The Bilderberg Group begins its annual meeting today in Dresden, Germany to discuss a range of hot button international issues. The four day meeting (June 9 to 12) has attracted protestors, many of whom believe that the Bilderberg annual meeting serves to expand the interests and influence of international banking cartels. A number of whistleblowers reveal a very different agenda behind the Bilderberg Group – a covert global takeover spearheaded by breakaway Nazi/German groups who allied themselves with extraterrestrials during the Second World War.
To begin unraveling the Bilderberg mystery, a good place to start is with the dominant belief by many current protestors and critics that the Bilderberg meeting is a forum where world policies are secretly decided, and implemented. High among these policies is the creation of a One World Government and Central Bank dominated by corporate cartels.
According to Bilderberg Group critics such as Daniel Estulin, author of The True Story of the Bilderberg Group, the annual meeting serves the interests of an international banking cartel intent on creating a One World Government and a global Central Bank. To achieve these long term goals, the Bilderberg Group meets annually to implement international policies where they secretly manipulate national politics, economics, and global events.
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