Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Update 13 – Why the Globalists are Demolishing the EU (& What its Replacement Will Look Like)
Have you noticed how hard the controlled alternative press are working to convince you that the globalists / NWO / banksters are frightened by the BREXIT result?…
…From the Drudge Report, Breitbart, and Infowars
Well nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, the collapse of the European Union is a necessary step in building the New World Order the Rockefellers and Kissinger outlined back in their late 1950’s NWO implementation plan…
…From Prospect for America: The Rockefeller Panel Reports
Take special note of the first passage: “The hoped-for result is peace in a world divided into smaller units…” So is the EU a “smaller unit”? No, an EU superstate with its own army is a larger unit than its constituent nation-states, so it clearly wasn’t built to be part of the real New World Order. Rather, it was built as an expendable tool to help the globalists get to the New World Order.
So what was the EU’s raison d’etre, you ask? To tie as many European nations as possible into a political and currency union, then crash the union to create political and economic chaos. And on the currency side of it, they put the planned result of this crash right on the cover of The Economist back in 1988…
…From Mainstream globalist propaganda reveals East/West conflict is a farce
On the cover, you see national currencies burning in a bonfire (The Great Economic Crisis of 2016), as well as a phoenix arising from the flames (in 2018). This phoenix represents a new global currency, and this is what the article said about it…
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