World events are heading for a grand finale that will give great satisfaction to the Lightworkers. After a long period of delays it will be seen that the final days have arrived, and the dark Ones no longer have the power to dictate the future of the Human Race. The Forces of Light are largely in control, and are preventing major catastrophes planned to plunge the world into another great war. Peace is coming and very soon steps will be taken to raise the vibrations upon Earth, that will eventually result in an end to all forms of warlike actions. You will then truly know that the end of hostilities has resulted in world peace. At last it will be safe for our friends from other planets to land on Earth, and openly meet you. It will also signal the beginning of changes that will truly bring about permanent peace.
The path ahead is simply one of great satisfaction, and will more than compensate for the demanding challenges that have accompanied your lives on Earth. To once again become fully conscious Beings will take you way beyond your present level. Life will become one glorious experience, and your memories of time in the lower vibrations will quickly recede into the background. At present it is difficult for you to fully comprehend the welcome changes that are approaching, but know that you will be most delighted and happy with them. Many of you already have ideas of what lies ahead but it will almost certainly exceed your expectations. So do not let go of your vision for the future as every one of you are collectively influencing it and determining how it will be.
There are many questions that you wish to ask and all will be revealed in the course of time. It is important that you are given the truth behind your time in the 3rd. dimension, and how as Lightworkers you have greatly contributed to spreading the Light. Your mere presence upon Earth has helped other souls to awaken to their true selves. There is much to do in this connection, and even now you are spreading the truth so that souls can take responsibility for their evolution. There is no urgency involved but at the same time the end of the old cycle has been surpassed by the new vibrations that are taking hold. It is important for you to go with the flow and as you do so, you will be attracting others so that they can take the same journey as you.
Sometimes it is a wonder that you make any progress at all, as from all directions you are assailed by a constant barrage of different energies. You attract those that harmonise with you, and providing you aura is intact can fend off the lesser energies. You can mentally visualise your aura completely encasing your physical body and by keeping it in place, have defence against attempts to penetrate it. St. Germain has often recommended that you use his Violet Flame if you need protection. Open auras invite some souls who seek to attach themselves to another soul, and if they are of a particularly low vibration they can cause problems.
If you need help for any reason, do not forget that you have Guides who will be only too pleased to help you. They travel your journey with you and are the unseen helpers who ensure as far as possible that you keep to your life plan, although in the ultimate you have the final choice. Your freewill is clearly very important but your Guides will do their best to intervene if you look like going astray. Remember that you have an agreed life plan and it is vitally important to lead your life accordingly. You can deviate from it a little without harm, but there are key moments when you must follow the plan that you have decided upon.
Looking around you it must seem that life is a collection of random events that have no real bearing where you are concerned. Yet the outworking of life for the Human Race is meticulously planned, so that you learn to evolve whilst experiencing the outcome of your choices. So you have to go along with the level that is set by the majority. Nevertheless, there is no reason why that as an individual you should not aim for a higher level of expression, and in so doing will carry others with you. There is never as you might say "a dull moment" but life will always ensure that you experience what you need, rather than what you believe you need. So accept what comes your way as a challenge for you to overcome. It is not all testing and there will be times when you will have happy experiences that lift you up.
On Earth where your evolution is concerned there are such complicated matters that you may wonder how they ever work out. It is not just planning but the dedication of those who work with you to ensure you take full advantage of your opportunities to evolve. A missed opportunity simply means that another one will be taken, although in some circumstances it may be held over until a subsequent lifetime. How much you take on at any one time is your choice, although you will be helped in your decisions so as not to overload yourself. Karma is not always carried forward from one life to another unless it is necessary, and more often than not there is an immediate result.
Life after life you have had experiences in whatever way was necessary for your progress towards the higher dimensions of Light. Now many of you are on the verge of completing your time in the lower dimensions, having learnt sufficient to enable you to rise up. Having reached that point some of you prefer to remain so as to serve those who need a helping hand to make progress. You may ask what is the ultimate goal of all souls and to put it quite simply it is – to return to the total perfection of the Godhead, until you are sent out again for a new set of experiences.
Events are moving along very quickly and announcements will soon be made in that respect. The reason why it has not been picked up by your media is that they still do not have the freedom to report the real news that is of importance. However, that is slowly changing and steps are afoot to bring about the necessary changes that will achieve it. As you are beginning to realise, you have been fed only what the dark Ones have controlled and often it is far removed from the truth. It does at times filter through but you need to be aware of reliable sources, as some are simply set up to give out false information. The Internet is still your best source and carries up to date news of events that are taking place. If some news seems doubtful then it probably is and should be ignored.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.