On Jun 15, 2016, at 10:42 AM, Anna von Reitz <avannavon@gmail.com> wrote:
As I have explained many times before, what we are dealing with and what we have dealt with since the beginning of this country, is a situation where very lucrative government services contracts have been received by “governmental services corporations”. This fact has been obscured and partly hidden from the less-than observant public and over the years for lack of true oversight the situation has become abusive.
In the beginning the Virginia Trading Company and several of the other old trading companies that financed the expansion into the New World banded together to form the United States (Trading Company). That was bankrupted by Lincoln in 1863 and when the dust settled several new entities organized as corporations emerged, chief among them, The United States of America, Inc, the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation, and the United States of America, Inc., all of which were bankrupted and/or morphed into still other corporate entities. It was the United States of America, Inc. that Franklin Delano Roosevelt bankrupted in 1933 and which stayed in reorganization until 1999. It was used as a pass-through, like a siphon, for the creditors of this bankrupt privately owned corporation to suck the American People dry under false presumptions and equally false pretenses, but it was by far NOT the only pig at the trough.
We have suffered through the US Corp which was the principal defense agency corporation during World War II, the USA, Inc., which has been famous for prison industry and other industry-related abuses, the US, Inc. which has similarly failed any mission of “Public Good”, the WASHINGTON DC MUNICIPALITY, one of the most corrupt and inefficient governments to ever exist on planet Earth, and from 1944 onward, we have suffered all the slime-ball tactics of the UNITED STATES, INC., a French-sponsored IMF spin-off, here on our soil acting as the colluding partner to the United States of America, Inc., during its bankruptcy reorganization from 1944 to 1999 and since then operating as the overall “service provider” under March of 2015 when it finally went insolvent and couldn’t even pay the interest on its debts.
Since then we have had yet another one of the “governmental services corporations” go bankrupt, this one calling itself THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC.
The UNITED STATES (INC.) was so deplorably mismanaged that it cannot qualify for bankruptcy reorganization and is being liquidated. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. is in Chapter 11 Reorganization and Mr. Obama has gratuitously named franchises of this bankrupt entity after each one of us. You will note that mail addressed to your name in the form: JOHN K. DOE has begun arriving in your mailbox. That’s the name of the bankrupt franchise. He is attempting to pull another FDR scam on us and set up a new siphon to drain us dry.
Another corporation calling itself the GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES (INC.) that picked up numerous subsidiary brand names like BLM and FBI is responsible for the entire fiasco in Oregon that resulted in the Wildlife Refuge standoff and the murder of LaVoy Finicum. These are nothing but commercial companies in the business of providing “governmental services”. They have come in here and bought up the brand names and trade marks of older bankrupted corporations just like Proctor and Gamble might acquire the “Twinkies” and “Wonder Bread” brand names and trademarks and begin making its own version of both products without the public ever even knowing that these seemingly familiar “agencies” are under new management.
People often ask me— how is it possible that we haven’t known this? How is it possible that we haven’t been aware of any of these bankruptcies, except the one in 1933—which hardly anyone has mentioned for years?
These are all privately owned corporations. These are all private bankruptcies. And these bankruptcies can take place anywhere in the world. The Trustees of these bankrupt entities can be anyone that the creditors agree to name. In view of the false claims these vermin have made and all making on the American People, it is to their advantage to keep these bankruptcies “closely held” and out of the public eye. That way nobody has a chance to object to the false presumptions being made by the Trustees and very few people have the chance to bring forward their claims against the rats.
So, that is what is going on and what has been going on since 1863. If you buy a copy of our book, “You Know Something Is Wrong When…..An American Affidavit of Probable Cause” you will see a Public Lien being published which names the rats responsible, and in the back of the book, you will see a UCC-1 Financing Statement that tells just a small portion of the debt owed to the American People.
What has become abundantly clear is that vast numbers of corporations worldwide have been used and abused to create illegal and unlawful monopolies and they have operated as crime syndicates by buying up police forces and armies and most recently “government agencies” which they have run as commercial mercenary armies operating on our soil under color of law. Good examples of this are the FBI actions at Ruby Ridge, the BATF and DOJ at Waco, and more recently, the BLM and FBI attack on LaVoy Finicum and the others in Oregon.
The FBI is a particularly egregious example, as it is often misdirected and employed in the cause of blatant crime, while failing to investigate and prosecute the exact forms of crime that it is tasked with combatting. Early on, I informed the FBI about the reverse trust scam being operated by the banks in mortgage foreclosure cases. I contacted them with complete information multiple times. They did nothing.
Because although the mission of the FBI is clearly stated and public, and they receive public monies on the assumption that they are performing the job they claim to be performing, their “private mission” is something else entirely. In public, they are supposed to be combatting crimes of interstate trafficking, commercial fraud including interstate banking fraud, illegal restraint of trade and numerous other related duties—in fact, they avoid doing these jobs and act as enforcers of private corporate objectives instead. As most of those objectives have materialized as neglect of their public mission statement and have instead involved the murder of innocent people in the course of promoting such activities as illicit drug trade you may judge for yourselves what the mission of the FBI really is.
Similar circumstances apply to the misnamed “DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE” and virtually every other “governmental services corporation” you can name. Even the DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE is in it up to their hips in expediting human trafficking and illegal taking of property that rightfully belongs to the people of this nation and these United States as opposed to “those” United States.