new Republic President General Joseph Dunford
was literally standing alongside side of the ousted Obama.
fact, everyone standing up next to the cabal puppet, including former
US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew (also a cabal puppet), was fully
anticipating Obama to announce the new USN currency being in
circulation, per a signed treaty, which very subtly gives the new
Republic Treasury control of printing the nations money again (this in
place of the private, illegal, bankrupted and already fully transitioned
Federal Reserve Bank).
they all got however was a nearly thirty minute ISIL revisitation of
all former false flag gun control events by paid foreign crisis actors
(which ironically pose no real threat to national security now that they
have zero funding flows). Honestly, does Obama think we're idiots? Or
is Obama just in a frantic state of self preservation, a typical
behavior of Human Model Replicas?
to those of us expecting a public release of the new currency during
our currency redemption appointments, we were left utterly dumbfounded,
perhaps just as dumbfounded as Republic President Dunford and cabal
transition agent Jack Lew were; as Obama's speech opened up an entirely
new can of worms in terms of the USN's initial release pathway.
no matter anyone say, this speech (or lack their of) did delay
the release of the RV as well as the public revaluation of US currency,
at least another pain staking day.
So what now Fighting Joe? Paul Ryan? Grandfather? Great Grandfather?
it's long been reported that Jack Lew has made a pre-taped announcement
that can air at anytime per the emergency broadcast system if need be.
However, that is not the optimal strategy for the Chinese Elders, who
insist on an overt transition statement and/or confession for the public
record (this is for international legal reasons). Certainly this is
their break the glass option.
Obama knew this, and still took the opportunity to embarrass both the
Chinese and Republic one final time, as he has done several times
leading up to this historic moment. That said, we know Barry Soetoro
has been permanently removed from making any more critical speeches
now--i.e. politically neutralized--so the USN announcement will need to
be made through a top level administration spokesmen like a Jack Lew or
equivalent (not Janet Yellen).
Perhaps Paul Ryan will announce the new USN tomorrow morning during his normal 11:30am EST
Speaker of the House address. Maybe even President Dunford himself
stands by him too? Yeah, I know it's doubtful, but that would sure be
interesting. Something has gotta give because the world will not wait
on the Republic any longer to get their "s*#!" together.
while many now want Obama arrested, but public incarceration of a
sitting US President isn't so easy, especially the first elected
African-American President (at least the appearance of a legitimately
elected leader) . And internationally, no one wants to see a sitting US
President publicly humiliated again--a la Nixon in 1974 after he
illegally eliminated the gold standard and was forced to resign on
national television.
Less is more when engaging in a benevolent but silent coup d'tat.
forceful removal of such a high office might set back the Republic
negatively, as well as negate advancements in the civil rights movement,
even potentially inciting a riot in large urban populations that don't
know the real truth about what's really going on behind the scenes. So
how does the world move forward without appearing to move at all?
Obama all of knew this before his choose to replace his USN speech with
one about ISIL, and thus he played his very last negotiating chip with
that bizarre Islamic terrorist diatribe which had no significance or
purpose other than delaying the inevitable and possibly better cementing
his Presidential legacy as being tough on terror (which is also ironic
because his handlers created ISIL/ISIS/DAASH and paid for them all
through illegal US military black budgets).
honestly, what an odd world we live in where reality is pure fantasy,
and fantasy our reality playing out every night via all mass media
outlets who are in on the grand deception. It's a total mind melt if
you don't know what's really happening on the macro economic financial
stage. I mean you must admit the pageantry is entertaining, and
confusing, but fascinating all at the same time.
The good news is that Janet Yellen is scheduled to make a speech at 1pm EST
today per her normal routine, and we believe any new tact made by the
Republic/Chinese will be done after both her speech and markets close on Wednesday. Then our RV roll out is finally fair game. How and when are still fluid and legitimate issues to be worked through.
But because we know China went 100% gold backed today Wednesday at 8am CST (8pm EST Tuesday); we know the USN is tied directly into their new global reserve currency implementation.
if the Paris Agreement is truly to be "put into force' 13 days after it
was ratified by 55 countries representing 55% of global carbon
emissions (btw: the Paris Agreement on Climate Change is actually the RV
masqueraded as a global environmental treaty) then all 195 nations must
also now be 100% compliant, including our own Republic of the United
States--which means our pretty new gold backed rainbow currency must now
be released as we know bills have already been preloaded in ATMs.
Expect to visible see them as late as this evening, but certainly by
early tomorrow morning nationwide.
Things should get real interesting after markets close today in the US (4pm EST), and before markets open in China a 8am CST (8pm EST).
So whenever the Republic decides how best to move forward, look for
something historic to happen publicly with regards to the USN, so that
the RV can begin before midnight Wednesday.
Because as the Chinese have always said, either all nations go or none
go… and the nation of China has already gone. America must be next.