From the Federal Reserve to a new US Republic via a Global Currency Reset
Events of the last ten days
Compiled on 17 June 2016 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret, Author, "Twenty Two Faces," CEO, Child Abuse Recovery. www.22faces.com www.ChildAbuseRecovery.com
1. On June 10 2016, Friday, Landa China Global received three tranche alert notifications, the initial funding for their Humanitarian Prosperity Packages. Landa now had access to quadrillions for humanitarian projects.
2. The RV was expected to happen in the US when China transitioned to a gold-backed currency. Around the first part of June 2016 US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew was in China where he agreed to a 15 June 2016 transition date. Though scheduled for June 15 2016, that transition was said to actually take place on Sunday June 12.
3. On Sunday afternoon June 12 2016 Republic President General Joe Dunford & USA, Inc. bankruptcy figure head Jack Lew arrived in Reno on Air Force 1 with full surrendered release documents re: UST control over to the new Republic Treasury.
4. On that same Sunday June 12 2016, the new US Republic Treasury was hydrated with gold and asset-backed US Notes to cover a ten year budget plan that fixed the country's infrastructure and basic operational needs.At the same timeChina also transitioned to a gold-backed currency, as did the rest of the global currencies in the BRICS system.
5. Wells Fargo Corp was authorized to release the RV kickstarting the Global Currency Reset on Sunday night June 12 2016. Wells Fargo would hold back the release pending certain political events.
6. The bankruptcy on May 2 2016 of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Corporation was being felt in increasingly obvious ways. On Sunday June 12 2016Khazarian mafia bosses ended their meeting at the Bilderberg gathering in Dresden, Germany. Nathaniel Rothschild was said to preside over that meeting on behalf of top his uncle and top Khazarian mafia boss Baron Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild. The official press release was here: http://www.bilderbergmeetings.org/press-release.html
7. CIA officials said that nobody was answering the phone at official Rothschild family companies, nor at their family complex in Zug, Switzerland. Considering the closure of the Rothschild offices in England, Japan and elsewhere, it was gussed they were in Switzerland with England’s gold reserves. If that was the case it meant that the Rothschilds no longer controlled the Bank of England.https://www.rt.com/uk/345988-g4s-royal-mint-security/
8. The British military had been removed from protecting the Royal Mint (where England’s gold was stored). The military was replaced with a private security company known as G4S. This was the scandal-plagued company that botched the security for the London Olympics. It was also where the so-called shooter in Orlando used to work.
9. Pentagon sources said US forces were evacuated from Germany’s Ramstein Air Base in order to shut down Bush cabal drug trafficking there and thus cut off their funds.
10. By now the European financial system was about to collapse.
11. On June 14 2016 Tues morning before markets opened in Europe, the London Gold Exchange (BOC) and OPEC Oil Exchange (HSBC) was scheduled to be surrendered to the Chinese Elders, but the transfer was held up because of political turmoil.
12. On that same Tues. June 14 2016 negotiations for a new financial system in the US went on hold as Cabal controllers of the old system went into hiding. There was a chaotic situation in the United States, Middle East and Europe. The May 2 2016bankruptcy of the Western financial system had affected social and economic stability - that had yet to be reported by the main stream media.
13. Late Tues. June 14 2016 and in spite of the chaos, or perhaps because of it, Iraq was saaid to have paid out all citizens at the same rate across the country. The new rates were retroactive back to 2013.
14. Also on Tues. June 14 2016 a large shredding truck was parked in front of the US Federal Reserve Building in New York. Big "Shred-it" Truck Just Spotted In-front of the New York Fed
15. Globally the Federal Reserve US dollar was now being ignored as the new US Treasury Notes activated in the global monetary system of BRICS.
16. From Mon. June 13 through Tues. June 14 2016 major funding moved into place in preparation of a Global Currency Reset.
17. On Tues. June 14 2016 many wondered what was going on at the US Treasury when President Obama made a Islamic Terrorist speech as the new Republic President General Joseph Dunford and US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew stood alongside. Everyone standing next to Obama including Lew were anticipating him to announce the new US Note currency circulation as per a signed treaty. The Treaty gave the new Republic Treasury control of printing the nations money again (this in place of the private, illegal, bankrupted and already fully transitioned Federal Reserve Bank). Obama's failure to make the announcment delayed release of the RV.
18. Jack Lew had made a pre-taped announcement that could air at anytime per the emergency broadcast system if need be. However, that was not the optimal strategy for the Chinese Elders who for legal reasons, insisted on an overt transition statement and/or confession for the public record.
19. In view of Obama's reluctance to make the announcement, on Wed. June 15 2016 at 8am CST China announced it was 100% gold backed (which happened onJune 12).
20. On Wed. June 15 2016 the Paris Agreement (which included the global Gold Treaty) was formally put in force for all sovereign nations. Officially the Paris Agreement was on climate change, but had in it the framework for the global Gold Treaty and currency reset. The Agreement had been passed by 194 countries. A total of 196 countries had agreed when China finally signed.
21. The new US Note was tied directly into the global reserve currency implementation. If the Paris Agreement was to be "put into force' 13 days after it was ratified by 55 countries representing 55% of global carbon emissions, then all 195 nations had to be 100% compliant, including our own Republic of the United States.
22. The US Inc (aka the Federal Reserve) had defaulted back on May 2 2016. With China going gold-backed with their currency, the BRICS system was now in full force for all 196 countries.
23. Implimentation of the Gold Treaty not only meant a Global Currency Reset, but a new Republic for the US. Under the agreement everything was to conclude byJune 15 2016. This meant the new US Note must be released as bills had already been preloaded in ATMs.
24. By that same Wed. June 15 2016 all necessary global monetary change agreements had been signed. Information over the last two weeks indicated that the Global Currency Reset and receiving of 800 numbers for those holding foreign currency redemptions was an imminent event. Why? Because the Chinese had always said that either all nations go, or none go and the nation of China had already gone. America would be next.
25. On June 15 2016 the IRS and US Treasury were officially turned over to General Dunford and the new US Republic.
26. By not making the announcement on Tuesday USA Inc. President Obama had lost his chance to reveal the global change to gold and asset-backed currency, the expected change in the US tax system and to reveal the new US Republic. This reluctance by Obama triggered a forced rollout of the Global Currency Reset.
27. Also in view of Obama's reluctance to reveal the fall of the Federal Reserve note, now announcement of the new gold-backed US Treasury note would likely be made through a top level spokesman like US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew.
28. Early Thurs. morning right after midnight at 12:01 am EST June 16 2016, Jack Lew made a public statement that was taped, delayed and carried on CSPAN later that morning. In this announcement Lew said that USA and China were putting the Paris Agreement in force. This put gold-backed currency into effect worldwide.
29. Also on Thurs. June 16 2016 Speaker of the house Paul Ryan made his weekly address. In that speech, Ryan proposed that Obama Care be appealed and replaced. He also suggested that the IRS be abolished and replaced with a non negotiable flat tax that included a consumption tax on new goods, but not on used goods, or basic essentials like food and medicine. In the new tax structure old tax system loopholes were to be closed and everyone would pay their fair share.
30. On June 15 2016 Pentagon Chief of Staff General Joseph Dunford had officially been put in as the new President of the new US Republic. With the new US Treasury in charge, these proposals had a chance for success.
31. There would be no public announcement about the Federal Reserve and IRS termination until after the November elections, though both agencies had already been reformed. The media wouldn't be reporting this because the powers that be didn't want to scare the markets.
32. However, by Wed. night at midnight June 15 2016 final negotiation teams had met in Bejing and Reno to conclude agreements. By early Thursday am June 16 2016 in place was the new Chinese Elder gold-backed BRICS system. The US would no longer return to the old fiat system.
33. The Paris Agreement had been ratified. All final military, diplomatic decisions were implemented including those involving oil in Brazil and Venezuela. The Vatican, Cabal and US had been put on notice that there would be no more games. The Chinese Elders now controlled all bond and equity markets.