The Keenan Team & King Farouk
Let’s take the proceedings up a few notches for the Group K website community and the ‘It’s A Keenan Thing’ facebook group, along with other concerned citizen SLAVES around the world – and look toward uncovering our ‘corporate identities’.We have some members with smarts, but if we can move them on up to becoming private investigators [Magnum-sized P.I.'s - even] it will provide us with more eyes and ears on the ground globally; to shake the whole rickety crooked corporate structure.

Just as you can read between the lines in newspapers on any given day, you can discover clues and truths slipped in by the ‘Powers That Be’ – if you look hard enough in terms of what is actually going on. Additionally, you will find that pertinent disclosure information can also be found in movies.
One exceptional example in terms of a movie revealing the hidden side of financial world is the classic film; The Wizard of Oz.
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