Dow Futures - Monday - June 27, 2016
-718.00 / -4.00% | |
Level | 17,251.00 |
Data as of Jun 24
The above negative sell pre-order number means that US equities are to be sold off at a record pace tomorrow morning.
US markets are currently set to begin the trading day (9:00am EST)
down over -700 points at the opening bell--and possibly much more
depending on how London, Germany, France and Spain markets open hours
earlier (3:00am EST).
this negative trend could spiral out of control, causing an automatic
shutoff mechanism to trigger (7% loss) forcing the NYSE to trading in
its tracks.
no matter where our markets begin or end, know that malevolent Western
Market Makers are fully aware their Eastern Market Makers have taken
command of the global economy by subtle but overt force, and China/BRICS
have officially flipped the RV switch as of yesterday night at 12:01am.
means the new, benevolent, digital, transparent and gold backed
financial system is functioning starting your banking/business day Monday
morning. And no longer will this new system leaders even recognize the
existence of past cabal banks, currencies or financial instruments
associated with the old system.
asset or account that went unsettled before the RV switch was flipped,
now will simply die on the vine. That said, over 203 countries rushed
into final settlement Saturday morning at 11:30am. This included all remaining or outstanding sovereign debts and final opening currency rates on the new system.
this means the globe has accepted a level, fair and balanced
reconciliation understanding for all financial assets and future trading
procedures, and the world has achieved fiscal parity.
a direct result, any shadow government politician or banker still
attaching himself to the old system (cabal) is at this very moment being
purged from positions of power by sheer ideological default. Countries
are scrambling to avoid another horrific financial day in their
markets. But sadly, Europe is the cabals stronghold, and thus those
nations are simply to entrenched on the old system to move fast enough.
sovereign "Brexits" will turn out to be the only pathway available to
separate a nation from the cabal and it's internally created European
Union stranglehold.
another horrific financial day anywhere in the world (US, Europe or
otherwise) puts even more insurmountable pressure on both Hillary
Clinton and Barack Obama/Joe Biden to resign from their perceived
positions of power--as all of them aggressively stumped for David
Cameron to keep Great Britain under EU control.
So if we see another bloody day of losses on world markets tonight and tomorrow,
and/or you lose a healthy percentage of personal wealth, do not panic.
As everyone with a clean criminal record and redeemable currency in
hand is comfortably in prime position to benefit (or be digitally
credited) on the new financial system taking effect Monday morning 8am CST in China (8pm EST USA).
The cabal has been defeated. The unwinding process has begun in full public view. Humanity is free. All is well.
God is with us.