Here are the results of our recent thorough investigation of Neil Keenan and Group K:
On Monday, May 2, 2016, Neil Keenan received an email from the Dragon Family advising him that President Obama had resigned, the RV’s would open, and the Cabal had surrendered.
From our extensive and thorough inquiry there is no question that this happened, since we have seen the direct communications in that Mr. Keenan received such a letter. Upon checking deeper, we learned that “President” Obama did resign with reservations, although he retains his public position as a front man.
It has also been verified that General Dunford was brought in as “President” of the New Republic, as far-reaching as this may seem to many. We at Anonymous know only too well that often “truth is stranger than fiction”!
We also learned that if Obama had not resigned at that given time, the General would have gone public with the international press to advise them that he is now officially “President” of the New Republic of the U.S.
We also checked as thoroughly as possible regarding the RV issue. The RV’s did open as the Dragon Family stated in their communication to Neil Keenan.
However, problems occurred immediately upon opening them with the “Tier One Group” attempting to take over, led by the Bush/Clinton families who have no respect for any other group. Should it have it continued in the direction it was going, there would not have been any funding left for any other Tier, so they closed it down quickly after issuing SKR’s.
As for the Cabal and its surrender, be assured that there are many different factions of Cabal out there! Today you can clearly see how many are rapidly leaving their flocks, as we continue to research their whereabouts and actions.
We have been inside their computers, and, day by day, they leave hoping for some kind of lenient judgment. To listen to them whimper about what is to become of them is hysterical when one considers the damage they have done to humanity and the Earth!
After gathering a huge amount of resource data/intel, we directly contacted Neil Keenan.
We found him to be very cooperative, since he knew about our intentions to inform and protect the people.
Neil gave us the liberty to probe his computer for information relating to issues we found to be very important and timely on freeing the people from so much corruption as well as clearing the lies and disinformation fed to them on a daily basis.
We appreciated this and did our best to cross-check his information. This gave us the wherewithal to also determine Neil’s integrity or lack therof. It is our “modus operandi” to be extra cautious when doing research on such a crucial matter.
Thus far, we have concluded that Mr. Keenan’s statements which are referred to above are indeed accurate. We are also aware that in order for Neil Keenan to verify and expose the above, he chose to let go of billions in profit in a deal with the US Treasury regarding the purchase of 300,000 MT of AU.
This was to be a deal with the New Republic, not the old Zionist Cabal one, which is the only way, according to the documents we have seen, that Mr. Keenan would deal with them. The Cabal and the Bush/Clinton families had to be gone in order for this business transaction to be completed.
According to Neil Keenan, with his huge profits from this deal, he was going to use these profits to secure and open the Global Accounts. It is known that Mr. Keenan is once again in the midst of many financial transactions, to generate an influx of funds to complete his task.
Throughout our extensive research we are very much aware of Mr. Keenan using $US9.5 million (not including frozen/stolen accounts totaling more than $US185 million) of his own money to finance his many global efforts.
We have been through many computers during the past 16 days gleaning records of the aforementioned as well as gathering information about the many others who attempted to slander him publicly in order to block and prevent his success in opening and securing the Collateral Accounts.
With the many statements and documents now in our hands, we proposed to Mr. Keenan that we send all documentation to the US Attorney General’s Office to proceed with prosecution in these legal matters.
Again, it is apparent to us that Neil Keenan lost a mother lode of money in saving the people by exposing the Old Republic and New Republic as being one and the same, another con game of the Cabal. Everything Mr. Keenan said was substantiated to us by documentation in his possession.
We are now fully aware that Neil and Group K are not your average group. We are pleased to know that we share some of the same goals in freeing humanity, especially now when the Cabal members are becoming more than desperate with their being increasingly exposed.
We have come to respect Mr. Keenan and his Group K and wish him better health so he can finish the good fight that he courageously started and risked his life and personal fortune to pursue. When we started looking into this we weren’t sure if this was going to come out with Mr. Keenan being shown in a positive light or not. After completing our investigations we can just say that the world needs more people like him and his team.
After perusing his documents we also learned that Group K doesn’t stand alone. Others who have stepped forward include M2, Robert David Steele (2012 US Presidential Candidate) and renowned author Sterling Seagrave, an ex-World Bank Vice president, Military Generals, along with many others of high esteem. The Keenan Group is looking stronger than ever for the future.
We need more like him and his team who persist no matter the obstacles thrown at them. We wish them good luck, as we back and support them. The people cannot afford to lose you (nor ourselves) after finding out the extent of your unswerving commitment in caring about humanity.
One final note, we also saw the invitation from the Rothschilds requesting Mr. Keenan attend a sit down meeting with them within the next ten days. They are looking for Mr. Keenan to put together a team by which to facilitate a soft-landing for the Rothschild family.
Good Luck Sir,